Writer FAQ - Formatting Pages and Documents
This page has FAQs about formatting pages and documents in Writer. This list is ordered by popularity. The most popular FAQs are at the top. But also have a look at the bottom to find any new entries.
More information can be found in the Writer Guide, available from the OOo Documentation Project.
The DPL extension (version 2.3.0) produced a SQL statement which lead to a Database error.
The reason may be an internal error of DPL or an error which you made,
especially when using DPL options like titleregexp.
Query text is:
SELECT DISTINCT `page`.page_namespace AS page_namespace,`page`.page_title AS page_title,`page`.page_id AS page_id FROM `page` INNER JOIN `categorylinks` AS cl0 ON `page`.page_id=cl0.cl_from AND (cl0.cl_to='Documentation/FAQ/Writer/FormattingPagesAndDocuments') WHERE 1=1 AND `page`.page_is_redirect=0 ORDER BY page_counter DESC LIMIT 500 OFFSET 0
Error message is:
Unknown column 'page_counter' in 'order clause' (
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