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== Standard government document ==
== Standard government document ==

Latest revision as of 09:57, 5 November 2013

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Standard government document

Standard government document is an spacial text format deditated for government to issue documents in china. it has strict format in china, such as page size is A4, top margin is 37mm, lower margin is 35mm, left margin is 28mm, right margin is 26mm, and so on. image 1 shows its settings in page tab page.

  • Page.jpg
      • image 1 settings in "page" tab page

In image 2, there is an application example of standard goverment document.

  • Gongwen(hongtou).jpg

image 2 A standard Goverment Doc

Regular square grid

Square grid is a kind of grid in which each line was devided into character line and ruby line, as shown in image 3.It is usually used in manuscript ,such as that a writer contributor and children begin to learn to write and so on.

Square mode grid.jpg

    • image 3 An example of square grid

In china, there are severl commonly used square grid which have fixed formats.We call them regular square grid. For example, if you set a document as 20*20grid, it will mean that each page of this document has 20 lines and each line has 20 characters, Max. base text size is 20.65pt; Max. Ruby text size is 14.05pt; line color is green; page size is A4(21cm*29.7cm), both the top margin and lower margin are 2.6; both the left margin and right margin are 3.2cm, like shown in image 4.

20 20.JPG

    • image 4 20*20grid

other commonly used square mode grid are 10*20grid, 20*25grid,15*20grid. and each of them has certain format,belows are detail.

10*20grid :    10lines per page, 20characters per line, Max. base text size is 20.65pt; 
Max. Ruby text size is 40.30pt; line color is green; page size is A4(21cm*29.7cm),both 
the top margin and lower margin are 2.6; both the left margin and right margin are 3.2cm,
20*25grid :    20lines per page, 25characters per line,Max. base text size is 16.55pt; 
Max. Ruby text size is 18.15pt;  line color is green; page size is A4(21cm*29.7cm), both 
the top margin and lower margin are 2.6; both the left margin and right margin are 3.2cm
15*20grid :    15lines per page 20characters per line,Max. base text size is 20.65pt;
Max. Ruby text size is 25.65pt;  line color is green; page size is A4(21cm*29.7cm), both 
the top margin and lower margin are 2.6; both the left margin and right margin are 3.2cm
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