Installation FAQ

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How can I install without administrative privileges or without system integration?

If you do not have administrator privileges or if you do not wish any system integration (which means file associations and menu shortcuts), see Alternative Installation of for Windows.

When trying to install I get a message about a missing library. How can I solve this?

This message generally means that you have a file which got corrupted during download. To verify this you can use the md5sum utility as described on the download page. This tool generates a checksum that you can cross check with the value on the download server.

How to fix FC3 error error while loading shared libraries: /<path_to_openoffice.org_install_directory>/program/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied?

  1. cd into /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files
  2. Create a backup of file_contexts. NOTE: do not overwrite file_contexts.rpmnew
  3. Download the patch and only use it as a model as SELinux under FC3 is being updated too frequently for the patch to be used as is. The contents are correct for installs in /opt and /usr/local. NOTE: you may have to edit file_contexts if OOo is not installed in either /opt or /usr/local.
  4. Execute setfiles -l -vv -F file_contexts /usr/local/*/program/ for /usr/local/ installations.
  5. Execute setfiles -l -vv -F file_contexts /opt for OOo installations.
  6. Reboot if necessary.
  7. If all else fails, disable SELinux and reboot.
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