Build Environment Effort/Current work
From Apache OpenOffice Wiki
The plan
We decided to use priorities for our future work on the new build environment. Issues found in integrated milestones and new requirements found in converting modules to the new build system get highest priority. The planned module conversions are:
- wizards (done in CWS gnumake4)
- writerfilter (done in CWS writerfilter10)
- starmath (done in CWS gnumake4)
- filter
- sax
- regexp
- basegfx (done in CWS gnumake4)
- basebmp (done in CWS gnumake4)
- xmlreader
- connectivity
- drawinglayer
- avmedia
- cppcanvas (done in CWS gnumake4)
- basic
- canvas (done in CWS gnumake4)
- oox (in progress in CWS writerfilter10)
- vcl (in progress in CWS vcl2gnumake)
- shell
- writerperfect
- officecfg
- linguistic (done in CWS gnumake4)
- idl (done in CWS gnumake4)
- xmlscript
- unotools (done in CWS gnumake4)
- rsc
- ucbhelper (done inc CWS gnumake4)
- udkapi (in progress in cws ause130)
- offapi (in progress in cws ause130)
- vbaapi (in progress in cws ause130)
- offuh (in progress in cws ause130)
- unoxml (done in CWS xmlfix3)
- padmin (done in CWS vcl118)
- sd (done in cws sd2gbuild)
This will create a complete module chain from sw to tools and this will allow us to get better performance predictions for the new build system.
Of course everybody is free to convert any other modules now, moreover, this would be appreciated a lot! Please add the modules you have converted to the list shown above. In case this would create new requirements, we will give them high priority. If you want to support us by converting other modules, please refer to Module Migration.
- bug fixes:
- new features:
- native resources (started in CWS gnumake4)
- idl compilation (started in cws ause130)
- compilation of jar files (done in CWS gnmake4)
- zipped packages (done in CWS gnumake4)