Renaissance:Status Meetings:2009-12-14
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Meeting Details
- 2009-12-14, 4:00 PM CET
- IRC details:
In Attendance
- Christoph Noack (IRC: christoph_n)
- Andreas Bartel (IRC: Andreas_SunOOoUX)
- Frank Loehmann (IRC: frankl)
- dave_largo
- Round Table
Action Items
Comments on Action Items
Round Table
- see IRC log
<FrankL> Hi! <christoph_n> Hi Frank! Andreas, ... :-) <FrankL> Any special topics for today? <Andreas_SunOOoUX> Hi everyone! <Andreas_SunOOoUX> no action items, so let's start with the round table <Andreas_SunOOoUX> christoph? <christoph_n> Yep? <christoph_n> --> Frank: Only the uninstallation survey (russian version). <FrankL> OK. Who wants to start? <christoph_n> Okay, I take it. Frank, did you get the file with the translation? <FrankL> Yes. The ODF file. Maybe I should add the new language. Maybe a little bit problematic, because of the HTML problem in LimeSurvey. <christoph_n> What would be best? Plain text? <FrankL> Does plain text work with russian? <christoph_n> I don't know whether it is possible to export to Unicode... Usually I just use my little note application to transfer the texts. <FrankL> I think I will paste it and remove the HTML tags afterwards. So I save the UTF8 encoding. <christoph_n> I just tried it - it seems to work without problems. Cool, a new language... <FrankL> :-) Andreas could check/test it. <christoph_n> Why would Andreas uninstall ;-) <Andreas_SunOOoUX> To get the RC for 3.2 :-) * linuxtogo ( hat betreten <christoph_n> Good point! <FrankL> No Andreas also Speaks Russian :-) <christoph_n> Okay. Frank, will you prepare the survey? <FrankL> Yes. <christoph_n> So he has to use the russian Otherwise its cheating...# <Andreas_SunOOoUX> right :-) <christoph_n> Okay, that was what I wanted to ask. <christoph_n> Andreas, you had something for me? <Andreas_SunOOoUX> did I ? <Andreas_SunOOoUX> specs :-)? <Andreas_SunOOoUX> Frank already linked them in the wiki <christoph_n> Ah, you mean the links on: <Andreas_SunOOoUX> exactly <FrankL> and the prototype with a real certificate is online now: <christoph_n> @Frank, Andreas: Great! <FrankL> Thanks to Bernd who made this possible! <christoph_n> Okay, so we are ready if people want to have a further look on the prototype. <FrankL> Yes :-) <FrankL> Next spec I am working on is the one about selection handling and visualization. <FrankL> i.e. of shapes, text objects, etc. <Andreas_SunOOoUX> verall, the specs are still in development. <christoph_n> Okay, that really needs some improvements. Do you think that some ideas of the Design Proposal Collection might help (e.g. Andreas S. proposals)? <christoph_n> @Andreas: Specs are in development all the time. I've never seen a spec that has been fully converted to code. Ask the developers what requires to be updated... <Andreas_SunOOoUX> what we currently do is really basic stuff. there are a lot of minor interactions and bugs that make handling objects cumbersome <Andreas_SunOOoUX> only a really tiny part of that concerns visual design e.g. frames around objects that help manipulating them (resizing etc) <Andreas_SunOOoUX> but there are tons of behaviors (what if ... then) that have to be specified in a proper way <Andreas_SunOOoUX> an example ... <Andreas_SunOOoUX> what happens when certain objects cover other objects <Andreas_SunOOoUX> and you want to select them <christoph_n> I know it, I know it. Pressing ALT + ;-) <Andreas_SunOOoUX> yes. there are tons of things, especially when keyboard shortcut enter the stage <christoph_n> You are right. I recently worked on the Impress clickmap ... selecting an object above the currently selected one is impossible. Especially if the object behind is so large that it doesn't show any handles... Grmpf. <Andreas_SunOOoUX> short term goal is to fix current interaction problems before we move on <FrankL> But only if you want to select the object in the back. If this is already selected and is larger than the one in front, you will be stuck. <Andreas_SunOOoUX> however, object selection won't probably make it into 3.3 <Andreas_SunOOoUX> I mean finalized <Andreas_SunOOoUX> 3.3 goals are slide selection, layouts, design <Andreas_SunOOoUX> and that is already a big chunk as we found out last week <Andreas_SunOOoUX> It is very unlikely that we will be able to generate previews of slide layouts in mouse context menus in 3.3 <christoph_n> Great. By the way, I was really surprised that a CC meeting has been scheduled for now. So I will only read from now on... Sorry! <Andreas_SunOOoUX> that required a lot of new code <Andreas_SunOOoUX> ok <Andreas_SunOOoUX> what we will be able to offer until 3.3 is a "normal" context menu with slide layouts to select from, without icons of the layouts <Andreas_SunOOoUX> however, that is a lot better than what is currently available <Andreas_SunOOoUX> anything else we need to discuss today? <FrankL> But what we have seen live regarding selection and layouts is very promising: <christoph_n> I didn't know about that. I will have a look, soon. <FrankL> Anything else for today? <christoph_n> Nope. <linuxtogo> yes , on the world usability day Igot in contact with the fraunhofer usability competence center, <linuxtogo> Would this project be interested in any kind of cooperation? <Andreas_SunOOoUX> sure <Andreas_SunOOoUX> who is to contact and how are they able to contribute? do you have any details? <linuxtogo> I could ask Mr. Hunkirchen, he is ruling, which is part of the fraunhover usability activities, to get in contact with you, next year, :-) <Andreas_SunOOoUX> that would be great! <Andreas_SunOOoUX> thanks <Andreas_SunOOoUX> when you mail him you can put me or frank or christoph on CC <Andreas_SunOOoUX> here are our mail: <linuxtogo> Ok, I will inform himabout the details of this project and I am sure he will contact you in Jan 2010. <Andreas_SunOOoUX> ok. thanks a lot! <linuxtogo> no problem, by * linuxtogo hat die Verbindung getrennt ()