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(New page: (14:45:26) _ch_ [n=Cynthia@] 杩涘叆浜嗚亰澶╁銆?/font> (14:54:50) xiuzhi [n=xiuzhich@] 杩涘叆浜嗚亰澶╁銆?/font> (15:09:14) kr_ [n=Kay@7...)
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Revision as of 01:54, 20 April 2009

(14:45:26) _ch_ [n=Cynthia@] 杩涘叆浜嗚亰澶╁銆?/font> (14:54:50) xiuzhi [n=xiuzhich@] 杩涘叆浜嗚亰澶╁銆?/font> (15:09:14) kr_ [n=Kay@77-21-11-102-dynip.superkabel.de] 杩涘叆浜嗚亰澶╁銆?/font> (15:09:26) kr_: good morning guys (15:09:34) liutao: good morning (15:09:36) xiuzhi: kr_:moin (15:10:18) kr_: what's the agenda for today? (15:11:08) xiuzhi: liutao: please (15:11:37) liutao: 1. The WIKI page of modularization (15:11:37) liutao: 2. the phototype of scp (15:11:37) liutao: 3.the proposal of modularization project (15:11:44) liutao: :) (15:12:17) kr_: good, do we want to start with the wiki page? (15:13:00) xiuzhi: kr_: 3->2->1? (15:13:59) liutao: 3.the proposal of modularization project (15:15:52) xiuzhi: kr_: Did you improve the proposal from liutao? (15:16:23) liutao: kr_:what's your opinion about the proposal that I send to you? when do we should go to the next step then build the project? (15:17:32) kr_: The proposal sounds good ... we may want to do some minor tweaks ... who is going to send it? (15:18:32) liutao: minor tweaks?what is that mean? (15:20:05) kr_: tweak == optimize - Just change a word here and there :) (15:20:17) liutao: Isee (15:20:53) liutao: I am going to send it.you mean the proposal will be send to the dev@openoffice.com or other mailing list (15:21:03) xiuzhi: kr_: you said you were going to review the proposal and polish the draft two weeks ago, didn't you? (15:22:24) kr_: xiuzhi: I will do so today, so that we can send the proposal to the lists (may be dev@openoffice.org and project leads) tomorrow ... (15:22:37) xiuzhi: kr_: great (15:22:54) liutao: great (15:23:42) xiuzhi: kr_: It is very kind of you to do that in your busy days (15:23:58) liutao: OK next (15:23:59) kr_: xiuzhi: you are welcome :) (15:23:59) liutao: 2. the phototype of scp (15:25:31) liutao: I have read the articles of SCP in the wiki page.and know that is that:) (15:26:05) kr_: good ... I have not worked on that for a while ... did I post the links to the wiki pages ? (15:26:22) liutao: I think I can do some help in this aspect. (15:26:46) liutao: No. (15:27:13) kr_: the start page is: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Efforts/Package_Restructuring/Modelling (15:27:43) liutao: kr_:No,I still can not find anything in FTP.have you upload somthing? (15:27:51) kr_: this needs to be re-worked ... though you may get the idea .. (15:28:30) kr_: I did not upload anything ... it is currently not working :( (15:28:46) _ch_: kr: morning! after I had a look at the headless you told me last IRC meeting, (15:29:02) _ch_: as the headless is a separated module under Optional , (15:29:36) kr_: _ch_: good morning! I would like to add the headless configure switch to modularization todos ... (15:29:54) xiuzhi: kr_: your ftp or redflag2000 ftp? (15:29:56) liutao: kr_:I mean the FTP in redflag2000 (15:30:08) _ch_: kr: may I help? (15:30:23) _ch_: on the switch thing. (15:30:25) _ch_: :) (15:30:41) kr_: _ch_: Yes please, could add it to the todos? (15:32:45) kr_: I would like to design a new scp to create products based on features ... the wiki page may give a first understanding (15:33:30) kr_: All package building etc. has to be arranged around "make", to ensure that packages do not become build multiple times ... (15:34:08) kr_: ... finally packages should be buildable in the modules, e.g. the writer module would deliver a writer core package (15:34:09) xiuzhi: kr_: this ftp works : ftp.stardiv.de user:drop passwd: drop!20 (15:35:21) kr_: xiuzhi: I can tar together what I have ... but I doubt that it is currently helpful, as it does not work at all. The "spec" files probably make most sense, these are just a few, I will send them by e-mail :) (15:36:26) xiuzhi: kr_: ok. I think _ch_ can continue your work if she would get your guiding and your source. (15:36:50) _ch_: kr: yes. I'd like to do that. And I need you help then. :) (15:36:53) xiuzhi: kr_: of course, liutao can do help also (15:37:48) kr_: OK, than let's try ... the "make" part is quite tricky, as I tried to as generic as possible, to avoid any redundancies (15:38:25) kr_: there is a "create" missing before "as" (15:39:47) kr_: I am back in a minute ... (15:43:22) kr_: back again ... (15:43:45) xiuzhi: you are busy indeed. (15:44:16) liutao: What will be done in next step that we can help you? (15:45:40) kr_: please have a look at the specification files, they should allow to construct a "deliverable" out of products, features, configurations etc. (15:46:20) kr_: I will the the files per mail and will also embed them into the wiki pages ... (15:46:29) kr_: we also need the feedback from Ingo (15:47:25) xiuzhi: kr_: need we invite him to join this meeting ? (15:48:11) kr_: xiuzhi: yes! (15:48:38) xiuzhi: kr_: ok. would you like to invite him? (15:48:53) kr_: xiuzhi: I will do so! (15:49:52) liutao: "to construct a "deliverable" out of products, features, configurations etc."What should we do in concretely? (15:51:06) kr_: please have a look at the files and try to understand them ... comment on them so that we see can if I missed anything and if it matches with our modularization plans (15:52:22) liutao: where can we get this files? (15:53:09) kr_: I will send them by e-mail and will embed them into this page: http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Efforts/Package_Restructuring/Modelling (15:53:18) liutao: OK. (15:53:24) kr_: if you scroll down a bit, you see older versions of these files ... (15:54:59) liutao: I see,we should comment on them then build them and find if there are something missed or if it matches with our modularization plans. (15:55:13) liutao: right? (15:56:15) kr_: yes, exactly! (15:56:38) liutao: OK (15:56:53) liutao: 1. The WIKI page of modularization (15:57:30) kr_: Currently packaging and everything related is centralized scp respectively instset_ooonative ... to be able split OOo and to make a "construction kit" out of it, we need to distribute the infos to where they belong (15:58:56) kr_: the page is fine so far ... we just should add concrete todos and plans, e.g. the headless configure switch etc. (15:59:07) xiuzhi: agree (15:59:11) liutao: +1 (15:59:57) kr_: one such thing could be a tool helping to install all prerequisites and to configure OOo for building (16:00:34) kr_: currently it is more or less some trial&error until one has installed everything needed and has configure everything properly ... (16:02:46) xiuzhi: good idea (16:03:30) xiuzhi: do you mean that we need to creat such a tool that can control the building and installation? (16:03:39) kr_: later versions of this tool could also allow to select "features", e.g. to create a product just consisting of Writer and Calc ... (16:03:53) kr_: xiuzhi: that is my suggestion ... (16:04:26) xiuzhi: kr_: that is what I want (16:04:59) xiuzhi: sound very exciting and interesting (16:05:52) kr_: ideally the "features" would be "advertised" by the appropriate modules, the "Writer" feature by the writer module, the "Calc" feature by the calc module etc. (16:06:40) xiuzhi: yes (16:07:02) kr_: if every module would advertise what it offers, the "tool" could collect these infos and could offer to build "products" respectively "deliverables" out of them ... (16:09:19) xiuzhi: yes. (16:09:51) xiuzhi: I will think about how this tool would look like? (16:10:12) xiuzhi: ?/. (16:10:19) kr_: good! (16:10:35) xiuzhi: ok. kr_: BTW. Did you finish your OOo building on ARM by QEMU. I had run the OOo30 on ARM developing board after I built it 4days. (16:10:58) kr_: we could even add support for "extension" into the "tool" ... (16:11:43) kr_: xiuzhi: OOo ARM build in QEMU did finish, thought currently without Java and without mozilla libraries ... we are working on this ... (16:11:48) xiuzhi: kr_: yes. extension supporting is important (16:13:32) xiuzhi: kr_: I built it on UBUTU linux . so I have no such issues (16:14:16) kr_: xiuzhi: openjdk currently does not work in qemu ... did you use gcj? (16:15:27) xiuzhi: kr_: no. I did not use qemu to build it. I try to use gcj on loongson last year, but It seemed it didnot work (16:16:08) kr_: xiuzhi: so you used openjdk on real hardware? (16:16:18) xiuzhi: kr_: yes (16:16:59) xiuzhi: kr_: it is slowly ,but it works. using qemu is more difficult (16:18:02) kr_: xiuzhi: we are currently using qemu 10.1 with some patches from here sourceforge (16:18:30) xiuzhi: kr_: I would like to see your effort on qemu. Then we can built it faster (16:19:17) kr_: I just searching my bookmarks for the link ... (16:20:54) kr_: http://qemu-arm-eabi.wiki.sourceforge.net/ (16:21:14) kr_: some of the patches do apply ... others don't ... (16:21:42) kr_: as said, Java is currently the trickiest part ;) (16:23:05) xiuzhi: I will enjoy your patches (16:23:28) xiuzhi: and try it (16:24:16) xiuzhi: Did you modified any OOo source? (16:24:37) kr_: ok ... so I think we may want to add the "build helper" to modularization todos ... (16:25:08) kr_: xiuzhi: just a minor fix in SAL, which likely gets integrated soon anyway ... (16:25:34) xiuzhi: build helper ? good (16:26:59) xiuzhi: kr_: OK. time up. (16:27:11) kr_: I would like to close the meeting, my tasks are: review the proposal, send the "spec" files etc., and invite Ingo (16:28:07) xiuzhi: and liutao and _ch_ will study your files (16:28:13) xiuzhi: and update the wiki (16:28:41) kr_: ok. so "see" you next week than :) (16:28:43) xiuzhi: OK. have a nice day! see you next week (16:28:56) kr_: bye ... (16:28:57) _ch_: See you, then. :) (16:29:43) liutao: bye

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