From Apache OpenOffice Wiki
Apache OpenOffice
Dim MyArray(3)
Dim MyInteger(3) As Integer
Dim MyInteger(5 To 10) As Integer
Dim MyInteger(-10 To -5) As Integer
Dim s(-53000 to 89000) As String s(-52000) = "aa" s(79999) = "bb" print s(-52000), s(79999)
Option Base 1
Apache OpenOffice
Option Base 1
Option Base 1 ' ... Dim MyInteger(3)
Apache OpenOfficeOption Base 1Apache OpenOfficeMyInteger(3)Apache OpenOfficeOption CompatibleApache OpenOffice |
Apache OpenOffice
Dim MyIntArray(5, 5) As Integer
Apache OpenOffice
Apache OpenOffice
ReDim MyArray(10)
Dim MyArray(4) As Integer ' Declaration with five elements ' ... ReDim MyArray(10) As Integer ' Increase to 11 elements ' ... ReDim MyArray(20) As Integer ' Increase to 21 elements
Dim MyArray(10) As Integer ' Defining the initial ' dimensions ' ... ReDim Preserve MyArray(20) As Integer ' Increase in ' data field, while ' retaining content
Dim MyArray(10) As Integer ' ... some instructions Dim n As Integer n = 47 ' could be the result of a computation Redim MyArray(n) As Integer MsgBox(LBound(MyArray)) ' displays : 0 MsgBox(UBound(MyArray)) ' displays : 47
Dim MyArray(10, 13 to 28) As Integer MsgBox(LBound(MyArray, 2)) ' displays : 13 MsgBox(UBound(MyArray, 2)) ' displays : 28
Dim s() As String ' declare an empty array ' --- later in the program ... Redim s(13) As String
Dim MyArray() As Integer MsgBox(LBound(MyArray)) ' displays : 0 MsgBox(UBound(MyArray)) ' displays : -1
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