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Revision as of 15:04, 30 November 2009 by Andba (Talk | contribs)

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Our Mission

Create a User Interface so that becomes the users' choice not only out of need, but also out of desire”

Project Status

Current Project Tasks

Phase item / Description Owner Status Results Outcome Complete Due Date
Thinning out the OOo Impress User Interface Andreas/Frank Started OOo 3.3 release 75% OOo 3.3 release
Create a wiki page to track implentation work Andreas Done OOo 3.3 release Wiki Page 100% OOo 3.3 release

Project Charter

Project Phases

  • Research - Know and understand users to better meet their needs.
  • Design - Generate and accumulate design ideas to create prototypes based on valid data.
  • Evaluate - Evaluate promising solutions.

General Information

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

How You Can Help

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  • Join the UX project! Just have a look at How To Join.
  • Come chat at on
  • Join our weekly status meetings, which are open to everyone interested in the project, 4pm CET every Monday. The meeting takes place on IRC at on The discussions are archived on the Status Meetings page.

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