The Language Binding DLLs

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The language binding comprises five libraries prior v 3.0 and six libraries as of OOo version 3.0. Some of these do not need to be dealt with by the programmer, but others must be used during the development or deployment process. All libraries compiled for the CLI are prefixed by “cli_” to separate them from ordinary native libraries:

  • cli_uno.dll: This is the CLI-UNO bridge that realizes the interaction between managed code (CLI) and UNO. It does not provide public types.
  • cli_cppuhelper.dll: Provides bootstrapping code to bootstrap native UNO, that is, to use various UNO services implemented in different languages. Types from this assembly are always used in client programs.
  • cli_ure.dll: Contains helper classes which are useful for implementing UNO interfaces. Types from this assembly are not necessarily used.
  • cli_types.dll: (removed in OOo 3.0) Provides classes and interfaces for components and client programs. It is a collection of all UNO interfaces currently used in the office. Types from this assembly are always used in client programs.
  • cli_uretypes.dll: (as of OOo 3.0) Provides the URE types. These types were contained in cli_types.dll before OOo 3.0.
  • cli_oootypes.dll: (as of OOo 3.0) Provides the office types. These types were contained in cli_types.dll before OOo 3.0.
  • cli_basetypes.dll: As the name implies, it provides some base types, which are already needed for the generated UNO types in cli_basetypes.dll. Since it contains the Any type, probably all programs need this library. Also the cli_uretypes.dll and cli_oootypes.dll depend on it.

These libraries were first shipped with 2.x. Except for cli_uno.dll, they are installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).


As of 3.0 the following modules contain the CLI-UNO libraries:

cli_ure: cli_uno.dll, cli_ure.dll, cli_basetypes.dll, cli_uretypes.dll, cli_cppuhelper.dll

unoil: cli_oootypes.dll

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