Education ClassRoom/Previous Logs/MercurialMigration

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Soon on your screens :-)

[16:59] <ericb2> blauwal_: hello. thanks for accepting the presentation

[16:59] <ericb2> blauwal_: you can start :)

[16:59] <blauwal_> OK then let's go.

[17:00] <b_michaelsen> ericb2: huh? wiki root? anyway - later. blauwal_'s show ;)

[17:00] <blauwal_> My name is Jens-Heiner Rechtien and I'm with the release engineering team

[17:01] <blauwal_> Lately we switched our Source Code Management (SCM) system from SVN to Mercurial and I'm going to tell a little about that

[17:02] <blauwal_> First I should say a bit about the WHY we did this

[17:03] <blauwal_> About a year ago we switched to SVN as an intermediate step and promised to re-evaluate the SCM situation again within a year.

[17:05] <blauwal_> This is because many developer wanted a distributed SCM (DSCM) system, but we found the than existing ones lacking.

[17:05] <blauwal_> All the three "big" DSCM evolved a lot over the last year.

[17:06] <blauwal_> Git, Bazaar and Mercurial (hg)

[17:07] <blauwal_> And early this year we found that Mercurial and Git are able to host the OOo source code and Bazaar nearly so.

[17:07] <blauwal_> Why not just stay with SVN?

[17:09] <blauwal_> Well, SVN is not a distributed SCM, which is what many developers prefer nowadays. But then SVN also disappointed in several areas.

[17:09] <blauwal_> The new merge tracking inplemented in SVN-1.5 proved to be very buggy (at least in the beginning) and quite slow.

[17:11] <blauwal_> Also the implementation of file renames is quite limited, it's possible to view the history of renamed files, but it's not possible to forward changes made to file under the old name to the new name.

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