OO.o configuration
Tools>Options/OO.o Database
Win 7 ( 10/15 build from qa-upload )
- Try to open either Connections or Databses
- This was from opening the Database page
Selecting No the page in the dialog displays the correct data for registered datasources.
-Attempt to open existing odb file, last updated by DEV320m_1
Reply No and at least simple queries of the data seems to work properly
-Using a bug document from issue tracker
Database access: Existing embedded forms not opens
with 2 forms that open under 3.1.1 but not 3.2 (the first two) this build generates a sequence of error messages, with some at least looking much like the one just above (and does include exactly that line)
Base file operations
- File>New>Finished
- Save
- Close window
10-16-2009 (Win 7, Build 9427, CWShsqldb19 )
-Open file PatientOne.odb [OK]
-Connect to internal database [ok]
-Save as "SakilaHsql" [ OO.o hangs and must be terminated from OS, no error dialog ]
-After resarting OO.o the file SakilaHsql.odb exists and opens no probelm
1.8/1.9 functionality via GUI Data Definition functions:
- Table
- Create
Win 7 (10/15/09 build)
- Open odb from above test (PatientZero.odb) [OK]
- Save as PatientOne.odb [OK]
- Create new Table in design view [OK]
- Add 5 fields with PK (Int, auto_inc) [OK]
- Save table as Table1 [OK]
- Wizard
- Dataview
- Open dataview on Table1 [OK]
- Close dataview window
-Select Continue and one more error display,
-One more ignore
- Delete
10-16-2009 (Win 7, Build 9427, CWShsqldb19 )
- using file SakilaHSQL.odb
- delete table Table1 [ OK [
- Edit
- Index
- Create
- Drop
- View
- Create
- Drop/Recreate
1.8 functionality via SQL
- Table
- Create / Alter
- Create / Alter
10-16-2009 (Win 7, Build 9427, CWShsqldb19 )
- using file SakilaHSQL.odb
- Used SQL Window to run command:
actor_id IDENTITY,
first_name VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
last_name VARCHAR(45) NOT NULL,
- Cached
- Temp
- Edit
- Index
- Create
- Drop
- View
- Create
- Drop/Recreate
1.9 functionality via SQL
- Table
- Create / Alter
- Triggers
- Cached
- Temp
- Edit
- Create / Alter
- Index
- Create
- Drop
- View
- Create
- Drop/Recreate
- Stored functions and procedures
- Create
Data Manipulation functions:
1.8/1.9 functionality via GUI
- Query Definition
- Create
- Designer
- Escape Processing Enabled
- Escape Processing Disabled
- Create