Better Defaults General

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Better Defaults is a Project which should handle smaller changes, fittings and defaults to make the office better usable with rather small developement investment (low hanging fruits).

As the project get more and more complex, this page is created to hold all links together and give a general overview.

the project started with Ideas

.. more concrete ideas in single areas like gridhandling

.. followed by a workout, a specification and now it got implemented.

.. also with bullets/colors/shortcuts (spec) and graphics/fonts/settings (spec) to complete the impress defaults (for further info you can also check the blogs: b1 & b2).

now we are working on the writer and in near future probably also on the calc defaults.

Better Writer Defaults: at the moment we filter around 200 suggestions and issues from the community to find out the main areas of interests and potential better defaults. As accepted we will filter a list with approx. 50 better defaults which will be worked out and fixed, like it happens/ed with better defaults for impress.

p.s. so stay tuned, add your ideas for better defaults and do not stop to give us further comments to our work to improve our office.

Autors: Christoph Lukasiak (Clu) / Frank Loehmann

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