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Screenplay Formatting Template

In this article (under construction), a screenplay formatting template for Apache OpenOffice Writer is presented. This demonstration template can be scaled up into a Community development project: creating a whole family of script templates for television sitcoms, radio shows, theater plays, audiovisual presentations, etc.

Step-by-step installation primer

1) Download and install the latest free Apache OpenOffice suite.

2) If you have a slow connection, make sure to use the "md5sums" link on the right of that download page, in conjunction with a download manager program (I used and clicked Advanced, Integrity).

3) Then download the free template by clicking the "Get it!" button on that page.

4) Save the template in AOO's Templates folder. I put mine here:

 C:\Program Files (x86)\ 4\share\template\en-US

5) Open AOo Writer and click File, New, Templates and Documents, Templates, My Templates (double-click), Scr2 (double-click).

Importing a new template via the Templates interface

Click File, Templates, Organize. Then select the My Templates folder, click the Commands button and choose New. Rename the Untitled folder, then right-click it, choose Import Template and select the template.


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