Planning a Database

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Planning a Database

Planning a database's structure is a very important step which should not be skipped or minimized. A well planned database can answer all the questions you know you will want to ask and can be adapted easily to changing needs. A poorly planned database will likely be hard to use and may have to be restructured for even a modest change in the data or in the questions to be answered.

The first planning step is to define the purpose and use of the database as carefully as possible. What information do you want to get out of the database and what information has to go in to achieve that? Be sure to consider not only the immediate questions you want to answer but how those questions might change with time.

The second step is to decide how to store the data in one or more tables to facilitate producing the results you want. Answering this question for a broad range of cases is far beyond the scope of this guide. We will work through a simple case of tracking the expenses and sales of a group of people to illustrate some concepts. It would also be very beneficial to understand database normalization, about which there are many tutorials on the internet. A key point is that there may be a clear difference between structuring the data to take advantage of how database engines work and how the data are best presented for humans to read. The former should govern the database table structure, the latter should be handled with Forms.

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