ReleaseStatus Minutes 2008-11-10 IRC log

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(14:56:29) mla [n=ml93712@nat/sun/x-e276e69a5fd3070b] hat den Raum betreten.
(14:59:37) MechtiIde: hello
(14:59:51) mla: hi
(15:00:00) rtimm [n=Ruediger@nat/sun/x-f19d78021166c0ba] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:00:35) paveljanik: Moin
(15:01:00) blauwal [] hat den Raum betreten.
(15:01:20) ja_: ok I think we can start
(15:03:03) ja_: The only item I have on my list is to discuss the issues list for 3.0.1
(15:03:37) MechtiIde:
(15:04:41) ja_: Mechtilde: you are right. Dev snapshots will be uploaded as soon as possible
(15:06:07) MechtiIde: at this time we cant verify the fixes for 3.0.1 in a Master-Build
(15:06:39) ja_: Any comments regarding the 3.0.1 issues list ? Are there any new show stoppers that need to be added ?
(15:08:06) MechtiIde: there are described some problems with impress
(15:08:40) MechtiIde: anyone else more familar with impress can comment them
(15:09:53) ja_: It would help to have an issue ID by hand
(15:10:36) MechtiIde: no concret one
(15:11:40) ja_: Mechtilde: During the conference in Bejing I was not able to care about uploads. I will follow up as soon as possible
(15:12:10) ja_: anything else regarding 3.0.1 ?
(15:12:16) stefan_b: "Open" blocker issues are: Issue 95286 issue 95274 issue 95162 as a far as I can see.
(15:12:22) IZBot: framework DEFECT STARTED P2 Java extensions cannot be installed in some environments
(15:13:08) stefan_b: The other are impress: issue 95274
(15:13:13) IZBot: Presentation DEFECT NEW P2 saving this odp to ppt causes impress to crash
(15:13:36) stefan_b: Issue 95286
(15:13:47) IZBot: Presentation DEFECT NEW P2 impress crashes opening this powerpoint file
(15:15:52) ja_: rtimm: who's responsible for RE duties this week ?
(15:19:11) rtimm: Heiner will do next milestone on DEV300
(15:19:21) blauwal: yup --
(15:19:30) rtimm: and Oliver (obo) is still waiting for OOO300's next build
(15:19:40) ja_: Thanks
(15:20:32) ja_: Any other items to discuss ?
(15:20:52) UweL: no
(15:22:19) stefan_b: No.
(15:22:47) ja_: Thank you very much for attending this meeting. Bye
(15:23:09) UweL: bye
(15:23:11) stefan_b: bye!
(15:23:14) UweL hat den Raum verlassen (quit: "ChatZilla 0.9.83 [Firefox 3.0/2008052906]").
(15:23:39) paveljanik: bye
(15:23:41) paveljanik hat den Raum verlassen (quit: "Leaving").
(15:24:17) mla: bye
(15:24:25) mla hat den Raum verlassen
(15:27:41) rtimm: bye
(15:27:43) rtimm: exit
(15:27:50) rtimm hat den Raum verlassen

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