Community Council/Agenda

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Agenda items for the next Meeting

Next regular meeting: August 20th 2009

TIME: 18:30 UTC

( draft )

  1. List of decisions and AI's of previous meeting for approval
  2. Action items - from previous meeting(s)
    1. Budget
      1. Louis: use marcon list and post to wiki list of events selected for importance to the community and to OOo's goals
    2. Trademark
      1. Stefan et all: discuss with Debian (09-07-10) and give feed back
      2. then with comments on list: review by the cc , and then start discussion on discuss@
    3. Elections
      1. Thalion72 (and mhu is going to help) to send to louis (and jpmcc) proposal for elections announcement for editing, writing, etc. (around May 30)
      2. Louis: ping André ..
    4. Internship
      1. Cor (et all): Start of the public process (announcement etc.) asap
      2. Louis: to send to contests@marketing update on Seneca College, China (Tsinghua) and others for internship and mentoring
    5. L10n infrastructure
      1. André: continue on , and discuss with Florian
      2. (See remarks in the log from cloph)
      3. Louis: ping André ..
    6. Certification
      1. all: continue discussion with Alexandro and Evan via mail list
      2. goal is to come to decission asap
      3. while discussing, work on building stones for other (requests for) partnerships
    7. Procedures for retirement of a project in Incubator and NLC
      1. Louis: deliver final wording after the discussion that was on the mail list
    8. Proposal for handling incubator and NLC projects
      1. Louis: come with clear proposal, so we can put it on the agenda for a future meeting
    9. Schedule for next meetings
      1. Cor: continue on this via mail
  3. OOoCon 2009
    1. Update
  4. ...

Minutes of Previous Meetings

May be found here

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