Development/Simplifying entry for new developers

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Purpose of this initiative

This is an initiative started to make it easier for new developers to start to contribute to the project.

It identifies several issues which together might make contributing harder for interested developers.

The solutions will be applied to the contributing and development websites.


Possible issues

These are the possible problems identified:

Developers' Site map

Would work great on the development page as a top link.

Building the software

This effort is now here: Building Guide

CVS and SVN are both outdated.

Articles covering code which is nowdays available in Mercurial instead should be updated.

Contribution - Programming

The page has a strange introduction, that begins with a to do list. Maybe the user already has an idea of what he would like to do. The page tells the user to start building the code. The programmer should learn what it is like to develop in the community first.

Building on Windows

Promotes ooo-build and says building the Vanilla build is painful.

I want to be an developer wiki page

Suggest to delete the following page.

Documentation caution.png That page has been recently updated. I consider it useful in its current state, although the page title is awkward. So, move maybe - but not delete. Also it is linked from the Main Page currently. Maybe I want to be an developer should be merged into Development, and then made a redirect to that page.

Getting the source code

Create a guide that works for all operating systems, that everyone can point to.


Build Windows Tcsh

Is this page still valid?

Developer Types

New developers

Existing developers

  • Will start directly at
  • Want to get reference documentation
  • Want to have this information close at hand

Contributing related pages

These pages may be related or interesting to new developers.

Contributing Members

Per Eriksson

Martin Hollmichel

Mathias Bauer

Bjoern Michaelsen

Personal tools