Art/OOo3 Design

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This page contains informations about the graphical elements to be used for 3 related artwork.

Some of these elements have been used from the first version, others have been introduced with 2.0. They can be used for version independent artwork.

Artwork especially designed for 3 might use graphical elements from the new splash screen.

Version independent elements

based on the logo:

  • Logo


SVG vector graphic source

  • Gulls
  • colors
  • textual references

based on elements from 2:

  • wire gulls from the OOo2 splash screen by Brendan Whelan

Wire gulls.png

SVG vector graphic source

based on the homepage:

  • (as the homepage has been changed and will be changed from time to time, such artwork might be outdated some day)

Specialized 3 elements

based on the OOo3 splash screen by Jacek Adamkiewicz (proposal b):

Splash b ok.png

SVG vector graphic source

  • logo with reflection

OOo3 logo with reflection.png

  • curve and gradients

OOo3 curve with gradients.png

  • colored balls

Ooo3 colored points.png

The SVG vector graphics can be extracted from the splash screen source (link above) or from the graphical elements SVG source

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