Design Artwork and Branding Project Proposal

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People interested in active contribution

OOo user name ( wiki user name real name active in other projects interested in comment
bedipp BeDipp Bernhard Dippold art, marketing, (website, UX) organizing and coordinating with other projects
christophnoack ChristophNoack Christoph Noack UX representing UX interests visual design is an essential part of what the user experiences when using the product and our services
ivantm Ivanm Ivan Miskovic art, website and (to a lesser extent) UX making OOo look great in every possible way a strong and consistent visual identity will see more downloads, website visitors, etc.
overkill Overkill Nikash Singh Art Contributing graphics and generally helping out The hard work done throughout OOo should be reflected in a new, equally impressive, consistent Design.
jensgh JensGH Jens Habermann Art, Marketing everything graphics
Chs Chs Charles-H. Schulz NLC, ODF@WWW Got some "skunkworks" going on at the ODF@www project, incl. the "Pinneberg Files" (check out this wiki) and this initiative cannot ignore this one :-)
rosana_a rosana_a Rosana Ardila Marketing interested in a consistent and strong OOo branding
maple1249 maple1249 Connor Montgomery UX Website, UI, and UX in particular, but open to anything! Visual design/UI is the first impression we make on the user(s). The more enjoyable/consistent we make it, the more users we have the ability to not only get, but keep as permanent users.
ismaelgrammenidis Ismaelgrammenidis Ismaël Grammenidis nl, fr Web Design, Visual Identity (branding) Create a consistent and strong visual identity on international and local (native language) level.
yorick_ Yorick Graham Lauder Marketing, Website, UX Interested in Strong vibrant branding, particularly from a Marketing point of view OOo is an internet based product. Users, to interface with OOo, in the vast majority of cases, first have to come via the internet to connect with the community, to learn about, to download. There are no bright display stands in shops, no fancy packaging, no high visibility multimedia marketing campaigns and therefore we are dealing with a different branding paradigm. Different elements of the branding become more important. Despite assertions to the contrary the internet is a text based medium, in this paradigm therefore, the most recognisable branding elements are not the gulls or the colours but two strings of text. One with 14 text characters including 2 uppercase Os: "" and one with 3 characters: two uppercase Os and 1 lower case: "OOo". Any visual branding has to leverage this basic fact
Mirek2 Mirek2 Miroslav Mazel UX, marketing, website pretty much anything: art, proposals, discussion, ...
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