Build Environment Effort/HID List

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The problem

Functions and GUI elements like controls, dialogs or windows in OOo have IDs. Such an ID is called "help ID" (HID). The reason for that is - surprise! - that this ID is used to assign help content to the command or to the GUI element. As an example, a user can activate the "Extended Help" feature in OOo and click on a menu entry, a toolbar button or a button in a dialog. In the latter case a HID is retrieved from the button that was clicked, in the other cases a HID is taken from the command that is bound to the menu entry or toolbar button. The HID is "wrapped" into a help URL and the OOo Help Content Provider is asked to provide help content for this URL.

The HID can also be used to automate OOo: the testtool application uses HIDs to instruct OOo to execute a command or click a button. OOo contains a testtool client component that is instructed by the testtool application through a remote bridge. If this client receives a HID for a command, it executes this command using the Dispatch API of the Controller object representing the currently active document window. If the client receives a HID for a GUI element, it searches for the GUI element with that HID in the currently active window and performs an action on it.

How do these HIDs look like? In the testtool application and the executed test scripts HIDs are strings, sometimes called "long names". The help content provider also uses these long names to reference a particular help content. But inside of OOo the HIDs are integer values (with some exceptions explained below).

Obviously OOo and the HID "customers" speak different languages and so a translator is needed. This translator is the famous (notorious?) "HID list", hid.lst. It defines a mapping from the "long names" to the numerical IDs. If a test script contains a "long name" of a GUI element or command, the test tool "translates" it into the assigned numerical ID and uses it to address the GUI element or execute the command. OTOH if a help is requested for a GUI element or a command, the help content provider internally "translates" the ID in the help URL to the "long name" und uses that one to find the content assigned to it. So far, so good.

Unfortunately the hid.lst imposes some problems on our build process:

  • We have a hen and egg problem: the hid.lst is built at the end of the build, but it is needed in the helpcontent2 module, where it is even committed to the SCM repository. So this list always is not the most current one.
  • The testtool can't work correctly if the hid.lst from the CWS is not "delivered" correctly; there is always some confusion and uncertainty which list is the correct one to use.
  • The HID list generation is an awkward and time consuming process.
  • Some ID mappings are generated automatically; this mapping is susceptible for subtle changes that can happen unnoticed.

So it would be desirable to get rid of the hid.lst by letting all participants (help, testtool, OOo itself) work with the same "long names". As commands already work without integer IDs, all changes relate to GUI elements only.

The proposal

GUI elements all derive from the Window class in vcl. This class has two methods that deal with HelpIds:

void SetHelpId ( ULONG nId ); ULONG GetHelpId() const; void SetSmartHelpId (

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