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  • (ID:?????) Cut, Copy & Paste via Context Menu

Issue: Cut, copy and paste are often used via the context menu. OOo does not follow system standard (on Windows) and provides these entries at the bottom of each context menu.
Proposal: Move cut, copy & paste entries to the top of each context menu in OOo.

  • (ID:?????) Drag & Drop

Issue: Internal and external (system) Drag & Drop (D&D) are to different things. User must plan action before starting D&D because internal D&D ends on application window. External D&D lacks preview during D&D. Furthermore external D&D is hard to start and requires a preselected object before starting D&D action.
Proposal: Unify internal & system D&D. Internal D&D will become external D&D on application border and vice versa.


For OOo 3.2 the Renaissance team will focus on OOo Impress. Out goal is to reduce the complexity of Impress and make common interactions easier/faster. The following issues and tasks are collected as a pool by the OOo UX community and might be considered when creating the proposal.

Common Tasks in Impress

<describe common tasks here when creating presentations>

Important UX Issues

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