BINOMDIST function

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Calculates probabilities for a binomial distribution.


BINOMDIST(k; n; p; mode)

With n independent trials, each with a probability p of success, BINOMDIST returns the probability that the number of successes will be
exactly k if mode is 0.
up to (and including) k if mode is 1.
In other words, BINOMDIST returns the probability mass function if mode is 0, and the cumulative probability function if mode is 1.
BINOMDIST(k; n; p; 0) is equivalent to B(n; p; k); BINOMDIST(k; n; p; 1) is equivalent to B(n; p; 0; k). See * B for more details.


BINOMDIST(3; 12; 0.5; 0)

returns approximately 0.05 (5%), the probability that heads will come up exactly 3 times in 12 flips of a coin.

BINOMDIST(3; 12; 0.5; 1)

returns approximately 0.07 (7%), the probability that heads will come up 0, 1, 2 or 3 times in 12 flips of a coin.

See Also
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