From Apache OpenOffice Wiki
Indic Native-Language Group
This would be a group for coordinating Openoffice related activities of many Indian languages.
- Language support for Openoffice- a) Resolving Rendering issues b)Lingua Components-spellcheckers, hyphenation dictionaries c) Language specific bugs . Forming a group of people from all languages, identifying the issues, testing each version in its beta stage, filing/tracking bugs. And preparing testcases on the above items.
- User Support part, As the adoption of Open Document format increasing day by day, we are going to have a big user base. Having a support mailing list/forum/wiki for per language would be a nice idea .Thereby we can get inputs for #1 too.
- Migration : There are lot of documents in proprietory formats, proprietary/legacy font encoded documents. we have seen many questions on migrating these documents to ODF in various FSUGs. Developing extensions/converters , helping the users to resolve the issues in migration.. etc can be another area that the group can help
- Contribution: Many Indic related features/issues need contribution from developers who know the language. Group can identify those areas and can help the international developer community by linking local contributors to them. Indic Group will like to use this page to communicate each other and share ideas and resources among Indian language projects. Your good ideas, advices, suggestions, requests, proposals will be always appreciated and welcome. Feel free to edit this page and add your ideas, useful information and links.
Read the Indic group announcement
Mailing List
Here is a collection of bugs related to the Indian Language usage with openoffice
- patch to render samvruthokaram in malayalam correctly - RESOLVED FIXED
- Malayalam Rendering is wrong in Openoffice 3
- Date input in english automatically gets converted to bengali digits
- Invalid addition of Yaphala conjuncts are being rendered
[List to be updated]
A list of extensions available for Indian languages in Openoffice
- GXLiterate- A Google Transliteration Service based transliterator for for Indic Languages
- WiRWiB - Wordnet Based suggestive writing aid for creative writing in English and Hindi
- English to Hindi Dictionary and Thesaurus
Hyphenation Dictionaries
- Malayalam Hyphenation Rules
- Kannada Hyphenation Rules
- Bengali Hyphenation Rules
- Hindi Hyphenation Rules
- Telugu Hyphenation Rules
- Tamil Hyphenation Rules
- Gujarati Hyphenation Rules
- Panjabi Hyphenation Rules
- Oriya Hyphenation Rules
- Marathi Hyphenation Rules
Contact persons for Languages
Contact Persons for each languages. To be completed
- Malayalam - Santhosh Thottingal < santhosh dot thottingal at gmail dot com >
- Hindi
- Bengali - Jamil Ahmed < itsjamil at gmail dot com >
- Oriya
- Tamil
- Kannada
- Telugu
- Gujarati
- Panjabi
- Marathi
- Assamese
Localization status
- A project to help the batch migration of legacy documents in proprietory formats with ASCII fonts to unicode ODF format. Contact Person : Rajeesh Nambiar . Status : In Progress