Defining a print range

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By default, if no print range has been defined, the entire contents of the worksheet will be printed. Optionally, a print range can be defined. Use this option to modify or set a defined print range. This could be useful if, in a large spreadsheet, only a specific area of data needs to be printed.

To define a print range:

  1. Highlight the range of cells that comprise the print range.
  2. Choose Format > Print Ranges > Define Print Range.

The page break lines will display on screen.

Documentation note.png You can check the print range by using File > Page Preview. OOo will only display the cells in the print range.

Adding to the print range

After defining a print range, you can add more cells to it. This allows you to print multiple, non-contiguous areas of the same sheet, while not printing the whole sheet. Once you have defined a print range:

  1. Highlight the range of cells that should be added to the print range.
  2. Choose Format > Print Ranges > Add Print Range.

This will add the extra cells to the print range.

The page break lines will no longer show up on the screen.

Documentation note.png The additional print range will print as a separate page, even if both ranges are on the same sheet.

Removing a print range

It may become necessary to remove a defined print range, for example if the whole sheet needs to be printed at a later time.

To remove the print range, choose Format > Print Ranges > Clear Print Range.

This will remove all defined print ranges on the sheet.

After the print range is removed, the default page break lines will appear on the screen.

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