Sidebar Proposal by IBM
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Design Proposal -- Sidebar -- By IBM
The following design proposal is part of the collection of design proposals for “Accessing Functionality”, which is part of Project Renaissance.
We propose a way which we call "Sidebar" to organize the commands/UI entries on UI.
Manage the panels with Sidebar
- All panels of OOo 3.1 can be docked to the side of editing area.
Users can click on the icons on a skinny bar beside the panel, to switch between panels.
Here is an example: switch to Style List panel.
- Users can select which panels will be shown on Sidebar. Just right-click on the skinny bar and set on a menu.
Be Compatible with current behaviors of panels in OOo 3.1
- Users are free to dock the panels. They can dock the panels to the Sidebar, as what we are shown here.
- Users can also dock the panels to bottom/top/left, just like what users can do in current OOo 3.1.
Properties Panel
The properties panel on sidebar
- There are some sub-panels on properties panel. E.g. Text, Paragraph, Table, Area, Line, Graphic, Cell Appearance, Number Format, Master Page, Page Layout, Template, etc...
- The properties panel will show different sub-panels for different context. E.g. When users are editing texts, the sub-panels like Text and Paragraph will be shown. When users focus on a slide, the sub-panels of Slide Layout, Template, and Master Page will be shown there.
- So in most contexts, users don't need to switch between panels manually. They can get them on Properties Sidebar directly.
Example: Editing texts
Here is an example for the context when users editing texts. Text and Paragraph sub-panels will be shown on Properties panel.
Example: The context when users select a page of presentation
When users select a page(click the thumbnail on Slide View or just click the blank on a page), the Layout, Master Page and Template will be shown as sub-panels on Properties sidebar.
Only recent 6 layouts and templates are shown on the panel.
Users can get all layouts/templates via a pop up panel.
Author: Ma Li |
IBM Lotus Symphony |
Locate in Beijing, China |
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