Calc/Drafts/Issue 5658 CT2N

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The extension CT2N is candidate for integration in

This will help users wrt issue 5658. However, first some work has to be done. For remarks / suggestions, pls contact Cor Nouws , or mail to the sc-list: .

Integration of CT2N


  • Currently, various translations are provided. But all strings come from a function in the code. Should be changed to external files. At the least to the language files that are used in extensions. Even better would (should ..) be integration in the normal translation process.


  • Currently, the dialogue window is non-modal because of checking a global var. Should be changed to a normal dialogue window listener.
  • Currently, the code does some checking to find out which cells contain text formatted numbers or dates. There are some ideas on providing an internal marker, property, so that the checking by the code of the extension should no longer be needed. Details to be studied, to see if that really serves al wishes.
  • ..

UI / a11y

  • Is the UI consistent with the UI of the core product and other bundled extensions ?
  • Is it a11y compliant?


  • Currently, the info supplied is just a step on the dialogue. Should be reworked to normal help files.


  • ..
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