Putting together a slide show

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OpenOffice.org Impress gives you the tools to organize and display a slide show, including:

  • Which slides to show and in what sequence
  • Whether to run the show automatically or manually
  • Transitions between slides
  • Animations on individual slides
  • Interactions: what happens when you click a button or link

Most tasks associated with putting together a show from your slides are best done in Slide Sorter view. Choose View > Slide Sorter from the menu bar or click the Slide Sorter tab at the top of the workspace. All of your slides appear in the workspace; you may need to scroll to see them all.

Choosing basic settings for a slide show

Basic settings for a slide show include which slide to start from, the way you advance the slides, the type of presentation, and pointer options.

Choose Slide Show > Slide Show Settings. The Slide Show dialog opens.

Choosing slide show settings
Choosing slide show settings.

In the Range section, choose which slides to include in the slide show:

  • All slides includes all of the slides except for those marked Hidden (see Hiding slides so they do not appear in a show). Slides are shown in the sequence they occur in the file. To change the sequence, either rearrange the slides in the slide sorter or choose a custom slide show (see Showing slides in a different order).
  • From: starts the show at a slide other than the first. For example, you might have several slides at the beginning that describe you and your company, but when you present this show to your work colleagues, you want to skip that introduction.
  • Custom Slide Show shows the slides in a different sequence that you have previously set up. This choice is not available until after you set up a custom slide show (see Showing slides in a different order). You can set up as many different custom shows as you wish from one set of slides; they will appear in the drop-down list under this choice.

In the Type section, choose how the slides will be displayed:

  • Default shows the slides full screen, without the OpenOffice.org program controls visible, and exits the show after the last slide.
  • Window runs the slide show in the OpenOffice.org program window and exits the show after the last slide.
  • Auto restarts the slide show after the last slide. A pause slide is displayed between the last slide and the start slide. Press the Esc key to stop the show.
    In the box under this choice, specify the length of time before the show restarts. If you enter zero, the show restarts immediately without showing a pause slide.
    To display the OpenOffice.org logo on the pause slide, select the Show logo checkbox. The logo cannot be changed.

In the Options section:

  • Change slides manually prevents slides from changing automatically. This choice overrides the Auto selection under Type.
  • Mouse pointer visible shows the mouse pointer during a slide show. If you do not have a laser pointer or other device, this can be quite useful.
  • Mouse pointer as pen enables you to write or draw on slides during the presentation. Anything you write with the pen is not saved when you exit the slide show. The color of the pen cannot be changed.
  • Navigator visible displays the Navigator during the slide show. For more about the Navigator, see Chapter 1 (Introducing Impress).
  • Animations allowed displays all frames of animated GIF files during the slide show. If this option is not selected, only the first frame of an animated GIF file is displayed. (This has nothing to so with the slide animations described in Using slide animation effects.)
  • Change slides by clicking on background advances to the next slide when you click on the background of a slide. (Other ways of advancing to the next slide include pressing the spacebar on the keyboard.)
  • Presentation always on top prevents any other program window from appearing on top of the presentation.

In the Multiple monitors section, you can choose which monitor to use for full screen slide show mode, if the current desktop is displayed on more than one monitor. If the current desktop spans only one monitor, or if the multiple-monitor feature is not supported on the current system, you cannot select another monitor. By default the primary monitor is used for slide show mode.

Documentation note.png The multiple monitors feature is new in Impress 2.1. This setting is saved in the user configuration and not inside the document.

Hiding slides so they do not appear in a show

You may not want to show all of the slides in a particular show. You can either hide some of the slides or set up a custom slide show. Which method is best depends on your needs. For example, you may have draft slides that you will show when they are finished, or you may have some slides that contain information for yourself, not your audience.

To hide a slide:

  1. In the Slides pane, or in Slide Sorter view, select the slides that you want to hide.
  2. Click the Show/Hide Slide icon on the Slide View toolbar, or choose Slide Show > Show/Hide Slide. The slide number is now in a box with a diagonal line through it, to indicate that it is hidden. The slide remains in the file.
Slide 2 is hidden
Slide 2 is hidden.

To show a hidden slide:

  1. In the Slides pane, or in Slide Sorter view, select the hidden slides that you want to show.
  2. Click the Show/Hide Slide icon on the Slide View toolbar, or choose Slide Show > Show/Hide Slide.

Showing slides in a different order

To show the slides in a different order, you can either rearrange them in the slide sorter or set up a custom slide show. You can define as many custom slide shows as you need from one set of slides. In a custom slide show, you can choose which slides to include as well as the order in which they are shown. Any slides marked Hidden will not appear in a custom show.

Setting up a custom slide show

To set up a custom slide show:

  1. Choose Slide Show > Custom Slide Show from the menu bar.
  2. On the Custom Slide Shows dialog, select the Use Custom Slide Show checkbox and click New.
  3. Start here to define or change a custom slide show
    Start here to define or change a custom slide show.

  4. On the Define Custom Slide Show dialog, type a name for the new custom show. Then, in the Existing slides list, select the slides to include in the show, in the order you want to show them. Click the >> button to include the slides in the Selected slides list. In the figure below, Slide 1 has been included, and Slide 2 has been selected but not yet included.
    You can select and include several slides at the same time. Hold down the Shift key and click the first and last slide in a group to select that group (for example, slides 3 through 7), or hold down the Control key and click on individual slides to select them (for example, slides 3, 5, and 9).
  5. Defining a custom slide show
    Defining a custom slide show.

  6. When you are done arranging the order of the slides, click OK to save this custom show and return to the Custom Shows dialog.
Documentation note.png If you include several slides at the same time, they are added to the Selected slides list in numerical order regardless of the order in which you selected them. In other words, if you click on slides 3, 9, and 5 in that order and add them all at the same time, they will be included in the Selected slides list in this order: 3, 5, 9. To put them in a different order, either select and include them one at a time or select and drag them up or down the list.


Editing, deleting, or copying a custom slide show

To edit a custom slide show (add, remove, or change the order of slides, or change the name of the show), select it in the Custom Slide Shows dialog and click Edit.

To delete a custom slide show, select it in the Custom Slide Shows dialog and click Delete. Deletion is immediate; no confirmation message appears.

To create a copy of a slide show, select it in the Custom Slide Shows dialog and click Copy. You can now edit the copy to rename it or add, remove, or change the order of slides in it.

You can run a custom slide show (for example, to test it) from the Custom Slide Shows dialog, if the Use Custom Slide Show checkbox is selected. Select the slide show from the list and click Start.

When you are done working with custom slides shows, click Close to save all changes and close the Custom Slide Shows dialog.

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