Education ClassRoom/Previous Logs/MercurialMigration

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Soon on your screens :-)

[16:59] <ericb2> blauwal_: hello. thanks for accepting the presentation

[16:59] <ericb2> blauwal_: you can start :)

[16:59] <blauwal_> OK then let's go.

[17:00] <b_michaelsen> ericb2: huh? wiki root? anyway - later. blauwal_'s show ;)

[17:00] <blauwal_> My name is Jens-Heiner Rechtien and I'm with the release engineering team

[17:01] <blauwal_> Lately we switched our Source Code Management (SCM) system from SVN to Mercurial and I'm going to tell a little about that

[17:02] <blauwal_> First I should say a bit about the WHY we did this

[17:03] <blauwal_> About a year ago we switched to SVN as an intermediate step and promised to re-evaluate the SCM situation again within a year.

[17:05] <blauwal_> This is because many developer wanted a distributed SCM (DSCM) system, but we found the than existing ones lacking.

[17:05] <blauwal_> All the three "big" DSCM evolved a lot over the last year.

[17:06] <blauwal_> Git, Bazaar and Mercurial (hg)

[17:07] <blauwal_> And early this year we found that Mercurial and Git are able to host the OOo source code and Bazaar nearly so.

[17:07] <blauwal_> Why not just stay with SVN?

[17:09] <blauwal_> Well, SVN is not a distributed SCM, which is what many developers prefer nowadays. But then SVN also disappointed in several areas.

[17:09] <blauwal_> The new merge tracking inplemented in SVN-1.5 proved to be very buggy (at least in the beginning) and quite slow.

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