ApSIC Xbench
Ottimo, direi irrinunciabile, strumento per la ricerca terminologica in numerose risorse linguistiche (memorie di traduzione e glossari). Ahimè, solo per Windows...
ApSIC Xbench is an integrated reference tool aimed to provide a clear and structured view of the terminology of any translation project. It's a search tool that let's you search for a term through different linguistic resources.
Formati Supportati
[Dalla guida in linea del software] Questo CAT supporta numerosi diversi tipi di formati:
- TTF (testo formattato a tabulazioni)
- Glossari Microsoft (file .csv)
- Exported Trados Workbench memories
- Exported Trados Multiterm glossaries (versione 5 and XML)
- Trados TagEditor files
- TMX (memorie di traduzione)
- Trados Word bilingual uncleaned files
- Cartelle IBM TranslationManager installate ed esportate
- Exported IBM TranslationManager (dizionari)
- SDLX .itd files
- Star Transit projects
- Wordfast (glossari)
- Wordfast (memorie)
- TBX files
- XLIFF files
- Mac OS X software files
Why should I use it?
It is an extremely efficient tool to search through different linguistic resources (glossaries and translation memories). You can define which files to search through. It can be accessed from any Windows application - just select a term and press Ctrl+Alt+Ins, ApSIC Xbench will open up and display the search results for the word you selected. It is much more efficient than looking through a file (or dozens of files) using Notepad or any other such programs.
Microsoft Glossaries
ApSIC Xbench is especially useful to search through Microsoft glossaries which can be considered the best source for Computer Science terminology.
How does it work?
To start using the program you should first create a project which will contain all the files the tool will use as a reference. To do this, click on Project --> New. In the dialog that opens, add the files you want to include in the project. Just click on Add..., choose the file type and then add the files.
Once you've added the files you have the possibility to assign different priorities to each file - this proves useful when you have different resources to search through and you want to make sure you follow a hierarchical order. Sometimes you have an official glossary and then some other reference you want to use but are not considered “official”. In such a case, you may want the search results from the official glossaries to appear before the others. That's what the Priority function is for.
Once the project has been created you can save it for future reference so that you don't have to go through all the steps needed to create one. It might be a good idea to create projects for the different clients you work for, or for specific areas, such as Computer Science.
Search functions
ApSIC Xbench let's you search through target or source files and you can set different search patterns (case sensitive, whole word, ongoing translations...). It can even be used to search a given term online through Google, Google define or any other search engine you wish (just add them from the Internet --> Define link menu).
Quality Assurance
[From the software online guide] ApSIC Xbench features Quality Assurance (QA) functions to perform advanced checks on the files defined as ongoing translation. The QA functions try to find segments with the following potential problems:
- Untranslated segments
- Segments that have the same source text but a different target text
- Segments that have the same target text but a different source text
- Segments with tag errors
- Segments with numerical errors
- Segments that deviate from the key terms of the project
- Segments that meet the search criteria of entries in the Project or the Personal Checklist. See Managing Checklists for more information about this feature.
Where do I get it?
The software can be downloaded for free from the following URL: