Renaissance:Status Meetings:2009-01-12
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Meeting Details
- 4:00 PM CET
- IRC details:
In Attendance
Andreas, chris-j, bettina-h, FrankL, mdamboldt, JaVelDa
- Items of the current phase Research Methodology have been discussed and status reviewed.
- For future meetings a detailed Agenda will be prepared. This will include unresolved action items from past meetings and a more detailed status for phase items where people are actively working on currently.
Action Items
- 2009-01-12: mdamboldt: To prepare agenda for next meeting
- 2009-01-12: mdamboldt: Make a detailed list of current items in this phase and the corresponding status details.
(15:28:24) Das Thema für ist: Talk about's User Experience project - (15:53:35) bettina-h [n=Bettina_@] hat den Raum betreten. (15:54:14) chris-j [n=chris@] hat den Raum betreten. (15:54:14) Modus (+o chris-j ) von ChanServ (15:54:18) Modus (+o bettina-h ) von ChanServ (15:55:42) FrankL [n=fl@nat/sun/x-9c6db33367b3328c] hat den Raum betreten. (15:56:06) Modus (+o FrankL ) von ChanServ (15:56:54) Andreas [] hat den Raum betreten. (15:57:39) chris-j: Hi (15:58:09) Andreas: hi (15:58:22) bettina-h: Hallo (15:58:27) Andreas: so who's here? (15:59:40) mdamboldt: Hi (15:59:48) chris-j: Hi Martin (16:00:23) mdamboldt: Did we miss to announce this meeting in public or why is it just us? (16:00:48) chris-j: I think it is just us. The meeting is announced.... (16:01:41) Andreas: so, here are the topics today (16:01:49) Andreas: 1. milestones (16:01:59) Andreas: 2. user survey results (16:02:09) Andreas: 3. a portion of IsoMetrics-S results (16:02:20) mdamboldt: I have a little proposal in the pipline for today should I raise it now? (16:02:26) Andreas: ok (16:02:45) mdamboldt: I would like to see a detailed agenda for the weekly irc meetings from now on. (16:02:45) mdamboldt: This agenda can be prepared in the Wiki at where we also place the minutes. (16:02:52) mdamboldt: One part of the agenda could be a list of old action items and of course a detailed status including item name/description, owner, status and probably some links to detailed results and most important the outcome of that item and of course a due date. (16:03:12) mdamboldt: For example: (16:03:12) mdamboldt: Current Phase: Research Methodology (16:03:12) mdamboldt: 1. user survey (16:03:12) mdamboldt: - Owner: FL (16:03:12) mdamboldt: - Status: in progress (16:03:12) mdamboldt: - Results: (16:03:12) mdamboldt: - Outcome: open (16:03:12) mdamboldt: - Timeline/Due date: tbd. (16:03:32) chris-j: Sound good. (16:03:36) Andreas: sounds good (16:03:41) FrankL: ok (16:03:44) mdamboldt: This or similar kind of information we can put together for all items of the current phase. (16:04:21) mdamboldt: Probably we can use todays meeting to put some more data in items we have in this face, so far I've created a list of ten items in unsorted order. (16:04:34) mdamboldt: face -> phase (16:05:07) Andreas: at least we could that for things that are currently running (16:05:24) chris-j: makes sense. (16:06:04) bettina-h: Yes. (16:06:07) mdamboldt: Ok, so do we have an idea about the timeline / due date for the User Survey item? (16:06:07) mdamboldt: When will we have an outcome written down? (16:06:39) Andreas: so according to the roadmap, currently we have the Usage Extension, User Survey, IsoMetrics-S, and the CA (16:07:08) chris-j: mdamboldt: Yes, I'll post it today. (16:07:12) Andreas: outcome for what, each project within current phase or the overall? (16:08:04) mdamboldt: chris-j: Are you the owner of the User Survey item? Thought it was FrankL. (16:08:04) mdamboldt: Andreas: About each item. (16:08:08) Andreas: ok (16:09:17) FrankL: I have done the survey and Christian did the evaluation last week. (16:09:21) chris-j: mdamboldt: We agreed last meeting that I'll create the charts, and a summary. (16:09:26) Andreas: concerning the IsoMetrics-S survey at VBG, results will be finalized by the end of january. however, follow-up investigations will come later then (16:09:51) Andreas: some results are already published (16:10:02) Andreas: just generell things (16:10:28) mdamboldt: chris-j: Ok, thats great we can put a pointer to the outcomes for this topic in the Wiki. (16:11:08) Andreas hat den Raum verlassen (quit: "Dieser Computer ist eingeschlafen"). (16:11:39) mdamboldt: Andreas: I've seen the results of the IsoMetrics. When will be draw the outcomes of the results? Do we have a timeline for this? (16:12:04) ***mdamboldt Seems Andreas computer lost power... (16:12:28) Andreas [] hat den Raum betreten. (16:12:39) Andreas: back again (16:12:42) Andreas: sorry (16:12:43) mdamboldt: :) (16:12:56) Andreas: notebook went to sleep :-( (16:13:00) chris-j: Please find the outcome of the user survey, drafted as a mind map, here: (16:13:00) mdamboldt: Last question was: Andreas: I've seen the results of the IsoMetrics. When will be draw the outcomes of the results? Do we have a timeline for this? (16:13:18) chris-j: (16:13:28) Andreas: end of january, definitely (16:14:16) Andreas: then the results from the VBG cooperation will be available (16:14:53) mdamboldt: So next item Andeas noted some minutes ago was CA. (16:14:53) mdamboldt: Sorry for my ignorance but what does CA stand for? (16:14:53) Andreas: this will give insight which problems poeple have with OOo at VBG (16:15:14) bettina-h: Competitive Analysis. (16:15:21) bettina-h: My part. (16:15:45) bettina-h: I am currently starting on this part. (16:16:21) mdamboldt: bettina-h: Even if it just started, do you already have a plan for a timeline? (16:17:10) Andreas: (16:17:14) bettina-h: Mid of March (planned). (16:17:22) bettina-h: Thanks Andreas. (16:18:32) mdamboldt: Ok, there are some other items on my list where we problaby can add Owners, Timelines, or other details. (16:18:32) mdamboldt: For example: (16:18:32) mdamboldt: ODF document analysis with ODFTOOLKIT (16:18:41) mdamboldt: Who is owner of this? (16:18:47) Andreas: me (16:19:02) mdamboldt: It's not listed in the timeline you named or I can't find it. (16:19:40) Andreas: no it's not because it raised when the roadmap was done and we didn't know and still don't if we have ressourves for that (16:20:14) Andreas: however, i might announce that on the list and cry out for help (16:20:52) mdamboldt: So all other items we might talked about in the past are not asigned to somebody or not activly being working on currently? (16:21:06) Andreas: correct (16:21:22) Andreas: not in progress yet (16:21:34) mdamboldt: Ok, than it would be indeed a good idea to put all topics in the wiki and ask for participation. (16:21:59) Andreas: however, the ethnographic research should start as soon as possible (16:22:16) Andreas: that is the second important thing we need to do (16:22:33) mdamboldt: Who will do that? (16:22:48) Andreas: i was planning to do that (16:22:54) Andreas: maybe with VBG again (16:22:59) Andreas: and inside Sun (16:23:44) mdamboldt: Ok, other item. (16:23:44) mdamboldt: Who is main owner of the Usage Extension? (16:23:49) Andreas: cj (16:24:27) mdamboldt: chris-j: I know the status is in progress. And we plan to release the extension for 3.0.1. (16:24:40) chris-j: Yes. (16:24:49) mdamboldt: Is there anything open where you depend on or need any help? (16:25:23) chris-j: Most important is bug fixing (16:25:37) chris-j: please find the deatels here: (16:25:38) chris-j: (16:25:56) mdamboldt: Still for 3.0.1 release? You talk about the Usage Tracking Extension for 3.1, right? (16:26:17) chris-j: Yes. Correct 3.1 (16:26:51) mdamboldt: I ask because the 3.0.1 release is in good shape currently and we are just releasing Release Candidate 2 today. (16:26:51) mdamboldt: Just want to make sure that the Usage Extension is ready in time, too. (16:27:46) mdamboldt: Latest on 22nd January 3.0.1 will be released if nothing unforseen happens. So that would be the latest go live date for the Usage Extension, too. (16:28:19) chris-j: sound good. I'm working on uploading the stuff onto the ext. site (16:28:51) mdamboldt: Andreas: Are there any other items where work should start asap too, like on the ethnographic stuff? (16:29:05) FrankL: The OOo User Survey needs some extra work. We need to create a new part for the User Survey to ask our users what tasks they do with OOo. (16:29:53) Andreas: contact some customers to promote IsoMetrics and other surveys e.g. customer satisfaction suvreys (16:30:19) mdamboldt: FrankL: I guess you are going to do that. Due you have a plan until when this will be done? (16:30:40) FrankL: End of January. (16:32:37) mdamboldt: So far so good.... (16:32:37) mdamboldt: Anything else we should raise in this context in todays meeting? (16:33:11) chris-j: Agend point 2 & 3? (16:33:11) Andreas: i have reaised the issue with some PMs, we'll persui that in the coming days (16:33:40) Andreas: 2. user survey (16:34:19) chris-j: Ok. Please have a look at (16:34:56) chris-j: (16:35:15) chris-j: This gives a good overview.... (16:35:33) Andreas: a really nice user profile (16:36:25) chris-j: VEry interesting is the information that our average user is 40 years young ;-) (16:36:39) mdamboldt: chris-j: Is there some kind of priorization in this graphic? I mean for example things named on top are more important? (16:37:28) chris-j: The are all important these are just the highlights of the data. (16:37:54) chris-j: more details can be found here: (16:37:55) chris-j: (16:37:58) mdamboldt: Ok, just started wondering that "Calender" might be less important than"Collaboration"..... (16:39:35) Andreas: can we extract the data form the user survey (16:39:36) Andreas: ? (16:39:55) Andreas: I mean which is more important? (16:41:05) FrankL: Yes. (16:41:06) chris-j: That surprised me too, but I think this related to the specialk target group of this survey (16:41:50) Modus (+o Andreas ) von FrankL (16:42:19) Andreas: that is possible (16:43:05) Andreas: do we have more things to discuss on topic 2 (16:43:20) mdamboldt: Nothing from me. (16:43:25) Andreas: ok, frank? (16:43:38) FrankL: No. (16:43:48) Andreas: ok. so let's get to 3 (16:43:56) chris-j: No. I'll publish a blog post tonight on ux regarding the survey results. (16:44:03) Andreas: ok (16:44:41) Andreas: ok. IsoMetrics results (16:44:54) Andreas: a generell trend is published on the wiki (16:45:11) Andreas: however, the results are rather broad (16:45:39) Andreas: i did a further analysis of items that were rated with 1 or 2, meaning very bad or bad (16:46:13) Andreas: these results will be posted on the wiki as soon as i have prepared a nice overview (16:47:00) Andreas: this with predominantly concern Writer and Calc, Impress was either too bad or had too fiew participants (16:48:28) Andreas: what else is to come regarding IsoMetrics? a follow-up meeting with VBG, possibly a IsoMetrics-L survey or some focus groups (16:48:55) Andreas: that's it so far (16:49:46) Andreas: do we have anything else to discuss? (16:49:49) mdamboldt: I will try to put stuff we discussed in a structured form into the Wiki. (16:49:49) mdamboldt: Also I will put the IRC log there. (16:50:00) Andreas: ok (16:50:01) chris-j: the data fits perfectly to the usage survey. (16:50:02) FrankL: ok (16:50:22) Andreas: indeed, we have a nice correlation there (16:50:51) chris-j: maybe we can visualize them? (16:51:08) Andreas: good idea (16:52:05) Andreas: that would be possible with the written feedback we got from VBG (16:52:25) chris-j: makes sense... (16:52:48) Andreas: so, that's it for today? (16:53:02) FrankL: yes (16:53:05) chris-j: From my side, yes. (16:53:23) bettina-h: yes. (16:53:30) mdamboldt: ye (16:53:32) mdamboldt: s' (16:53:47) Andreas: ok, then talk to you next week (16:54:00) chris-j: see ya! (16:54:03) bettina-h: Bye. (16:54:06) mdamboldt: bye (16:54:09) FrankL: bye (16:54:16) Andreas: ceya