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{| class="wikitable"
*The website shows only content uploaded in the selected language
*The selected language counts for the website UI and for the shown content
! en !! fr !! de !! hu
*You may translate the already submittet templates to your language and upload them, if the owner and/or the license allows this
*There is no connection between a template accross the languages - each template is on his own
|''' Business''' ||Affaires || Geschäftlich|| Üzleti
==How to proceed==
* Translate a few strings in Pootle: http://pootle.sunvirtuallab.com/projects/extension_web/ : templatesite.po
| Business Correspondence ||Correspondance commerciale ||Geschäftliche Korrespondenz || Üzleti levelezés
: If your language needs to be added to the project, please request on mailing list: tools@l10n.openoffice.org
** These are the customized strings for the template site, the general strings are taken from Drupal translation: http://drupal.org/project/Translations or http://drupal.org/project/l10n_server
| Finance ||Finance ||Finanzen || Pénzügyek
** Do not translate words that start with %, @ or !. These are variables that get substituted with dynamic text content.
***There are 3 kinds of placeholder:
| Presentation Backgrounds ||Arrière-plans de présentation ||Präsentationshintergründe || Bemutatóhátterek
**** %placeholder: The string goes through theme_placeholder() for special formatting. Additional through check_plain() to prevent cross-side scripting.
**** @placeholder: The string goes through check_plain() to prevent cross-side scripting.
| Miscellaneous ||Divers || Diverses|| Egyebek
**** !placeholder: The string is taken 'as is'.
**** Take care to use the same placeholder as in the English source! Otherwise, it might end in not shown text.
| Other Business Documents ||Autres documents d'affaires ||Sonstige geschäftliche Dokumente || Egyéb üzleti dokumentumok
* When finished with translation in Pootle, log in one time with your OpenOffice.org account to https://templates.openoffice.org/user/login
** This is to create an account on the website
|''' Education''' ||Éducation ||Bildung || Oktatás
* Now it is time to write an issue to tbo@openoffice.org
** write down your AOo username and the language, and choose a title like: 'Template site translation request for language xx'
| Other Education Documents  || || Sonstiges Lehrmaterial || Egyéb oktatási dokumentumok
** TBO will take the translation from Pootle and the general Drupal translation for the language.
** Two pages on the site will get created with initial English content, with edit access for the mentioned AOo user.
| Workbook ||Cahiers ||Arbeitsmappe || Munkafüzet
** When finished, you will get the issue back, with 2 urls which you need to translate on the site.
** You will also get an url to a wiki page, that needs also get translated.
|''' Private''' ||Privé ||Privat || Magán
* Now you should be able to upload templates in your language.
* If everything is ok, close the issue.
| Other Private Documents  || || Sonstige private Dokumente || Egyéb magándokumentumok
| Personal Correspondence and Documents ||Documents et correspondance personnelle || Private Korrespondenz und Dokumente|| Magánlevelek és dokumentumok
OpenOffice.org 3.3 will have localized links to Extension and Templates websites in the Start center and Templates dialog. There is a redirect server page that links OpenOffice.org user locale with a translated website (with English given as default). When new translation is added this redirect server page has to be updated for links to work. See {{Bug|issue 99975]. Luckily you will get this done by tbo in a single issue when new translation is submitted, but no harm is to repeat.
{| class="wikitable"
! en !! fr !! de !! hu
| Upload your Template ||Téléchargez votre modèle || || Sablonok feltöltése
| How does it work? || || || Hogyan működik?
|  Upload ||Télécharger || || Feltöltés
|  Submission guideline ||Guide d'envoi || || Feltöltési segédlet
|  The extension is not allowed: %ext ||L'extension n'est pas autorisée : %ext || || A következő fájlkiterjesztés nem megengedett: %ext
|  The mimetype is not allowed: %mime ||Le type mime n'est pas autorisé : %mime || || A következő MIME típus nem megengedett: %mime
|  No title inside the template. ||Pas de titre à l'intérieur du modèle. || || Nincs megadva a sablon címe.
|  No keywords/tags inside the template. ||Pas de mots clé/balises à l'intérieur du modèle. || || Nincs megadva a sablonhoz tartozó kulcsszavak.
|  No license inside the template. ||Pas de licence à l'intérieur du modèle. || || Nincs megadva a sablon licencelési módja.
{| class="wikitable"
! en !! fr !! de !! hu
| Home of|| || ||
| OpenOffice.org Templates ||Modèles OpenOffice.org || || OpenOffice.org Sablonok
| Templates||Modèles || || Sablonok
| Template|| || || Sablon
|  Highest Rated ||Les mieux classés || || Közkedveltek
|  Most Popular ||Les plus populaires || || Letöltések szerint
|  Most Recent ||Les plus récents || || Legújabbak
|  Tags ||Balises || || Jelzők
|  more tags ||Balises supplémentaires || || További jelzők
|  more... || || || Tovább…
==Template information==
{| class="wikitable"
! en !! fr !! de !! hu
| Compatibility: Runs with OpenOffice.org x.x and higher ||Compatibilité : fonctionne avec OpenOffice.org x.x et supérieures || || Kompatibilitás: OpenOffice.org x.x verzió vagy újabb
|  License: ||License : || || Licenc:
|  Application type: ||Type d'application : || || Program:
|  Use it ||L'utiliser || || Letöltés
|  Report abuse here ||Signaler les abus ici || || Problémák jelentése
| Click here for more information || ||  || További információk
| Tell a friend  || ||  || Ajánlom másnak
| Author || ||  || Szerző
| Downloads || ||  || Letöltések
Method on how to provide translations for this is currently worked on.
* Block on left row 'Upload your template'
* Block on left row 'Upload your template'
** Translate inside drupal:
** https://templates.openoffice.org/en/template/guide
: for every language an own page will be created in Drupal with alias like it/template/guide via the translation page function
: Wait for the existence of the following page in your language and edit the content on your own:
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/de/template/guide
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/hu/template/guide
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/fr/template/guide
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/it/template/guide
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/ja/template/guide
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/nl/template/guide
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/pt-br/template/guide
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/da/template/guide
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/sl/template/guide
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/pl/template/guide
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/ru/template/guide
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/zh-hans/template/guide
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/zh-hant/template/guide
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/sv/template/guide
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/he/template/guide
** provide link to a translated wiki page of:
** provide link to a translated wiki page of:
: Do not translate the fieldname 'License'!
: en: [[Templates/website/guide]]
: en: [[Templates/website/guide]]
: de:[[Templates/website/guide_de]]
: de:[[Templates/website/guide_de]]
: hu:[[Templates/website/guide_hu]]
: hu:[[Templates/website/guide_hu]]
: fr:[[Templates/website/guide_fr]]
: fr:[[Templates/website/guide_fr]]
** Translate inside drupal:
: it:[[Templates/website/guide_it]]
: ja:[[Templates/website/guide_ja]]
: nl:[[Templates/website/guide_nl]]
: pt-br:[[Templates/website/guide_pt-br]]
: da:[[Templates/website/guide_da]]
: sl:[[Templates/website/guide_sl]]
: pl:[[Templates/website/guide_pl]]
: ru:[[Templates/website/guide_ru]]
: zh-hans:[[Templates/website/guide_zh-hans]]
: zh-hant:[[Templates/website/guide_zh-hant]]
: sv:[[Templates/website/guide_sv]]
: he:[[Templates/website/guide_he]]
** also, provide link to the translated wiki page at [[Template:Templates/website/guide]] in the same way as the other languages
: The content of this page (called "template") is shown on every translated page. This is very helpful to make links among multiple translated pages. The links are shown in the left box named "in other languages". However, you should edit this template page very carefully and review many times before you submit your change because your change has an effect on not only the translated page in your language, but also all other translated pages.
** https://templates.openoffice.org/en/template/upload/text
: Wait for the existence of the following page in your language and edit the content on your own:
: '''Do not translate the fieldname 'License'!'''
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/de/template/upload/text
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/fr/template/upload/text
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/hu/template/upload/text
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/it/template/upload/text
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/ja/template/upload/text
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/nl/template/upload/text
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/pt-br/template/upload/text
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/da/template/upload/text
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/sl/template/upload/text
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/pl/template/upload/text
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/ru/template/upload/text
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/zh-hans/template/upload/text
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/zh-hant/template/upload/text
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/sv/template/upload/text
:: https://templates.openoffice.org/he/template/upload/text
* http://templates.services.openoffice.org/websitecontact
Please login on templates.openoffice.org with your AOo username, so the username is registred on the site, and I can assign the pages to edit.
* Home page text
{| class="wikitable"  
{| class="wikitable"  
! en !! fr !! de !! hu  
! Language !! en !! fr !! de !! hu !! it !! nl !! pt-br !! sl !! da !! gr !! ja !! es !! pl !! ru !! zh-hans !!  zh-hant !! sv !! he
| Enter your OpenOffice.org username. ||Saisissez votre nom d'utilisateur OpenOffice.org. || || Adja meg az OpenOffice.org webhelyen regisztrált felhasználónevét.
| Translator || TBO ;-) || sgauti  || jf2, michaelmotzkus || Kami_ || pescetti || DiGro || ohallot || miles || lodahl || gr || khirano || es || milek_pl || rail ||  starwars621 ||  zaishenyeah || pereriksson || netanel_h
| You need to login to submit your own template or to leave a comment. || || || Be kell jelentkeznie ahhoz, hogy sablonokat küldjön be, vagy megjegyzéseket írjon.
| Date || 29.01.2009 16:00 CET || 29.01.2009 19:00 CET || 30.01.2009 22:50 CET || hu ||29.01.2009 23:30 CET||26.02.2009 17:00 CET || 02.04.2009 || 02.04.2009 || || gr || 03.2009 || es || 27.04.2009 || 13.05.2009 || 19.05.2009 || 19.05.2009 || 27.05.2009 || 01.12.2010
| You need an OpenOffice.org acount to login to this site. || || || A bejelentkezéshez az OpenOffice.org webhelyen regisztrált felhasználónévre lesz szüksége.
| Issue || en || fr || de || hu || it || 99630 || 99621/111041 || 95157 || da || gr || 99821 || es || 101014 || - || - || - || 102242 || 115772
| If you do not have an account, please go to the OpenOffice.org website to create: Join the OpenOffice.org community! || || || Amennyiben nem rendelkezik még fiókkal, kérjük látogassa meg az OpenOffice.org webhelyét és kattintson a jobb felső sarokban „Bejelentkezés” lehetőségre, majd a „Regisztrálás” hivatkozásra.
| (T)emplate / (E)xtension site || t || e t || t || t || t e || t || t e || e t || e t || (gr) || e t|| t? || e t || e t || t e || t || t || t
| Author's Display Name || || || Szerző neve
| Strings updated || || 29.04.2010 ||  || || || 29.04.2010 || 29.04.2010 || 29.04.2010 ||  || (gr) || || 29.04.2010 ||  ||  || 29.04.2010 ||  ||  || he
| Do not send me copies of comments || || || A megjegyzésekről ne küldjön levelet
| Other languages:|| ||  || További nyelvek:
| Submissions|| ||  || Feltöltései
| - Please choose -|| ||  || – Kérem válasszon –
[[Category:Template Repository]]
[[Category:Template Repository]]

Latest revision as of 14:32, 30 August 2022


  • The website shows only content uploaded in the selected language
  • The selected language counts for the website UI and for the shown content
  • You may translate the already submittet templates to your language and upload them, if the owner and/or the license allows this
  • There is no connection between a template accross the languages - each template is on his own

How to proceed

If your language needs to be added to the project, please request on mailing list: tools@l10n.openoffice.org
    • These are the customized strings for the template site, the general strings are taken from Drupal translation: http://drupal.org/project/Translations or http://drupal.org/project/l10n_server
    • Do not translate words that start with %, @ or !. These are variables that get substituted with dynamic text content.
      • There are 3 kinds of placeholder:
        •  %placeholder: The string goes through theme_placeholder() for special formatting. Additional through check_plain() to prevent cross-side scripting.
        • @placeholder: The string goes through check_plain() to prevent cross-side scripting.
        •  !placeholder: The string is taken 'as is'.
        • Take care to use the same placeholder as in the English source! Otherwise, it might end in not shown text.
  • When finished with translation in Pootle, log in one time with your OpenOffice.org account to https://templates.openoffice.org/user/login
    • This is to create an account on the website
  • Now it is time to write an issue to tbo@openoffice.org
    • write down your AOo username and the language, and choose a title like: 'Template site translation request for language xx'
    • TBO will take the translation from Pootle and the general Drupal translation for the language.
    • Two pages on the site will get created with initial English content, with edit access for the mentioned AOo user.
    • When finished, you will get the issue back, with 2 urls which you need to translate on the site.
    • You will also get an url to a wiki page, that needs also get translated.
  • Now you should be able to upload templates in your language.
  • If everything is ok, close the issue.

OpenOffice.org 3.3 will have localized links to Extension and Templates websites in the Start center and Templates dialog. There is a redirect server page that links OpenOffice.org user locale with a translated website (with English given as default). When new translation is added this redirect server page has to be updated for links to work. See {{Bug|issue 99975]. Luckily you will get this done by tbo in a single issue when new translation is submitted, but no harm is to repeat.


for every language an own page will be created in Drupal with alias like it/template/guide via the translation page function
Wait for the existence of the following page in your language and edit the content on your own:
    • provide link to a translated wiki page of:
Do not translate the fieldname 'License'!
en: Templates/website/guide
The content of this page (called "template") is shown on every translated page. This is very helpful to make links among multiple translated pages. The links are shown in the left box named "in other languages". However, you should edit this template page very carefully and review many times before you submit your change because your change has an effect on not only the translated page in your language, but also all other translated pages.
Wait for the existence of the following page in your language and edit the content on your own:
Do not translate the fieldname 'License'!


Please login on templates.openoffice.org with your AOo username, so the username is registred on the site, and I can assign the pages to edit.

Language en fr de hu it nl pt-br sl da gr ja es pl ru zh-hans zh-hant sv he
Translator TBO ;-) sgauti jf2, michaelmotzkus Kami_ pescetti DiGro ohallot miles lodahl gr khirano es milek_pl rail starwars621 zaishenyeah pereriksson netanel_h
Date 29.01.2009 16:00 CET 29.01.2009 19:00 CET 30.01.2009 22:50 CET hu 29.01.2009 23:30 CET 26.02.2009 17:00 CET 02.04.2009 02.04.2009 gr 03.2009 es 27.04.2009 13.05.2009 19.05.2009 19.05.2009 27.05.2009 01.12.2010
Issue en fr de hu it 99630 99621/111041 95157 da gr 99821 es 101014 - - - 102242 115772
(T)emplate / (E)xtension site t e t t t t e t t e e t e t (gr) e t t? e t e t t e t t t
Strings updated 29.04.2010 29.04.2010 29.04.2010 29.04.2010 (gr) 29.04.2010 29.04.2010 he
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