Combining objects in 3D scenes

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It was previously explained how 3D objects, produced by extrusion or rotation, lie in a group which is shown in the status bar as a 3D Scene. This gives you the chance to group together several of these objects. Other object types cannot be so grouped. Management of the group is carried out in the same way as described in other parts of this guide (Modify > Enter Group, or Modify > Exit Group), see also Chapter 5, in the section “Grouping Objects”.

As an example a game piece will be produced:

DG7-87.png First produce both objects independently of each other. The subsequent joining together is made easier if you use parallel projection and rotate the objects into an upright, straight position.
DG7-88.png Click on the sphere and use Edit > Copy to take over the scene and put the sphere on the clipboard. If you are sure that you do not need the original anymore you can use Edit > Cut. In any case move the sphere a little to the side.
DG7-89.png Click now on the cone. In the status bar you will see “3D Scene selected”. Right-click and enter the group. You will see that, as usual elements which do not belong to the group are less bright.

Use Edit > Paste. Now the objects (not the whole scene) from the clipboard are pasted into this scene.

DG7-90.png In the old position of the sphere is now a new sphere which belongs to the scene. This new sphere can be moved over to the cone. Exit the group after moving the sphere.
DG7-91.png You can see here that combining 3D objects results in them being more or less “fused” together – there is no stacking or layering as with 2D objects.

Adjust the position of the objects as you wish. You cannot arrange objects in front or behind others, as with 2D objects, but can only move them parallel to the drawing plane. Next the whole scene must be rotated 90 degrees.

DG7-92.png Enter the group again and adjust the objects. The status bar indicates which object is marked. Use the Tab key to change from one object to the next in the group, should it not be possible with the mouse. Exit the group.
DG7-93.png Now you can rotate the entire 3D scene and view your game piece from all sides.

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