OOoCon 2007

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OOo Marketing Project

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Strategic Marketing Plan Pages:


OOoCon 2007 Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain)

Proposed Date(s)

3rd week of September 2007

19/20/21 of September 2007 could be a good date. The attendees could spend the following weekend visiting the city.

NOTE: 11th September is the National Day of Catalonia and the University, as well as most places in the city, is closed.

Team Lead

Person that is leading the conference.

  • Jesús Corrius (Catalan Native Lang Project Leader / L10N), jesus at

Team Members

Members should be willing and able to commit at least 3 hours per day to planning the conference during the last two weeks before OOoCon 2007.

  • Jesús Corrius, jesus at
  • Ignasi Labastida, University of Barcelona
  • Jordi Mas, jmas at
  • Ismael Fanlo, ifanlo at
  • Josep Gallart, josepgallart
  • Tania De la Paz
  • Toni Hermoso, tonirher at
  • David Poblador, david at
  • Alberto Barrionuevo, abarrio at (for ODF promotion stuff -active in FFII, ODF Alliance and OpenDocument Fellowship-)
  • Quim Perez i Noguer, noguer at
  • Quim Perelló i Miro, quim at
  • Mac Kull, seclib at (MT English speaker willing to help proof English language text prior to distribution or posting, experienced international conference coordinator, live in Cadiz)
  • Miguel Galán, komputerman at (UB student, user from 1.1, mid-level catalan and english speaker, interested on Bibliographic)
  • José G. Alvarado, jsgrd30 at

(Please, add your e-mail address also. We need it to contact you)

Softcatalà (about 10 people, more if needed), Core team of the CA project (about 5 people), staff of the University of Barcelona.

Local events taking place in parallel (or right before/after)

Names of local developers

Names of potentials developers for doing panels at the conference in the developer's sessions.

  • OPS Consulting
  • Jesús Corrius, Softcatalà (Catalan L10N)
  • Iñaki Larrañaga (Basque L10N)
  • Ruben Da Silva (Galician L10N)

Names of local companies and institutions

Names of companies and institutions that are potential sponsors or have potential success stories but have not been contacted yet.

Sponsors that have shown interest

This is a list of sponsors that have been contacted and have shown an interest in helping the event.

Video coverage

Kiberpipa media team is again offering to cover the conference as it did in 2005 and 2006. This means putting all videos of presentations on the web promptly, doing video interviews, providing live streams, gallery, planet, etc. Whole workflow done with free software exclusively.

Proposals for talks or keynotes

Proposals for talks, keynotes and success stories.

Minutes from the meetings

Minutes from the different meetings that have taken place.

The next meeting is scheduled for the next 22nd March, 19.30 h at The Shamrock (Barcelona, Carrer Tallers, 72)

How can you help

You can help in many different ways. Help us identifying:

  • People in the Barcelona area that can help as volunteers on the proposed dates. Please, write your name in the Team Members section of this page with your e-mail address. You can also include a short description of your skills and the kind of help that you could provide.
  • Large local deployments (for user keynotes and success stories) or potential keynotes relevant to Please, add them to Proposals for talks or keynotes section of this page.
  • Names of local developers (for developer sessions). If you are an individual, organization or company doing a development based on add yourself to the Names of local developers section of this page.
  • Names of local companies or institutions (potential sponsors) in Spain. Are you a company or institution and you want to help sponsoring the conference Please, subscribe to the ooocon2007_discuss list (see the contact section for details) and explain what your company or institution does and how it can contribute to the conference.

Please try to avoid contacting the organisers directly and try to share your projects and ideas with everyone else using the mailing list.

If you are an institution or a company please consider sponsoring the effort.


Please try to avoid contacting the organisers directly and try to share your projects and ideas with everyone else using the mailing list. You can contact the organisation at the by sending an empty message to

Call for papers

There is a page with all the information for the call for papers for the Conference. The deadline for sending proposals is 1 June 2007.

Conference news

Personal tools