Australian-English Spelling Dictionary/phonetic hints

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< Australian-English Spelling Dictionary
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PHONE AH(AEIOUY)-^         *H
PHONE AR(AEIOUY)-^         *R
PHONE A(HR)^               *
PHONE A^                   *
PHONE AH(AEIOUY)-          H
PHONE AR(AEIOUY)-          R
PHONE A(HR)                _
PHONE BB-                  _
PHONE B                    B
PHONE CQ-                  _
PHONE CIA                  X
PHONE CH                   X
PHONE C(EIY)-              S
PHONE CK                   K
PHONE COUGH^               KF
PHONE CC<                  C
PHONE C                    K
PHONE DG(EIY)              K
PHONE DD-                  _
PHONE D                    T
PHONE É<                   E
PHONE EH(AEIOUY)-^         *H
PHONE ER(AEIOUY)-^         *R
PHONE E(HR)^               *
PHONE ENOUGH^$             *NF
PHONE E^                   *
PHONE EH(AEIOUY)-          H
PHONE ER(AEIOUY)-          R
PHONE E(HR)                _
PHONE FF-                  _
PHONE F                    F
PHONE GN^                  N
PHONE GN$                  N
PHONE GNS$                 NS
PHONE GNED$                N
PHONE GH(AEIOUY)-          K
PHONE GH                   _
PHONE GG9                  K
PHONE G                    K
PHONE H                    H
PHONE IH(AEIOUY)-^         *H
PHONE IR(AEIOUY)-^         *R
PHONE I(HR)^               *
PHONE I^                   *
PHONE ING6                 N
PHONE IH(AEIOUY)-          H
PHONE IR(AEIOUY)-          R
PHONE I(HR)                _
PHONE J                    K
PHONE KN^                  N
PHONE KK-                  _
PHONE K                    K
PHONE LAUGH^               LF
PHONE LL-                  _
PHONE L                    L
PHONE MB$                  M
PHONE MM                   M
PHONE M                    M
PHONE NN-                  _
PHONE N                    N
PHONE OH(AEIOUY)-^         *H
PHONE OR(AEIOUY)-^         *R
PHONE O(HR)^               *
PHONE O^                   *
PHONE OH(AEIOUY)-          H
PHONE OR(AEIOUY)-          R
PHONE O(HR)                _
PHONE PH                   F
PHONE PN^                  N
PHONE PP-                  _
PHONE P                    P
PHONE Q                    K
PHONE RH^                  R
PHONE ROUGH^               RF
PHONE RR-                  _
PHONE R                    R
PHONE SCH(EOU)-            SK
PHONE SC(IEY)-             S
PHONE SH                   X
PHONE SI(AO)-              X
PHONE SS-                  _
PHONE S                    S
PHONE TI(AO)-              X
PHONE TH                   @
PHONE TCH--                _
PHONE TOUGH^               TF
PHONE TT-                  _
PHONE T                    T
PHONE UH(AEIOUY)-^         *H
PHONE UR(AEIOUY)-^         *R
PHONE U(HR)^               *
PHONE U^                   *
PHONE UH(AEIOUY)-          H
PHONE UR(AEIOUY)-          R
PHONE U(HR)                _
PHONE V^                   W
PHONE V                    F
PHONE WR^                  R
PHONE WH^                  W
PHONE W(AEIOU)-            W
PHONE X^                   S
PHONE X                    KS
PHONE Y(AEIOU)-            Y
PHONE ZZ-                  _
PHONE Z                    S

#The rules in a different view:
# Exceptions:
#  Beginning of word: "gn", "kn-", "pn-", "wr-"  ----> drop first letter
#                     "Aebersold", "Gnagy", "Knuth", "Pniewski", "Wright"
#  Beginning of word: "x"                                ----> change to "s"
#                                     as in "Deng Xiaopeng"
#  Beginning of word: "wh-"                              ----> change to "w"
#                                     as in "Whalen"
#  Beginning of word: leading vowels are transformed to "*"
#  "[crt]ough" and "enough" are handled separately because of "F" sound
#  A --> A      at beginning
#          _      otherwise
#  B --> B      unless at the end of word after "m", as in "dumb", "McComb"
#  C --> X      (sh) if "-cia-" or "-ch-"
#          S      if "-ci-", "-ce-", or "-cy-"
#                 SILENT if "-sci-", "-sce-", or "-scy-", or "-cq-"
#          K      otherwise, including in "-sch-"
#  D --> K      if in "-dge-", "-dgy-", or "-dgi-"
#          T      otherwise
#  E --> A      at beginnig
#          _      SILENT otherwise
#  F --> F
#  G -->        SILENT if in "-gh-" and not at end or before a vowel
#                            in "-gn" or "-gned" or "-gns"
#                           in "-dge-" etc., as in above rule
#          K      if before "i", or "e", or "y" if not double "gg"
#          K      otherwise (incl. "GG"!)
#  H -->        SILENT if after vowel and no vowel or "Y" follows
#                        or after "-ch-", "-sh-", "-ph-", "-th-", "-gh-"
#                        or after "rh-" at beginning
#          H      otherwise
#  I --> A      at beginning
#          _      SILENT otherwise
#  J --> K
#  K -->        SILENT if after "c"
#          K      otherwise
#  L --> L
#  M --> M
#  N --> N
#  O --> A      at beginning
#          _      SILENT otherwise
#  P --> F      if before "h"
#          P      otherwise
#  Q --> K
#  R -->        SILENT if after vowel and no vowel or "Y" follows
#          R      otherwise
#  S --> X      (sh) if before "h" or in "-sio-" or "-sia-"
#          SK     if followed by "ch(eo)" (SCH(EO))
#          S      otherwise
#  T --> X      (sh) if "-tia-" or "-tio-"
#          0      (th) if before "h"
#                 silent if in "-tch-"
#          T      otherwise
#  U --> A      at beginning
#          _      SILENT otherwise
#  V --> V      if first letter of word
#          F      otherwise
#  W -->        SILENT if not followed by a vowel
#          W      if followed by a vowel
#  X --> KS
#  Y -->        SILENT if not followed by a vowel
#          Y      if followed by a vowel
#  Z --> S

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