Template talk:CitePage

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This page is only a translation today and I may write like a child. If you find non sense I've just hidden the french text :-) Dominique Pautrel 23:25, 21 May 2009 (UTC)


About graphical display. It is really basic today, thus easy to enhance...

How to paste values in a page ?

  • I started with entering this parameter in a heading, i.e. == Description ==, then the value in textbody. But when one's click on Edit, it was (obviously) the template !
  • Another use could be assigning categories.

Footer or Header ?

For my part, I'd think it more as a header, to resume essentials about the given document.

However, for not to take the whole page width, we could imagine that this template include itself on one side (left or right, one's can choose).

I wonder if it would be easy to add a <hide>/<show> button who could show additionnals informations of minor importance (a table test with a hide/show button) or if we could include a tab system. For this we need to observe how other sophisticated templates are built...

Synanceia (Pierre) 12:30, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

Top or Bottom ?
For my part I thinked there should not have frequently more data in the page, and so, when there is it need to be shown...
Right or Left ?
If one's want to put an "explorer" (to replace our old Template:Français), it will be right aligned. Thus, imho, not to the right... To tell a bit more... I don't know if it need to float on the left or (what I'd made alone for today), keep it in full width (default).
Dominique Pautrel 13:01, 20 May 2009 (UTC)

Choosing a method

One or more Templates ?

Old title : One template only with optionnal parameters

I don't think (Not as my firsts thoughts) that we need to build many templates. Only one could suffice, we just need to condition the display of a template row to the existence of the concerned parameter. Also, if the cited document as a "standard" status, one could hide this row to limit the numbers of information. (seem important to me if the template is a header !)
Synanceia (Pierre) 12:30, 19 May 2009 (UTC)

I wonder... In a manner a main template and some sub-templates could be easiest to understand, debug, maintain...
On the other way we'll probably need to deal with passing parameters.
I've asked for help or feedback (in english) : http://documentation.openoffice.org/servlets/ReadMsg?listName=dev&msgNo=5459
And Clayton seem to find it could be a good idea, but as myself didn't saw nothing but a single link to a page, there is probably no template yet for doing such a thing. On my english page, he says he like the first one with an icon, and I agree with him it's look prettier.
Dominique Pautrel 17:38, 20 May 2009 (UTC)

Assigning Categories ?

If a template assign a category, changing the category in the template will change the category in all pages who use the template.
I see three possibles choices :

  1. Pasting the value in the bottom of the page, as if the category had been entered by hand...
  2. Build a robust "engine" to deal with them smartly.
  3. Go with keywords. Not retained...
Exemple was an FR FAQ page about Writer. One's could assignate the four categories FR, Documentation, FAQ, and Writer. And use DPL queries to retrieve pages when intersecting many categories, which could be huges if asked alone. Existent structure is not like that (and perhaps it's better, I don't know).


This template exist also in French. I'll try to keep the two versions up to date
What is following is nothing more than wished behavior... One could make a subsection for a parameter if necessary.
Please feel free to correct or add something. I've obviously missed a parameter.

Parameter Values Comments
Address String Don't forget http://... to make visible in the Help. (One's could dream with an info-balloon ...). We could also take the easiest method... no restriction and the user of the template put here document's type and weight.
Authors String Author(s) list. Recommend to split with a coma and a space.
Date AAAA-MM-JJ Last update of the document.
Description String It should be the largest string entered by the user. It can be built like a page, with headings, etc. But in that case the Edit links appears in the table cell and edit the template... hum, there's the magic word NOEDITSECTION but it don't seem smart to me.
  1. Yes
  2. No
  1. To distinguish if the Address parameter is a web page or a direct download link.
  2. Mandatory. (hu, I'd like so... at the first glance)
  1. Yes
  2. No
If "Yes", then include the Title parameter as a DISPLAYTITLE command, thus only one instance per page, for How-Tos, Tutorials or Guides. "No" could permit to include more instances (FAQ) and assign "Main Entrance" with DISPLAYTITLE. ;-)
  1. Base
  2. Calc
  3. Draw
  4. General
  5. Impress
  6. Math
  7. Setup
  8. Writer
It would be nice (example with Base) that corresponding icon appears. Base.png ou carrément Base.png

This parameter could also be used for defining a category to assign, but it's not sufficient for distinguish the document type, FAQ, How-To...

  1. Linux
  2. Mac
  3. All (default)
  4. Windows
  5. etc. ?
State of the art could be that if absent, no exception is generated but string "All"
  1. Preliminary
  2. Standard
  3. Obsolete


  1. While the document is not finalized.
  2. Stable.
  3. Out of Date or usable only with older versions. In this case, add comment.

Thus authorize comments and use the three terms as [Balise] , at the beginning of the string.

Title String At this time it appears twice, for the page and for the table... It's also for this reason I imagined it as a footer...

The fact of not including DISPLAYTITLE give the advantage to can put many instances of the template on one page (for FAQ type document]. Indeed one's need to create a switch parameter...

Icon and Color

For this purpose one's need to use the ParserFunctions extension from MediaWiki, particularly the #switch function, which permit a "mapping" table so that entering "Base" will output Base.png for Icon and relative RVB color for Color as well.

Icon and Color templates included together.
2nd Parameter: Position. Mapping: Call Result of the two templates :
Nine values from 1 to 9
From Top Left
To bottom Right
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Encountering problems with other than 1 and 3...

Code :
bgcolor={{Color|Calc}} | {{Icon|Calc|3|50}}The result is...

The result is now a 50 pixels floating Calc icon, at the top right of the green cell, permitting text to fill in cell without blank space for a more esthetic result... (but I wonder for now how to eliminate this unwanted "blank line" at the top of cell)


Dominique Pautrel 13:23, 29 May 2009 (UTC) (About the possibles licenses for the pointed link, not the page itself.)

  • Well, I've thought essentially to documentation, so PDL and CCBY for example. But, amongst others, there is the extension case which could have the GPL license as well...
  • So I thought to another Template:Licenses with #switch again. This way user could comfortably make use of known acronyms for licenses...
  • Try to complete, in alphabetical order, the following :
This table need HELP if
a correct link don't appears in the output.
Values could be added when needed.
If the template is created, then this table will move...
Input Output
CCBY Creative Common Attribution 3.0 license (CC-BY)
GPL Global public license
PDL Public Documentation License (PDL)


It seem obvious to distinguish three distinct Version... parameters :

  1. Version of the document or application itself, simply called here the link
  2. VersionStart The version of Apache OpenOffice from witch it's possible to use this link. (i.e. 2.0)
  3. VersionEnd The version of Apache OpenOffice since this link is obsolete, as set in the Status parameter.

What I don't like are the parameters names themselves. I don't even know if there is (probably) a norm. Could you suggest better names ? Thanks in advance !

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