Creating a User

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The procedure to create a user is the same. The interface is used from the users container. Create a user with the UserDescriptor. The has an additional property than the User service supports. This additional property is the Password property which should be set. Then the UserDescriptor object can be appended to the user container.

 // create a user
 public static void createUser(XNameAccess xUsers) throws Exception,SQLException {
     System.out.println("Example createUser");
     XDataDescriptorFactory xUserFac = (XDataDescriptorFactory)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
         XDataDescriptorFactory.class, xUsers);
     if (xUserFac != null) {
         // create the new table
         XPropertySet xUser = xUserFac.createDataDescriptor();
         // set the name of the new table
         xUser.setPropertyValue("Name", "BOSS");
         XAppend xAppend = (XAppend)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XAppend.class, xUserFac);
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