Sistem QATrack

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POZOR: Dokument je zastarel, saj se nanaša le na preizkušanje pred izdajo 3.0! Ta stran vsebuje najnovejšo različico dokumentacije pomoči za QATrack. Vsebina se redno kopira na spletno mesto QATrack.
Razprava o spremembah te strani poteka na dopisnem seznamu

QATrack je sistem upravljanja z gradnjami skupnosti Zagotavlja osrednje mesto s podatki o gradnjah in podpira skupnost pri vseh korakih zagotavljanja kakovosti in izdajanja novih različic.

Pridobite račun na spletnem mestu

Čeprav so vsi podatki v QATrack javno dostopni brez prijave, lahko z računom spremenite jezik uporabniškega vmesnika in pridobite poglobljeni dostop, ko postanete bolj vpleteni.

Pridobite račun

Račun odprete tukaj:
Odpri račun

Pridobite pravice

Pošljite e-poštno sporočilo na naslov in zahtevajte pravice dostopa za sistem QATrack. Navedite jezike, za katere želite dostop (npr. slovenščino).

O vlogah si lahko več preberete tukaj.

Splošne nastavitve

Ko imate potrebne pravice, se lahko prijavite v QATrack.

Prijava v QATrack

Če ste se prej lahko prijavili v QATrack in vaši prejšnji podatki za prijavo več ne delujejo, je vzrok najbrž naš prehod na sistem overjanja CollabNET, ki ga sicer uporablja spletno mesto To pomeni, da lahko uporabite za QATrack tudi svoje prijavne podatke za portal! Če torej uporabite svoje uporabniško ime in geslo za spletno mesto, bi prijava morala uspeti.

Če imate še naprej težave s prijavo, za pomoč pišite na dopisni seznam

Izberite jezik vmesnika

Če je vaš prvi jezik npr. slovenščina (in ne angleščina), vam bo morda lažje, če uporabite prevod uporabniškega vmesnika QATrack v vašem prvem jeziku. Kliknite Account Preferences (Nastavitve računa) v desnem zgornjem kotu glave strani in spremenite jezik vmesnika your interface language.

Help (Pomoč)

Ta odsek ponuja vsebino pomoči, ki jo tu prebirate.

About QATrack (O sistemu QATrack)

Ta odsek vsebuje zasluge in zahvale za sistem QATrack.

System Preferences (Sistemske nastavitve)

Prikaže podatke o vašem računu QATrack in ponuja možnost spreminjanja jezika vmesnika.

Log out (Odjavi)

Kliknite to povezavo, če se želite odjaviti iz sistema QATrack.

First Page (Prva stran)

Prva stran služi kot dashboard in ponuja pregled zadnjih gradenj, ki so za vas zanimive.

It displays your languages' latest builds on the left with the Int Id, Version, Platform and Status of each build. In the middle latest English (United States) builds are displayed with the Int Id, Version, Platform and Status of each build. You can click on any builds Int Id to get to the build's page.

Na desni so prikazana sporočila, ki so jih objavili skrbniki portala, prvo je najnovejše sporočilo. It also gives you the latest news from the RSS feed.

Če želite več podatkov o gradnjah, kliknite sem.

View Status (Pokaži stanje)

Stran View Status provides an advanced search feature to query the database for the status of a specific version, language, platform, status and more.

The field Version is required to limit the preassure on the QATrack system and must contain at least 3 characters, e.g 2.4. The field Available for last specifies the days since the build was added (provided) to the system. If a field is not filled in, all possible values are implied.

The search engine provides two views, Overview view, and Detailed View The Overview view displays an overview of all the builds returned by the result. Each build has the color associated with its current status, and an initial letter of its current status. The Detailed View displayes a detailed view of the builds returned by the result. Each build has the color associated with its current status, and displayed the version of the build. Each build in this view also has an advanced tooltip displaying the builds Build Id, Version, Status, Responsible, Created and Filename fields of the build.

The search result URL can easily be copied and sent to another individual as the URL contains the search parameters specified.

Submit Builds

This page allows users to provide builds to the QATrack build management system.

The builds that you can submit here largely dipends on the global role and languages that are associated by your account. Administrators and Build Providers can submit builds for all languages. Other users can only submit builds for the languages that are associated with your account.

The process is divided into 3 steps defined below.

Step 1 - provide one build

  1. Enter the build URI in the field Build URI.
  2. Click Analyze Builds.

Step 1 - provide several builds

  1. Enter the build URI for one of the builds in the field Build URI.
  2. Select Check that the files are available on server (recommended) if you would like QATrack to check the availability of each build URI.
  3. Select the languages that you would like to add for this build. The build submission engine will automatically parse the URI and create a table of builds by mixing the Build URI and the languages. Use Select all languages, Unselect all languages and Select Sun languages or by clicking on the language names to select languages.

Tip: You can click on a language name to select the language. You do not have to click on the checkbox.

Step 2

  1. Analyze the result of the analyze. The interface informs you about duplicates and builds that were not available. Duplicate builds and unavailable builds are never added to QATrack.
  2. If everything is OK, click Register Builds. If something is wrong, click your browsers Back button to review Step 1.

Step 3

The builds are added in accordance with your request. A Build Submission Report is displayed which you can save as a receipt.

An email for each build is sent to all users which are associated with that build's language.

An entry is added to the RSS feed with all the builds added.


This section is managed by system administrators. Users can view users sharing the same languages as themselves.


This section provides the ability to manage the languages accepted by QATrack. Languages not in this list are not accepted by the QATrack build management system.

Only QATrack system adaministrators can change this section. If you would like things changes, contact a system administrator in the Help section.

Show Build

For each build displayed in QATrack, the Int Id for that build provides a link to the build page of that build.

The build page can be updated by an account which is associated with the build's language, or any administrators.


This section provides basic information about the build.


This section allows adding or modifying the TCM Report URI.


This section provids a field for specifying the person responsible for the build.

Current Status

This section describes the current status with the fields Status, Since and Until. The two latter fields are related to the current status.


For each change made to the build on this page (including adding an IssueZilla issue) you can comment the change. Add the comment under this section to add a message to the build comment log.

Comments can be added to the build without changing anything else.


This is the build's comment log, displaying all comments added by users. Comments are displayed with the first comment first, the last comment added displayed last.


This section, as the comment log, displayes the issues associated with this build. Each issue shows the basic information about the issue, with a hyperlink to that issue's page in IssueZilla on the website.

Add Issue

Enter an issue number here and click Save Changes to add an issue to this build. Added issues can be removed at any time by checking the issue's Remove checkbox and click Save Changes.

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