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To create and insert a new text table, a five-step procedure must be followed:

  1. Get the service manager of the text document, querying the document's factory interface com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory.
  2. Order a new text table from the factory by its service name "com.sun.star.text.TextTable", using the factory method createInstance().
  3. From the object received, query the com.sun.star.text.XTextTable interface that inherits from com.sun.star.text.XTextContent.
  4. If necessary, initialize the table with the number of rows and columns. For this purpose, XTextTable offers the initialize() method.
  5. Insert the table into the text using the insertTextContent() method at its com.sun.star.text.XText interface. The method insertTextContent() expects an XTextContent to insert. Since XTextTable inherits from XTextContent, pass the XTextTable interface retrieved previously.

You are now ready to get cells, fill in text, values and formulas and set the table and cell properties as needed.

In the following code sample, there is a small helper function to put random numbers between -1000 and 1000 into the table to demonstrate formulas:

 /** This method returns a random double which isn't too high or too low
 protected double getRandomDouble()
     return ((maRandom.nextInt() % 1000) * maRandom.nextDouble());

The following helper function inserts a string into a cell known by its name and sets its text color to white:

 /** This method sets the text colour of the cell refered to by sCellName to white and inserts
     the string sText in it
 public static void insertIntoCell(String sCellName, String sText, XTextTable xTable) {
     // Access the XText interface of the cell referred to by sCellName
     XText xCellText = (XText) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
         XText.class, xTable.getCellByName(sCellName));
     // create a text cursor from the cells XText interface
     XTextCursor xCellCursor = xCellText.createTextCursor();
     // Get the property set of the cell's TextCursor
     XPropertySet xCellCursorProps = (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
         XPropertySet.class, xCellCursor);
     try {
         // Set the colour of the text to white
         xCellCursorProps.setPropertyValue("CharColor", new Integer(16777215));
     } catch (Exception e) {
     // Set the text in the cell to sText

Using the above helper functions, create a text table and insert it into the text document.

 /** This method shows how to create and insert a text table, as well as insert text and formulae
     into the cells of the table
 protected void TextTableExample ()
         // Create a new table from the document's factory
         XTextTable xTable = (XTextTable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( 
             XTextTable.class, mxDocFactory .createInstance(
                 "com.sun.star.text.TextTable" ) );
         // Specify that we want the table to have 4 rows and 4 columns
         xTable.initialize( 4, 4 );
         // Insert the table into the document
         mxDocText.insertTextContent( mxDocCursor, xTable, false);
         // Get an XIndexAccess of the table rows
         XIndexAccess xRows = xTable.getRows();
         // Access the property set of the first row (properties listed in service description:
         // com.sun.star.text.TextTableRow)
         XPropertySet xRow = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( 
             XPropertySet.class, xRows.getByIndex ( 0 ) );
         // If BackTransparant is false, then the background color is visible
         xRow.setPropertyValue( "BackTransparent", new Boolean(false));
         // Specify the color of the background to be dark blue
         xRow.setPropertyValue( "BackColor", new Integer(6710932));
         // Access the property set of the whole table
         XPropertySet xTableProps = (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( 
             XPropertySet.class, xTable );
         // We want visible background colors
         xTableProps.setPropertyValue( "BackTransparent", new Boolean(false));
         // Set the background colour to light blue
         xTableProps.setPropertyValue( "BackColor", new Integer(13421823));
         // set the text (and text colour) of all the cells in the first row of the table
         insertIntoCell( "A1", "First Column", xTable );
         insertIntoCell( "B1", "Second Column", xTable );
         insertIntoCell( "C1", "Third Column", xTable );
         insertIntoCell( "D1", "Results", xTable );
         // Insert random numbers into the first this three cells of each
         // remaining row
         xTable.getCellByName( "A2" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
         xTable.getCellByName( "B2" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
         xTable.getCellByName( "C2" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
         xTable.getCellByName( "A3" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
         xTable.getCellByName( "B3" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
         xTable.getCellByName( "C3" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
         xTable.getCellByName( "A4" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
         xTable.getCellByName( "B4" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
         xTable.getCellByName( "C4" ).setValue( getRandomDouble() );
         // Set the last cell in each row to be a formula that calculates
         // the sum of the first three cells
         xTable.getCellByName( "D2" ).setFormula( "sum <A2:C2>" );
         xTable.getCellByName( "D3" ).setFormula( "sum <A3:C3>" );
         xTable.getCellByName( "D4" ).setFormula( "sum <A4:C4>" );
     catch (Exception e) 
         e.printStackTrace ( System.out );

The next sample inserts auto text entries into a table, splitting cells during its course.

 /** This example demonstrates the use of the AutoTextContainer, AutoTextGroup and AutoTextEntry services
     and shows how to create, insert and modify auto text blocks
 protected void AutoTextExample ()
         // Go to the end of the document
         mxDocCursor.gotoEnd( false );
         // Insert two paragraphs
         mxDocText.insertControlCharacter ( mxDocCursor, 
             ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false );
         mxDocText.insertControlCharacter ( mxDocCursor, 
             ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false );
         // Position the cursor in the second paragraph
         XParagraphCursor xParaCursor = (XParagraphCursor) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
             XParagraphCursor.class, mxDocCursor );
         xParaCursor.gotoPreviousParagraph ( false );
         // Get an XNameAccess interface to all auto text groups from the document factory
         XNameAccess xContainer = (XNameAccess) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( 
             XNameAccess.class, mxFactory.createInstance (
                 "com.sun.star.text.AutoTextContainer" ) );
         // Create a new table at the document factory
         XTextTable xTable = (XTextTable) UnoRuntime.queryInterface( 
             XTextTable.class, mxDocFactory .createInstance( 
                 "com.sun.star.text.TextTable" ) );
         // Store the names of all auto text groups in an array of strings
         String[] aGroupNames = xContainer.getElementNames();
         // Make sure we have at least one group name
         if ( aGroupNames.length > 0 ) 
             // initialise the table to have a row for every autotext group 
             //in a single column + one
             // additional row for a header
             xTable.initialize( aGroupNames.length+1,1);
             // Access the XPropertySet of the table
             XPropertySet xTableProps = (XPropertySet)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                 XPropertySet.class, xTable );
             // We want a visible background
             xTableProps.setPropertyValue( "BackTransparent", new Boolean(false));
             // We want the background to be light blue
             xTableProps.setPropertyValue( "BackColor", new Integer(13421823));
             // Insert the table into the document
             mxDocText.insertTextContent( mxDocCursor, xTable, false);
             // Get an XIndexAccess to all table rows
             XIndexAccess xRows = xTable.getRows();
             // Get the first row in the table
             XPropertySet xRow = (XPropertySet) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
                 XPropertySet.class, xRows.getByIndex ( 0 ) );
             // We want the background of the first row to be visible too
             xRow.setPropertyValue( "BackTransparent", new Boolean(false));
             // And let's make it dark blue
             xRow.setPropertyValue( "BackColor", new Integer(6710932));
             // Put a description of the table contents into the first cell
             insertIntoCell( "A1", "AutoText Groups", xTable);
             // Create a table cursor pointing at the second cell in the first column
             XTextTableCursor xTableCursor = xTable.createCursorByCellName ( "A2" );
             // Loop over the group names
             for ( int i = 0 ; i < aGroupNames.length ; i ++ )
                 // Get the name of the current cell
                 String sCellName = xTableCursor.getRangeName ();
                 // Get the XText interface of the current cell
                 XText xCellText = (XText) UnoRuntime.queryInterface ( 
                     XText.class, xTable.getCellByName ( sCellName ) );
                 // Set the cell contents of the current cell to be 
                 //the name of the of an autotext group
                 xCellText.setString ( aGroupNames[i] );
                 // Access the autotext gruop with this name
                 XAutoTextGroup xGroup = ( XAutoTextGroup ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                 // Get the titles of each autotext block in this group
                 String [] aBlockNames = xGroup.getTitles();
                 // Make sure that the autotext group contains at least one block
                 if ( aBlockNames.length > 0 )
                     // Split the current cell vertically into two seperate cells
                     xTableCursor.splitRange ( (short) 1, false );
                     // Put the cursor in the newly created right hand cell 
                     // and select it
                     xTableCursor.goRight ( (short) 1, false );
                     // Split this cell horizontally to make a seperate cell 
                     // for each Autotext block
                     if ( ( aBlockNames.length -1 ) > 0 )
                         xTableCursor.splitRange ( 
                             (short) (aBlockNames.length - 1), true );
                     // loop over the block names
                     for ( int j = 0 ; j < aBlockNames.length ; j ++ )
                         // Get the XText interface of the current cell
                         xCellText = (XText) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                             XText.class, xTable.getCellByName (
                             xTableCursor.getRangeName() ) );
                         // Set the text contents of the current cell to the
                         // title of an Autotext block
                         xCellText.setString ( aBlockNames[j] );
                         // Move the cursor down one cell
                         xTableCursor.goDown( (short)1, false);
                 // Go back to the cell we originally split
                 xTableCursor.gotoCellByName ( sCellName, false );
                 // Go down one cell
                 xTableCursor.goDown( (short)1, false);
             XAutoTextGroup xGroup;
             String [] aBlockNames;
             // Add a depth so that we only generate 200 numbers before 
             // giving up on finding a random autotext group that contains autotext blocks
             int nDepth = 0;
                 // Generate a random, positive number which is lower than 
                 // the number of autotext groups
                 int nRandom = Math.abs ( maRandom.nextInt() % aGroupNames.length );
                 // Get the autotext group at this name
                 xGroup = ( XAutoTextGroup ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                     XAutoTextGroup.class, xContainer.getByName (
                         aGroupNames[ nRandom ] ) );
                 // Fill our string array with the names of all the blocks in this
                 // group
                 aBlockNames = xGroup.getElementNames();
                 // increment our depth counter
             while ( nDepth < 200 && aBlockNames.length == 0 );
             // If we managed to find a group containg blocks...
             if ( aBlockNames.length > 0 )
                 // Pick a random block in this group and get it's
                 // XAutoTextEntry interface
                 int nRandom = Math.abs ( maRandom.nextInt() 
                     % aBlockNames.length );
                 XAutoTextEntry xEntry = ( XAutoTextEntry )
                     UnoRuntime.queryInterface ( 
                         XAutoTextEntry.class, xGroup.getByName (
                             aBlockNames[ nRandom ] ) );
                 // insert the modified autotext block at the end of the document
                 xEntry.applyTo ( mxDocCursor );
                 // Get the titles of all text blocks in this AutoText group
                 String [] aBlockTitles = xGroup.getTitles();
                 // Get the XNamed interface of the autotext group
                 XNamed xGroupNamed = ( XNamed ) UnoRuntime.queryInterface (
                     XNamed.class, xGroup );
                 // Output the short cut and title of the random block 
                 //and the name of the group it's from
                 System.out.println ( "Inserted the Autotext '" + aBlockTitles[nRandom] 
                     + "', shortcut '" + aBlockNames[nRandom] + "' from group '" 
                         + xGroupNamed.getName() );
         // Go to the end of the document
         mxDocCursor.gotoEnd( false );
         // Insert new paragraph
         mxDocText.insertControlCharacter ( 
             mxDocCursor, ControlCharacter.PARAGRAPH_BREAK, false );
         // Position cursor in new paragraph
         xParaCursor.gotoPreviousParagraph ( false );
         // Insert a string in the new paragraph
         mxDocText.insertString ( mxDocCursor, "Some text for a new autotext block", false );
         // Go to the end of the document
         mxDocCursor.gotoEnd( false );
     catch (Exception e) 
         e.printStackTrace ( System.out );
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