Documentation/How Tos/Calc: DCOUNT function

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Counts the cells containing numbers in a column of a Calc 'database' table, in rows which meet specified criteria.


DCOUNT(database_table; field; criteria_table)


database_table is a range defining the data to be processed.
field is the column to count. It may be a column number (1 is the first column of the database table, 2 is the second ...), or a column header (enclosed in quotation marks ””), or a cell referring to a column header, or 0 to include all columns.
criteria_table is a range containing criteria, to select which rows of the database_table to count.

The * Database functions overview fully describes the use of these parameters.


In this spreadsheet:

  A B C D E
1 Name Grade Age Distance to School Weight
2 Andy 3 9 150 40
3 Betty 4 10 1000  
4 Charles 3 10 300  
5 Daniel 5 11 1200 48
6 Eva 2 8 650 33
7 Frank 2 7 300  
8 Greta 1 7 200 36
9 Harry 3 9 1200 44
10 Irene 2 8 1000 42
13 Name Grade Age Distance to School Weight
14   2      

DCOUNT(A1:E10; 0; A13:E14)

returns the number of children who are in the second grade (3).

DCOUNT(A1:E10; 5; A13:E14)

returns the number of children in the second grade whose weight has been measured (2). Frank is not included, because his weight is blank (not a number).

DCOUNT(A1:E10; E1; A13:E14)

also returns the number of children in the second grade whose weight has been measured (2).


The exact use of 0 as the field parameter is unclear, both in operation and in compatibility (issue 84168)

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