User Experience/Activities
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This page lists all User Experience activities and projects, and points to all feature specifications. The UX team has contributed to each of them as the user experience part is mandatory for every iTeam working on a new feature. So a main part of the User Experience Team work is done inside these specifications. Feedback is always welcome! Send your feedback to the iTeam lead and/or UX representative stated in a specification or use the UX discuss mailing list to post your feedback.
Current Activities
The current section list all currently running/or recent work on specifications and proposals.
All Applications
Redesign office start-up process
Improving OOo Default Settings
Short/Mid-Term Planning
The new quarterly review process allows to concentrate our efforts on the most important issues for Calc.
Latest Features
- Solver Implementation
- New Selection Visualization
- Resizeable Margin on Page Preview
- Collaboration
- Calc/Drafts/Show Formula Syntax
Thinning out the OOo Impress User Interface
Mid-Term UX Activites
- The Renaissance project: “Create a User Interface so that becomes the users' choice not only out of need, but also out of desire”.
Long-Term UX Activities
Make OOo the desired productivity application
Further Proposals
- Start Center Enhancement
- The Grand Concept
- New User Dialogue
- Direct Manipulation Snippets: Direct manipulation of document objects or information on the document itself.
- Notes2: The revision of the Notes in Writer. Some functionality will be available in 3.0.
- The Improved Options activity: an attempt to improve the currently rather scary options dialog.
- The Improved Styles activity: an attempt to improve the user experience with styles in Writer.
- Command search - user types the name of a command such as a menu entry and executes it, without having to search in the menu hierarchy Feature Specifications
- User Interface in General: Specifications for Toolbars, Wizards, Widgets etc.
- User Interface Terminology: For instructions on how to write text on the UI.
- Application Wide: Specification which affect all modules.
- G11n: General globalization-related specifications
- Writer: Specifications for the text document module.
- Calc: Specifications for the spread sheet module
- Impress: Specifications for the presentation modulemodule
- Draw: Specifications for the drawing module
- Chart: Specifications for the chart module
- Math: Specifications for the formula module
- Base: Specifications for the database module
- IDE: Specifications for the basic & dialog editor
- Installation: Specifications for the installers
Specification Template:
The specification template can be downloaded from here: You can also create a specification based on the wiki template.