DE/ 3.0 Feature Liste

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Neue Hauptfunktionen


Mit der Version 3.0 ist nun in der Lage, unter dem Betriebssystem Mac OS X ohne Installation von X11 zu laufen. Dadurch verhält sich wie jede andere Aqua-Anwendung. Toll daran ist, dass, während der Markt führende Office-Suite-Verkäufer die VBA-Unterstützung und die Solver-Funktion fallen lassen hat, vor kurzem begrenzte VBA-Unterstützung einführte und eine leistungsstarke Solver-Komponente einschließt. Zudem passt sich gut in die Mac OS X Accessibility-APIs ein und stellt deshalb bessere Accessibility-Unterstützung bereit als viele andere Mac-OS-X-Anwendungen. Schließlich mögen die Leute 3.0 für Mac OS X wegen seiner Stabilität und Performanz. Berichten zufolge haben einige Mac-Benutzer nur wegen seiner extremen Stabilität zu gewechselt.

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ODF 1.2 support 3.0 already supports the features of the upcoming version 1.2 of the ISO standard OpenDocument Format (ODF). ODF 1.2 includes a powerful formula language as well as a sophisticated metadata model based on the W3C standards RDF and OWL. ODF is being mandated and adopted in a growing number of countries. In addition, ODF is being implemented by many vendors for many different applications.

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Odf options.png

Microsoft Office 2007 Import Filters

In addition to read and write support for the Microsoft Office binary file formats (.doc, .xls, .ppt, etc.), 3.0 is now capable of opening files created with Microsoft Office 2007 or Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac OS X (.docx, .xlsx, .pptx, etc.). Thus, users can interact with users still using Microsoft Office. The various filters for the Microsoft Office file formats also make mixed environments possible, so that some users stay on Microsoft Office while others use

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Office2007 writer.png

Solver now also has a solver component which allows solving optimization problems where the optimum value of a particular spreadsheet cell has to be calculated based on constraints provided in other cells. The new solver component should be particularly interesting to Mac users considering that Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac OS X apparently does not include a solver feature anymore.

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Chart Enhancements

Many users requests support for displaying custom error bars and regression equations. The developer community including Sun listened to these users and added these highly desired features to 3.0. Thus, now it's possible to draw error bars based on error ranges provided in spreadsheet cells. In addition, it is possible to display regression equations as well as correlation coefficients.

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Improved Crop Feature in Draw and Impress

In the past, cropping images in was not very intuitive. With 3.0, cropping images now works exactly like in most of the other desktop applications, i.e. by dragging handles located at the edges and corners of an image. This new feature improves the usability and productivity significantly.

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Spreadsheet Collaboration Through Workbook Sharing

This new feature in 3.0 allows collaborating on spreadsheets with multiple users. By sharing a spreadsheet, other users can easily add their data to the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet owner can then easily integrate the new data with a few clicks. The new collaboration feature also helps avoid editing conflicts.

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1024 Columns Per Calc Sheet (Instead of 256)

With support for 1024 columns, 3.0 can now handle significantly more data than before. Previous versions only supported 256 columns.

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1024 columns.png

Display of Multiple Writer Pages While Editing

When you are writing larger documents, it is often nice to see the current page in a context, i.e. to also see the previous and the next page. With the new zoom slider, it is now easily possible to change the zoom factor. More importantly, Writer can now display multiple pages at the same time. This features is particularly handy on large monitors or dual-monitor setups.

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Improved Notes Feature in Writer

In the past, notes in were just displayed as small yellow rectangles within the text. This was not very intuitive and user friendly. With version 3.0, got an advanced notes features which displays notes on the side of the document. This makes notes a lot easier to read. In addition, notes from different users are displayed in different colors together with the editing date and time.

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New, Fresh-Looking Icons 3.0 got a new set of fresh-looking icons which makes a lot more fun to work with.

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Start Center

When you open the application, you are now welcomed by a Start Center that allow you to chose which module you would like to use, or if you would prefer to open a document. Further information are available trhough the three icons on the right side of the screen.


Core Features Introduced With Minor Releases Since 2.0

PDF/A Support

In addition to the ISO standard OpenDocument Format (ODF), also supports the the popular ISO standard PDF/A. While ODF is used for editable documents, PDF/A is popular for archiving read-only versions of documents.

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Pdfa dlg.png

New Chart Component

Since version 2.3, has a new, powerful chart component. Version 2.4 then added many new formatting options.

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VBA Support can run many VBA macros unmodified due to its built-in, limited VBA support.

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Programmability Enhancements allows to develop powerful extensions that run on top of These extensions can include online help information, descriptive names, licensing information etc. Thus, provides a very powerful extension framework to developers who want to add functionality to

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Transformation of CSV Data Inside Cells into Columns within Calc

If data imported or copied into a spreadsheet ends up in one column even though the information includes different data fields, the text-to-columns feature allows splitting up the fields into separate columns.

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Text to cols.png

Language Selector in Writer Toolbar

The langauge selector tool makes assigning different languages to different paragraphs very simple. Thus, editing and spell checking documents that are written in more than just one language becomes very easy.

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Lang selector.png

Maximum Page Size Enlarged for Draw (300cm x 300cm) Draw allows the create of very large documents of up to 300cm by 300cm. Thus, Draw is a powerful tool for things like scientific posters, etc.

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Enhanced PDF Export

The PDF export feature in provides a huge set of formatting and security options, so that PDF files can be customized for many different scenarios.

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Multiple Monitor Support in Impress Impress supports multiple monitors, so that presenters can look at something else while presenting their slides on a projector. With the upcoming Presenter Console Extension this feature can be exploited to its maximum because then presenters will be able to see their next slides as well as the time and the speaker notes.

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Multiple mon.png

Miscellaneous Features

  • Microsoft Vista Support
  • Columns and Rows in Spreadsheets Can Be Moved via Drag and Drop
  • Autosum button for cell ranges in Calc
  • Named ranges in Validity lists in Calc
  • Easy-To-Use Print Dialog in Calc
  • Playing a Sound File During a Full Slide Show in Impress
  • Custom Animation Paths in Impress
  • Support for Access 2007 ".accdb" Files
  • Improved Pivot Table Support
  • Autokerning Enabled by Default
  • "Queries within Queries" Feature for Base
  • Improved HTML Export for Spreadsheets
  • Block selection in Writer
  • Language auto detected in paragraphs in Writer
  • Preview in Navigator for all modules
  • Online update for OOo and extensions
  • Java installer under Linux

Features Released as Extensions and Complimentary Tools

Falls Sie jetzt noch nicht Ihre Lieblingsfunktion in gefunden haben, sollten Sie im das nachsehen. Viele neue Erweiterungen werden jeden Monat in das Repository eingestellt. Deshalb ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass Sie eine tolle neue Funktion im Erweiterungen-Repository finden werden. Ein Paar Beispiele für Erweiterungen sind unten aufgeführt.

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Ext rep.png

Kalendar- und Email-Client (Mozilla Thunderbird und Lightning)

Mozilla Thunderbird und Mozilla Lightning sind das perfekte Team für das Verwalten Ihrer Emails, Termine und Aufgaben.

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Presentation Minimizer Extension

The Sun Presentation Minimizer is used to reduce the file size of the current presentation. Images will be compressed, and data that is no longer needed will be removed. The Sun Presentation Minimizer can optimize the image quality size. Presentations designed for screen or projector do not require the same high quality as presentations designed for print.

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Pres mini.png


Erstellen Sie mit dem Sun Report-Builder elegante, schick aussehende Datenbank-Berichte. Der flexible Berichts-Editor kann Gruppen und Seitenköpfe wie auch Gruppen- und Seitenfußzeilen definieren. Sogar Berechnungsfelder sind verfügbar, um komplizierte Datenbank-Berichte durchzuführen.

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Rep build.png


Die Sun-Wiki-Veröffentlichungs-Erweiterung macht das Erstellen von neuen Wiki-Seiten auf MediaWiki-Servern zu einer einfachen Aufgabe. Die Erweiterung erlaubt es Benutzern, Wiki-Seiten ohne Kenntnis der Syntax der besonderen MediaWiki-Auszeichnungssprache zu erstellen.

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Wiki pub.png

Bald verfügbar: PDF-Import-Erweiterung

Die PDF-Import-Erweiterung erlaubt das Verändern von existierenden PDF-Dateien, für die die originalen Quelldateien nicht mehr vorhanden sind.

Bald verfügbar: Präsentations-Konsolen-Erweiterung

Die Präsentations-Konsolen-Erweiterung erlaubt es dem Präsentator, die nächste Folie Ihrer Präsentation, wie auch Ihre Notizen und die Zeit auf Ihrem Laptopbildschirm zu sehen, während er mit einem Projektor präsentiert.

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