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Philipp Lohmann:  
Philipp Lohmann:  
To be completed
*Arrival in SF on 8th of June, 12:30 pm
*Departure from SF 15th of June, 3:30 pm
==== Misc ====
==== Misc ====

Revision as of 12:09, 22 May 2008

Mac OS X porter Team at WWDC 2008

What is WWDC 2008?

See Apple WWDC 2008

Our needs with Aqua version

  • Compile on Intel for PPC (if time UB) [ ]
  • Proxy icon in the title bar [ ]
  • Use of the apple remote, especially for presentations [7]
  • Printing to PDF to keep links in the same way as iWork does it. [8]
  • Translating the native dialogs to the Community supported languages (that Apple doesn't support).
  • Compiling on Leopard to run on Tiger. Note: QuickLook plugin ( from quicklookplugin01 cws) builds on tiger [9]
  • Import/Export of iWork documents [10]
  • Signing OpenOffice.org .app bundle.
  • Localize the voice for accessibility features ? (only english available for Voice Over at the moment)
  • Implement the native Color Picker

Interesting Labs

Accessibility Lab (ericb selection)

Receive one-on-one technical assistance on using the Accessibility API and making your application accessible. Whether you are access-enabling your application or developing an application that uses assistive technolgies, this is the lab to attend to get advice and answers to your questions. Bring your code, your laptop, and your questions.

Advances in Modern OpenGL

Understand how advances in OpenGL unlock the rendering power of the GPU. Tackle GPU-based vertex and fragment processing with the OpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) and use the most current capabilities of OpenGL to modernize your code. Learn techniques for integrating the high-performance 3D graphics pipeline with the other graphics frameworks on Mac OS X. A must-attend session for Mac OpenGL developers to learn how to take advantage of the recent innovations in graphics hardware.

Apple Help Lab

Receive one-on-one technical assistance with Apple Help integration, content authoring, and troubleshooting from Apple Help engineers and content writers. Bring your laptop, your code, your Help content, and your questions.

Assigning Your Application an Identity with Code Signing

Code signing in Mac OS X allows the Keychain and other operating system features to verify your application's ownership without prompting your users--even after you've updated your application. Find out how digitally signing your application ensures the integrity of your code and enables the system to recognize and alert users to unauthorized changes. Learn how to sign your applications, how signed applications work and how signing improves security and your customers' experience.

Cocoa Open Lab

Get expert one-on-one assistance from the Cocoa engineering team, DTS engineers, and Technology Evangelists on Cocoa topics. Bring your laptop, your code, and your questions.

Image Capture, Manipulation, and Display with Image Kit

Image Kit provides Cocoa developers with a straightforward interface for common image handling tasks. Discover how easily you can equip your application with image capture, browsing, viewing, import, adjustment and presentation, all within a crisp and consistent user experience. Learn how to apply image processing filters for lightweight image editing, how to capture images from the camera and how to assemble an enhanced image browser. An important technology for Cocoa developers who want to handle photos and other media in their Mac OS X applications.

Image Kit Lab

Work directly with the Image Kit engineering team to add image browsing, viewing, capture, adjustment and presentation to your Cocoa application. Bring your laptop, your code and your questions.

OpenGL on the Mac Lab

Meet with members of the OpenGL engineering team to dig deeper into desktop OpenGL features and profiling. Bring your laptop, your code and your questions.

Spotlight and Quick Look Lab

Meet one-on-one with Spotlight and Quick Look engineers to see how much these technologies have in common and polish your use of them. Make sure your document declarations are correct and your plug-ins are as fast and lightweight as possible. Bring your laptop, your code, and your questions.

Interesting presentations

  • Performance Tuning Your Application with Shark
  • Making Your Application Scriptable
  • Managing X.509 Certificates and Digital Identities

ericb's Agenda

The rule is extremely simple: bring your laptop, your code, and ask :)

Hours 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM Noon - 1:45 PM 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM Evening
June 9
begins at 10:00 am
Keynote Mac OS X
State of the Union
Open Hours
Compatibility Labs
Graphics & Media
State of the Union
Welcome Reception
June 10
Getting Started
with OpenGL
(North Beach)
Application Accessibility
Mac OS X
User Interface Design
Consulting Lab
Migrating from
Other Languages
Application Scripting Lab
New Compiler
Technology and
Future Directions
June 11
with Quick Look
Sync Services:
A Complete Tour
(Nob Hill)
Lunchtime Speaker
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Room: Presidio
Sync Services Lab File Systems Lab
June 12
Tips and Tricks
Cocoa Layer
Backed Views
Making Your Application
(North Beach)
Using Garbage Collection with Objective-C Image Capture
& Image Kit
X.509 Certificates
and Digital Identities
June 13
Getting Started with the I/O Kit: Device Drivers on Mac OS Departure for the airport

Labs Agenda

It is extremely important to organize us for Labs.

The rule is extremely simple: bring your laptop, your code, and ask :)

Days monday
June 9
June 10
June 11
June 12
June 13
Labs Morning
Labs Afternoon

Interesting Labs

The complete list: Mac OS X Essentials

Our Objectives at the WWDC 2008

1) Connection OOo Mac team / Apple engineers

-Goal 1.1: "Get infos, contacts, human to human conversation :-)"

-> Present our current work, methods and team to Apple people :

-> Meet them during WWDC: give us/them a face, keep contacts

-> Get their impression about what we have already done and what is still ToDo

2) Improve from Apple's engineers expertise

-Goal 2.1: "Give MacOS X users the OOo suite they deserve"

=> As mac platform and apple's product fans, we are proud to bring the quality and power of OOo to mac users community
=> Make OOo uses all the power of Mac OSX, including upcoming Leopard !

-Goal 2.2: "OO.org Mac port has to be as Apple HIG compliant as possible"

=> Define what is expected for User Interface of OpenOffice.org suite with people from Apple UI project
- FYI: Last year, Apple UI project proposed ericb to help us, once our native menus will be working. 
  This is now done.

3) Get code guidelines, tips, samples

-Goal 3.1: "Ask for code review and find code snippets"

-Goal 3.2: "Attend key Labs and Sessions to get full overview of Tiger/Leopard/Core's and useful code"

- Image capture
- Key signing (digital signature, to avoid Mozilla bazaar 
- Apple Remote

4) Social Contacts / Team emulation

Try to contact Pierre de Filippis, Sébastien Plisson and some other frenchies :)

-> Discuss and meet new developers and / or american people working for Mac OS X port (like Michael Sicotte, other..) -> Share ideas, tips, conviviality !

5) Visibility

OpenOffice.org Native Mac port has to be recognized as the professionnal office suite for Mac users it is !


  • Michael Sicotte
  • Eric Bachard
  • Philipp Lohmann

Todo list

Please add topics, technical questions you would see asked by attendees to Apple engineers during WWDC

Suggestions for current issues to be fixed


I am volunteer to take over what follows:

  • Find information about SpotLight and QuickLook ( what happens with our generator ? How improve it ?)
  • Find information about Image Capture : API obsolete on Tiger, under NDA on Leopard ... can we trust 10.4 sources ?
  • Apple remote implementation


  • describe the schedule of the travel

ericb :

Basel -> Paris -> SF:  7th of June    SF scheduled arrival: 12:30 
SF -> Paris -> Basel:  13th of June (arrival 17th)  SF departure for the return:  3:30 pm

Hotel: Hotel des Arts (close to Union Square)

Airport to Hotel transportation: (BART) not included

Michael Sicotte:

To be completed

Philipp Lohmann:

  • Arrival in SF on 8th of June, 12:30 pm
  • Departure from SF 15th of June, 3:30 pm


  • don't forget sector adaptator for laptop: US connectors are different
  • don't forget Cameras (and chargers)
  • Prepare 50 to 100 business cards : the most simple is to use the model I can provide on demand , and print them with special paper (pre-cut)
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