Managing Number Formats

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Documents provide their formats through the interface that has one method getNumberFormats() that returns Using NumberFormats, developers can read and modify number formats in documents, and also add new formats.

You have to retrieve the NumberFormatsSupplier as a property at a few objects from their interface, for example, from data sources supporting the service and from database connections supporting the service, or In addition, all UNO controls offering the service have a NumberFormatsSupplier property.

NumberFormats Service

The service specifies a container of number formats and implements the interfaces and


NumberFormats supports the interface This interface provides access to the number formats of a container. It is used to query the properties of a number format by an index key, retrieve a list of available number format keys of a given type for a given locale, query the key for a user-defined format string, or add new format codes into the list or to remove formats.

  com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet getByKey ( [in] long nKey )
  sequence< long > queryKeys ( [in] short nType, 
                 [in] com::sun::star::lang::Locale nLocale, 
                 [in] boolean bCreate )
  long queryKey ( [in] string aFormat,
                 [in] com::sun::star::lang::Locale nLocale, 
                 [in] boolean bScan )
  long addNew ( [in] string aFormat, [in] com::sun::star::lang::Locale nLocale ) 
  long addNewConverted ( [in] string aFormat, [in] com::sun::star::lang::Locale nLocale, 
                 [in] com::sun::star::lang::Locale nNewLocale ) 
  void removeByKey ( [in] long nKey )
  string generateFormat ( [in] long nBaseKey, [in] com::sun::star::lang::Locale nLocale, 
                 [in] boolean bThousands, [in] boolean bRed, [in] short nDecimals, [in] short nLeading )

The important methods are probably queryKey() and addNew(). The method queryKey() finds the key for a given format string and locale, whereas addNew() creates a new format in the container and returns its key for immediate use. The bScan is reserved for future use and should be set to false.

The properties of a single number format are obtained by a call to getByKey() which returns a service for the given index key.


The interface offers functions to retrieve the index keys of specific predefined number format types. The predefined types are addressed by constants from The NumberFormat contains values for predefined format types, such as PERCENT, TIME, CURRENCY, and TEXT.

  long getStandardIndex ( [in] com::sun::star::lang::Locale nLocale )
  long getStandardFormat ( [in] short nType, 
                [in] com::sun::star::lang::Locale nLocale )
  long getFormatIndex ( [in] short nIndex, 
                [in] com::sun::star::lang::Locale nLocale )
  boolean isTypeCompatible ( [in] short nOldType, [in] short nNewType )
  long getFormatForLocale ( [in] long nKey, 
                [in] com::sun::star::lang::Locale nLocale )

In most cases you will need getStandardFormat(). It expects a type constant from the NumberFormat group and the locale to use, and returns the key of the corresponding predefined format.

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