Renaissance:Prototyping minutes
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Prototyping Mini-Minutes
- January 2010 Releases
- Release of prototype v0.18 for signing with final Project Renaissance certificate
- December 2009 Releases
- Added default presentation and new package signing (v0.16 and v0.17)
- August 2009 Releases
- New 'Mixed controls' prototype and smaller size of toolbar area (v0.13-0.15)
- Fri., 24 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype v0.12 (All)
- ToDo:
- Finalizing/Bug Fixing (All)
- Delete object 'Entf.' & 'Backspace' (Andre)
- Add feedback link to survey (Frank)
- Create small survey (Andreas Schuderer)
- Thu., 23 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype v0.12 (All)
- ToDo:
- Delete object 'Entf.' & 'Backspace' (Andre)
- Add feedback link
- Create small survey
- Wed., 22 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype v0.11 (All)
- ToDo:
- Delete object 'Entf.' & 'Backspace' (Andre)
- Work on toolbar content (Andre) (done)
- Toolbar content definition (Frank) (done)
- Slide Preview: Scrolling by mouse wheel must not change selection (Andre) (done)
- Zoom with Ctrl+Scrolling mouse wheel is too slow (Andre) (done)
- Adjust statusbar spacing (Bernd) (done)
- Change master mode behavior. Show master of current slide only (Andre) (done)
- Add layouts to presentation (Andre) (done)
- Allow to create an empty presentaion (Andre) (done)
- Add feedback link
- Create small survey
- Double click to call format section. No automatism after inserting an object.(Andre) (done)
- Tue., 21 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype v0.10 (All)
- ToDo:
- Delete object 'Entf.' & 'Backspace' (Andre)
- Work on toolbar content (Andre)
- Toolbar content definition (Frank)
- Slide Preview: Scrolling by mouse wheel must not change selection (Andre)
- Zoom with Ctrl+Scrolling mouse wheel is too slow (Andre)
- Adjust statusbar spacing (Bernd)
- Change master mode behavior. Show master of current slide only (Andre)
- Add layouts to presentation (Andre)
- Allow to create an empty presentaion (Andre)
- Mon., 20 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype v0.10 (All)
- ToDo:
- Work on toolbar content (Andre)
- Toolbar content definition (Frank)
- Slide Preview: Scrolling by mouse wheel must not change selection (Andre)
- Zoom with Ctrl+Scrolling mouse wheel is too slow (Andre)
- Adjust statusbar spacing (Bernd)
- Change master mode behavior. Show master of current slide only (Andre)
- Add layouts to presentation (Andre)
- Allow to create an empty presentaion (Andre)
- Fri., 17 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype v0.9 (All)
- ToDo:
- Work on toolbar content (Andre)
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Add new 'Variante 3' to FixedLabel Toolbar prototype showing the labels on top (i.e. if minimized toolbar, or if no menu is present)
- Start presentation by a button instead of a separate viewing mode (Bernd) (done)
- Thu., 16 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype v0.9 (All)
- ToDo:
- Add Master View (Andre) (done)
- Add different slide layouts (Andre) (done)
- Overwork fixed buttons area (Bernd) (done)
- Remove View category (done)
- Work on toolbar content (Andre)
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Overwork 3D view (enlarge slide, animation) (Bernd) (done)
- Wed., 15 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype v0.9 (All)
- ToDo:
- Add Master View (Andreas)
- Work on toolbar content (Andre)
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Tue., 14 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype v0.9 (All)
- ToDo:
- Work on toolbar content (Andre)
- Prepare for focus group on Wednesday (Andreas, Frank) (Done)
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Fix scrolling toolbar prototype (Variant 3) hang up. (Done)
- Mon., 13 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- ToDo:
- Prepare for focus group on Wednesday
- Remove Master and Outline View from status bar (done)
- Improve text-shapes (done)
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Fri., 10 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- ToDo:
- Remove Master View from status bar
- Improve text-shapes
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Thu., 9 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- "Design" group content finished
- Context-based functionality for slides added
- Basic 3D navigation through slides possible
- ToDo:
- Remove Master View from status bar
- Improve text-shapes
- Apply Fitt's Law to slide context functions (horizontal alignment)
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- Wed., 8 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- Fixed content for home, insert, design
- Zooming works using an icon
- Navigation works using keyboard
- Need to fix slide-view and slide sorter bahavior
- Otherwise a promising concept
- ToDo:
- Improve zoomable UI part
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- Tue., 7 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- Zoom transformation works
- Seems interesting, feedback required
- Cover-Flow as stand-alone view
- Slider-Content done for 2 groups
- ToDo:
- Improve zoomable UI part
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- Mon., 6 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- Some progress towards 3D was made
- Will work until tomorrow evening and then decide if we'll continue with 3D
- Next week will be used for focus group testing at VBG
- ToDo:
- Check if Cover-Flow & Zoom can be implemented for testing (Andre/Bernd)
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Fri., 3 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- ToDo:
- Check if Cover-Flow & Zoom can be implemented for testing (Andre/Bernd)
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Thu., 2 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- ToDo:
- Check if Cover-Flow & Zoom can be implemented for testing (Andre/Bernd)
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Contact VBG for feedback channel (done)
- Wed., 1 July 2009: Daily status meeting
- Tasks:
- Left align toolbars and control(Andre/Bernd) (done)
- Tue., 30 June 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- Status bar update: Added triangle as pointer
- Dicussed possible idea for zoomable "view"
- ToDo:
- Remove dummy bitmaps from buttons for most recently used buttons (Andre/Bernd)
- Left align toolbars and control(Andre/Bernd)
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Contact VBG for feedback channel (Andreas)
- Mon., 29 June 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- Status bar update
- Speaker notes present and can be hided
- ToDo:
- Remove dummy bitmaps from buttons for most recently used buttons (Andre/Bernd)
- Left align toolbars and control(Andre/Bernd)
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Fri., 26 June 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- Protype has been cleaned up for status presentation. Offers differnet shapes and a bitmap tool. Rotation and scaling possible. Zoom full functional. Presentation mode working.
- ToDo:
- Sparate toolbar area from document (Andre/Bernd)
- Remove dummy bitmaps from buttons for most recently used buttons (Andre/Bernd)
- Left align toolbars and control(Andre/Bernd)
- Toolbar content definition (Andreas)
- Statusbar definition. Views, zoom slider etc. (Frank) [Done]
- Check if everything would still work with Java 1.5 (Stalled)
- Thu., 25 June 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- New prototype can scroll through groups and panes that extend functionality are also functional. Full screan presentation mode is also available now! Great stuff!
- ToDo;
- Clean up of visual elements [Done]
- Left-align groups and controls [Done]
- Check if everything would still work with Java 1.5
- Prepare live content for toolbars to replace bitmaps (color, shapes, text) (Andre) [Done]
- Implement limited functionality to make these scenarios live (Andre/Bernd) [Done]
- Statusbar definition. Views, zoom slider etc. (Frank)
- Wed., 24 June 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- Creating a new prototype 'Scrolling Tabs' to be developed using a selection indicator on buttons instead of tabs/scrollbar
- ToDo:
- Prepare live content for toolbars to replace bitmaps (color, shapes, text) (Andre)
- Implement limited functionality to make these scenarios live (Andre/Bernd)
- Statusbar definition. Views, zoom slider etc. (Frank)
- Prepare scenarios for testing (Andreas/Frank)
- Prepare next bunch of prototypes (Andreas/Frank)
- Tue., 23 June 2009: Daily status meeting
- Presentation/Discussion of latest prototype (All)
- Scrolling effect for scrolling prototype (Bernd)
- Discussion of scrolling interface on large monitors (long distances) (All)
- Live content o toolbars is in the making (Andre). Some are already present in current prototype
- Creating a new prototype to be developed using a selection indicator on buttons instead of tabs/scrollbar
- ToDo:
- Prepare live content for toolbars to replace bitmaps (color, shapes, text) (Andre)
- Implement limited functionality to make these scenarios live (Andre/Bernd)
- Statusbar definition. Views, zoom slider etc. (Frank)
- Provide images for scrollbar buttons (Frank) [Done]
- Prepare scenarios for testing (Andreas/Frank)
- Prepare next bunch of prototypes (Andreas/Frank)
- Mon., 22 June 2009: Daily status meeting
- Present current prototypes to Andreas
- ToDo:
- Overwork slider visualization (Bernd) [Done]
- Prepare live content for toolbars to replace bitmaps (color, shapes, text) (Andre)
- Statusbar definition. Views, zoom slider etc. (Frank)
- Provide images for scrollbar buttons (Frank)
- Prepare scenarios for testing (Andreas/Frank)
- Implement limited functionality to make these scenarios live (Andre/Bernd)
- Prepare next bunch of prototypes (Andreas/Frank)
- Fri., 19 June 2009: Daily status meeting
- Overworked tabbed toolbar prototype with dummy toolbar content (Andre)
- New window title and named prototypes (Andre)
- Highlighting of selection for a better visibility (Bernd/Andre)
- Added two more versions with a different heigth for scrollbar/text (Bernd)
- Extended list of screen resolutions (Andre)
- Dummy menu visible in all prototypes (Andre)
- Presentation mode available (Andre)
- ToDo:
- Statusbar definition. Views, zoom slider etc. (Frank)
- Provide images for scrollbar buttons (Frank)
- Prepare scenarios for testing (Andreas/Frank)
- Implement limited functionality to make these scenarios live (Andre/Bernd)
- Prepare next bunch of prototypes (Andreas/Frank)
- Thu., 18 June 2009: Daily status meeting
- Some problems with windows clients and Mercurial(Andre/EDV)
- Improved slider & toolbar dummy conetent (Bernd)
- First tabbed prototype (Andre)
- Main menu dummy (Andre)
- ToDo:
- Naming of prototypes (Frank) [Done]
- Reduce heights of toolbar area to fit dummy bitmap content (Bernd/Andreas) [Done]
- Design & implement scrollbar 'buttons' (Frank/Bernd) [Done]
- Review tabbed prototype (Frank) [Done]
- Wed., 17 June 2009: Daily status meeting
- Prototypes have been checked into version control system (Bernd)
- Prototypes have been joined (Bernd/Andre)
- Scrollbar shows button, snapping to sections and highlighting current choice (Bernd)
- Document canvas shows color gradient (Andre)
- Document/slide contains objects with limited functionality (Andre)
- Control window to set window sizes (Andre)
- ToDo:
- Prepare a tabbed prototype (Andre) [Done]
- Optimize scrolling of toolbar (Bernd) [Done]
- Provide toolbar content as bitmaps (Frank) [Done]
- Create prototyping home page in OOo wiki (Frank) [Done]
- Tue., 16 June 2009: Daily status meeting
- Two separated Java based prototypes of a prototype presented
- ToDo:
- Add a control window so set prototype and window sizes (Andre) [Done]
- Join prototypes and extend sliding & document/canvas (Andre/Bernd) [Done]
- Mon., 15 June 2009: Kick-off meeting with prototyping team
- Using Java for prototyping
- Create a modular prototype to be able to make different versions of a UI concept
- Starting with sliding prototype
- ToDo:
- Set up prototyping framework (Andre/Bernd) [Done]
- Slider implementation (Bernd) [Done]
- Document canvas, slide pane and statusbar with zoom slider (Andre) [Done]
- Fri., 12 June 2009: Kick-Off meeting with team & sponsors