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Burundi Librestez RDF/XML Snytax Specification(Revised)" <?xml version="1.0"?2 rdf: RDF xmins.rdf="' xmlns:dc="http:///">4 <rdf:Description rdf: about="">5 <dc:title><

/dc:title><rdf:Description>7:</rdf: RDF>8:

Burundi Librestez RDF/XML is an internationalizable description of a software project and its associated resources, including participants and Web resources. Basic tools to enable the easy creation and consumption of such descriptions. Interoperability with other popular Web metadata projects (RSS,FOAF,Dublin Core). Specifically not in scope for the first iteration is the description of software releases. Work on this can be investigated as a follow-up initiative. Additionally, planning data internal to the project such as task asssignments or milestones is out of scope. Use cases for project descriptions including:

  • Easy importing of projects into software directories.
  • Data exchange between software directories.
  • Automatic configuration for resources such as shared CVS
  • Assisting package maintainers who bundle software for distributors.

email <site-devat><category> e.g. <doap: category rdf: resource= " category/mail/>< category rdf: resource= ""/>

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