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OOD680m3, Windows version total 309 libraries with 101.720.488 bytes

Startup logged for full default installation starting without opening a document

Name                                  Size Startup  On Demand   Description

abp680mi.dll                        86.016      -       +       Address Book Autopilot                    37.376      -       +       Remote UNO Acceptor service
adabas2.dll                        204.800      -       +       Adabas Database Driver
ado2.dll                           348.160      -       +       ADO Database Driver
agg680mi.dll                       122.880      -       -       Class libary used in Canvas
analysis680mi.dll                  221.184      -       -       Calc AddIns
animcore.dll                        90.112      -       +       Animation classes (Impress only)
avmedia680mi.dll                    73.728      -       -       Classes for media support using Java Media Framework
avmediawin.dll                      42.496      -       +       DirectShow backend for avmedia
basctl680mi.dll                    487.424      -       +       Library for BasicIDE and Dialog Editor
basegfx680mi.dll                   225.280      +       -       Base graphic tooling                65.536      -       +       Script Provider for Basic                    22.528      -       +       Helper services for configuration backends
bf_frm680mi.dll                    720.896      -       -       General library for binary StarOffice Format Filter
bf_lng680mi.dll                    159.744      -       -       General library for binary StarOffice Format Filter
bf_migratefilter680mi.dll           29.184      -       +       General library for binary StarOffice Format Filter
bf_ofa680mi.dll                     57.856      -       -       General library for binary StarOffice Format Filter
bf_sc680mi.dll                   2.326.528      -       -       Calc library for binary StarOffice Format Filter
bf_sch680mi.dll                    561.152      -       -       Chart library for binary StarOffice Format Filter
bf_sd680mi.dll                     888.832      -       -       Draw/Impress library for binary StarOffice Format Filter
bf_sm680mi.dll                     270.336      -       -       Math library for binary StarOffice Format Filter
bf_svx680mi.dll                  2.932.736      -       -       General library for binary StarOffice Format Filter
bf_sw680mi.dll                   2.523.136      -       -       Writer library for binary StarOffice Format Filter
bf_wrapper680mi.dll                 53.760      -       -       General library for binary StarOffice Format Filter
bf_xo680mi.dll                   1.671.168      -       -       General library for binary StarOffice Format Filter
bib680mi.dll                       196.608      -       +       Library for Bibliography Component
bindet680mi.dll                     23.040      -       +       TypeDetection library for binary StarOffice Format Filter                   35.840      -       +       Factory for UNO remote bridges
cached1.dll                        126.976      -       +       UNO services for remote file access
calc680mi.dll                      135.168      -       +       Calc Documents Database Driver               20.480      -       +       UNO service for Canvas
canvastools680mi.dll               208.896      -       -       Canvas classes
cli_basetypes.dll                   12.288      -       +       .NET Assembly
cli_cppuhelper.dll                  33.792      -       +       .NET Assembly
cli_types.dll                      700.416      -       +       .NET Assembly
cli_uno.dll                        114.688      -       +       .NET Assembly
cli_ure.dll                          8.192      -       +       .NET Assembly
collator_data.dll                1.511.424      -       -       Data DLL for i18n UNO services
communi680mi.dll                    22.528      -       -       Testtool support
comphelp4MSC.dll                   430.080      +       -       C++ helper classes for selected UNO services               1.220.608      +       +       UNO service for Configuration Manager                   33.792      -       +       Remote UNO Connector service
cppcanvas680mi.dll                 184.320      -       -       Canvas C++ wrapper
cppu3.dll                          114.688      +       -       C++ UNO Runtime
cppuhelper3MSC.dll                 241.664      +       +       C++ helper classes and functions for C++ UNO Binding
ctl680mi.dll                       114.688      -       +       UNO controls
cui680mi.dll                     1.105.920      -       +       Library with common dialogs
date680mi.dll                       69.632      -       +       Calc AddIn
dba680mi.dll                       897.024      -       +       Database application
dbacfg680mi.dll                     94.208      -       +       Migration
dbase680mi.dll                     221.184      -       +       DBase Database Driver
dbaxml680mi.dll                    155.648      -       +       XML Filter for Database Application
dbghelp.dll                        765.440      -       +       MS runtime library for crash reporter
dbp680mi.dll                       131.072      -       +       DataBase Pilot
dbpool2.dll                         73.728      -       +       UNO Services for Database Connection pooling
dbtools680mi.dll                   651.264      -       +       Helper classes for DB functionality
dbu680mi.dll                     1.798.144      -       +       Database application UI            299.008      -       +       Package Manager         151.552      -       +       Package Manager
dict_ja.dll                      1.073.152      -       -       Japanese break iteration
dict_zh.dll                      2.285.568      -       -       Chinese break iteration                57.344      -       +       Dialog Provider for Basic
dnd.dll                            102.400      +       +       UNO services for Drag&Drop support
dtrans.dll                          30.208      -       +       UNO services for Clipboard Datatransfer
egi680mi.dll                        15.360      -       +       Gif export filter
embobj.dll                         188.416      -       +       UNO services for embedded OOo objects
emboleobj.dll                      151.552      -       +       UNO services for embedded COM objects
eme680mi.dll                        31.232      -       +       OS/2 Metafile export filter
emp680mi.dll                       204.800      -       +       Powerpoint export filter
emser680mi.dll                     126.976      +       +       COM services for embedding OOo documents into OLE2 clients
epb680mi.dll                        11.264      -       +       PBM export filter
epg680mi.dll                        11.776      -       +       PGM export filter
epp680mi.dll                        11.776      -       +       PPM export filter
eps680mi.dll                        46.592      -       +       EPS export filter
ept680mi.dll                        28.160      -       +       PICT export filter
era680mi.dll                         7.680      -       +       RAS export filter
eti680mi.dll                         9.728      -       +       TIFF export filter
evtatt.dll                          31.744      -       +       EventAttacher service
exp680mi.dll                         7.680      -       +       XPM export filter
file680mi.dll                      278.528      -       -       Base implementation for all file based Database Drivers (e.g. Calc, DBase)
fileacc.dll                         38.400      +       +       SimpleFileAccess UNO service
filterconfig1.dll                  159.744      -       +       UNO services for filter configuration and management
flash680mi.dll                     131.072      -       +       Flash export filter
flat680mi.dll                      139.264      -       +       CSV/TXT Database Driver
fop.dll                             25.088      -       +       FilePicker                     12.288      -       +       UNO service for system file picker
fps.dll                             94.208      -       +       FilePicker                 167.936      -       +       UNO service for system file picker
frm680mi.dll                     1.249.280      -       +       UNO services for forms                   65.536      +       +       Storage abstraction for folders
ftransl.dll                         43.008      -       +       UNO services for Clipboard
fwe680mi.dll                       274.432      +       -       Framework class library
fwi680mi.dll                       126.976      +       -       Framework class library
fwk680mi.dll                     1.335.296      +       +       UNO services for GUI in Framework module
fwl680mi.dll                        86.016      +       +       UNO services in Framework module
fwm680mi.dll                        35.840      -       +       UNO services for special customizations
gdiplus.dll                      1.645.320      +       -       Windows system library
go680mi.dll                        245.760      +       -       Multi purpose C++ class library          36.352      -       +       UNO service for Inplace Editing Window
hsqldb2.dll                        155.648      -       +       HSQLDB Database Driver
hunspell.dll                         5.632      -       +       Spell Checker
hwp.dll                            442.368      -       +       HWP import filter
hyphen680mi.dll                     42.496      -       +       Lingucomponent
i18nisolang1MSC.dll                 15.360      +       -       Language support library                   720.896      +       +       i18n services
i18nregexpMSC.dll                   23.040      -       -       i18n regexp                  28.672      -       -       i18n search
i18nutilMSC.dll                     53.248      +       -       Helper for
icd680mi.dll                         8.192      -       +       Picture Disk import filter
icg680mi.dll                       102.400      -       +       CGM import filter
icudt26l.dll                     3.915.776      +       -       International components for UniCode (external library from IBM, patched)
icuin26.dll                        606.208      +       -       International components for UniCode (external library from IBM, patched)
icule26.dll                        122.880      +       -       International components for UniCode (external library from IBM, patched)
icuuc26.dll                        524.288      +       -       International components for UniCode (external library from IBM, patched)
idx680mi.dll                        48.128      -       +       DXF import filter
ime680mi.dll                        30.720      -       +       OS/2 Metafile import filter                     50.688      +       +       UNO service for registration files
index_data.dll                     552.960      -       -       Data DLL for i18n UNO services               86.016      -       +       UNO services for introspection                  30.720      -       +       UNO services for invocation                  44.544      -       +       UNO services for invocation
ipb680mi.dll                         8.704      -       +       PBM import filter
ipd680mi.dll                        10.752      -       +       Adobe Photoshop import filter
ips680mi.dll                        15.360      -       +       EPS import filter
ipt680mi.dll                        23.040      -       +       PICT import filter
ipx680mi.dll                         8.704      -       +       PCX import filter
ira680mi.dll                         7.680      -       +       RAS import filter
itg680mi.dll                        10.752      -       +       TGA import filter
iti680mi.dll                        23.040      -       +       TIFF import filter
j680mi_g.dll                        17.920      +       -       Java applets (JNI)                  23.552      -       +       Register and load Java UNO components                      86.016      -       +       UNO service to start JVM
java_uno.dll                        86.016      -       +       Java Bridge
java_uno_accessbridge.dll           10.240      -       +       Helper for Java Accessibility Bridge
jdbc2.dll                          270.336      -       +       JDBC Database Driver
jpipe.dll                            8.704      -       +       Native code for pipes in Java
js3250.dll                         339.968      -       +       Netscape Javascript Module
juh.dll                              8.192      -       -       Java Language binding
juhx.dll                            77.824      -       -       Java Language binding
jvmaccess3MSC.dll                   10.752      +       -       Access to JVM
jvmfwk3.dll                         81.920      +       -       C library to select and start Java version (options dialog in office)
legacy_binfilters680mi.dll          77.824      -       +       Internal service manager of filter for old StarOffice binary file formats
libcurl.dll                        135.168      -       -       Helper library for ftp content provider
libdb42.dll                        548.864      -       -       BerkeleyDB
libdb_java42.dll                    81.920      -       -       JNI-Schnittstelle für libdb
libxml2.dll                        828.416      +       -       UNO service for XML parser (in startup used only by jvmfwk3!)
libxmlsec-mscrypto.dll             123.392      -       -       C library for XML signatures for Windows
libxmlsec.dll                      292.864      -       -       C library for XML signatures
lng680mi.dll                       249.856      -       -       Class Library
lnth680mi.dll                       37.888      -       +       LinguComponent                   20.992      +       +       Configuration Backend
localedata_en.dll                   94.208      -       +       Data DLL for i18n UNO services
localedata_es.dll                  114.688      -       +       Data DLL for i18n UNO services
localedata_euro.dll                581.632      -       +       Data DLL for i18n UNO services
localedata_others.dll              544.768      -       +       Data DLL for i18n UNO services
mcnttype.dll                        23.552      -       +       UNO services for Clipboard                37.376      -       +       UNO service for migration of user data
mozab2.dll                          24.576      -       +       Mozilla/Thunderbird Address Book Drivers
mozabdrv2.dll                      290.816      -       +       Mozilla/Thunderbird Address Book Drivers
mozz.dll                            37.888      -
msci_uno.dll                        37.888      +       -       Compiler specific part of C++ UNO Runtime
msgbsutl.dll                       200.704      -
msvcp71.dll                        499.712      +       -       Compiler Runtime
msvcr71.dll                        348.160      +       -       Compiler Runtime
mysql2.dll                         110.592      -       +       MySQL driver               18.432      -       +       UNO naming service                   39.936      +       +       UNO Registry
npsoplugin.dll                      18.944      -       +       Netscape Plugin
nsldap32v50.dll                    139.264      -
nsldappr32v50.dll                   11.264      -
nspr4.dll                          159.744      -
nss3.dll                           360.448      -
odbc2.dll                           18.432      -       +       ODBC Database Driver
odbcbase2.dll                      253.952      -       +       ODBC Database Driver
offacc680mi.dll                     19.968      -       +       UNO service for external connections
officebean.dll                       6.144      -              245.760      +       +       UNO OLE Automation bridge
onlinecheck.dll                      5.632      +       -       Check online for updates
ooofilt.dll                        172.032      -
ooofiltproxy.dll                    69.632      -
opc680mi.dll                        25.088      -       +       Checks installation for installed UCPs (looks obsolete)
package2.dll                       204.800      +       +       UNO service for package access           57.344      -       +       UNO service for password container
pcr680mi.dll                       598.016      -       +       Property Controller / Browsebox
pdffilter680mi.dll                  98.304      -       +       UNO service for PDF export filter
pk680mi.dll                         38.400      -       +       Packer UNO service (looks obsolete)
pl680mi.dll                        122.880      -       +       UNO services for embedding plugins
placewaremi.dll                     35.840      -       +       UNO service for placeware export filter
plc4.dll                            12.800      -
plds4.dll                            9.216      -
policy.1.0.cli_basetypes.dll         3.072      -       +       .NET Policy Assembly
policy.1.0.cli_cppuhelper.dll        3.072      -       +       .NET Policy Assembly
policy.1.0.cli_ure.dll               3.072      -       +       .NET Policy Assembly
policy.1.1.cli_types.dll             3.072      -       +       .NET Policy Assembly
preload680mi.dll                    38.400      -       +       Special preloading services (looks obsolete)         24.064      -       +       Product Registration UNO service
protocolhandler680mi.dll            27.136      -       +       Scripting Framework ProtocolHandler UNO service                    22.016      -       +       UNO remote proxy factory
python23.dll                       991.232      -       +       Python UNO Language Binding                15.872      -       +       Python UNO Language Binding
pyuno.dll                          118.784      -       +       Python UNO Language Binding                  90.112      -       +       UNO services for reflection
reg3.dll                            90.112      +       -       UNO Registry                118.784      +       +       UNO Registry Type Provider                27.648      -       +       UNO Service for Remote Bridges
res680mi.dll                        53.248      -       +       UNO service for loading resources
rmcxt3.dll                          14.848      -       -       Library for Remote Contexts
sal3.dll                         1.720.320      +       -       Basic C++ class library
salhelper3MSC.dll                    9.728      +       -       Basic C++ class library                        126.976      +       +       Sax Parser UNO service
sb680mi.dll                        540.672      +       -       Basic Interpreter/Manager
sc680mi.dll                      5.066.752      -       +       Calc library
scd680mi.dll                        28.160      -       +       Calc type detection library
sch680mi.dll                       962.560      -       +       Chart library
schd680mi.dll                       24.064      -       +       Chart type detection library
scn680mi.dll                        28.160      -       +       UNO services for scanning
scriptframe.dll                    110.592      -       +       Scripting Framework
scui680mi.dll                      221.184      -       +       Calc dialogs
sd680mi.dll                      2.830.336      -       +       Draw/Impress library
sdbc2.dll                           33.280      -       +       Database driver manager
sdbt680mi.dll                       73.728      -       -       Database Tools
sdd680mi.dll                        28.160      -       +       Draw/Impress type detection library
sdui680mi.dll                      241.664      -       +       Draw/Impress dialogs                    69.632      +       +       UNO security services                  81.920      +       +       UNO Service Manager
sfx680mi.dll                     2.260.992      +       -       Old application framework; multi purpose C++ class library                 18.432      +       +       UNO Shared Library Loader
shlxthdl.dll                       327.680      -
simplecm680mi.dll                   25.088      -       -       Testtool support                   44.032      +       +       UNO Registry                1.003.520      -       +       UNO services for slideshow
sm680mi.dll                        401.408      -       +       Math library
smd680mi.dll                        26.112      -       +       Math type detection library
smime3.dll                         106.496      -                    25.600      -       +       UNO service for sending mails
so680mi.dll                        348.160      -       -       Class library of filter for old StarOffice binary formats
softokn3.dll                       372.736      -
sot680mi.dll                       217.088      +       -       Class library for OLE storage access
so_activex.dll                     110.592      -       +       ActiveX control wrapper
spell680mi.dll                     188.416      -       +       Lingucomponent
spl680mi.dll                       114.688      +       +       UNO service for splash screen
srtrs1.dll                          81.920      -       +       UNO service for sorted result sets
ssl3.dll                           118.784      -
stlport_vc7145.dll                 577.536      +       -       STLPort library
store3.dll                          61.952      +       -       C++ class library for binary storages used by UNO (registries)                    102.400      -       +       Streamhelper UNO services
sts680mi.dll                       262.144      +       +       Testtool support
sunjavaplugin.dll                   43.520      -       +       Plugin for Sun Java (used by jvmfwk library)
svgfilter680mi.dll                 106.496      -       +       SVG export filter
svl680mi.dll                       483.328      +       -       General purpose C++ class library
svt680mi.dll                     2.060.288      +       -       General purpose C++ class library                     60.928      -       +       Miscellaneous UNO services
svx680mi.dll                     5.988.352      -       -       General purpose C++ class library; drawing layer; edit engine; MSO filters; GUI elements
sw680mi.dll                      5.980.160      -       +       Writer library
swd680mi.dll                        49.152      -       +       Writer type detection library
swui680mi.dll                      925.696      -       +       Writer dialogs
sysdtrans.dll                       98.304      -       +       System Clipboard UNO service                     29.184      +       +       Part of Configuration Manager                       18.432      -
textconversiondlgs680mi.dll         57.344      -       +       UNO service for asian text conversion
textconv_dict.dll                  253.952      -       +       Data DLL for i18n UNO services                16.384      -       +       UNO service textinputstream               14.848      -       +       UNO service textoutputstream
tfu680mi.dll                        34.304      -       +       Space Invaders (obsolete)
tk680mi.dll                      1.159.168      +       -       C++ class libray for UNO AWT toolkit
tl680mi.dll                        397.312      +       -       Basic C++ class library (old string class and streams, resource manager)
tvhlp1.dll                         114.688      -       +       Part of Help Content Provider               27.136      +       +       UNO Type Converter service                     90.112      +       +       UNO Type Manager service
ucb1.dll                           151.552      +       +       UNO service for UCB
ucbhelper3MSC.dll                  241.664      +       -       C++ helpers for convenient use of UCB
ucpchelp1.dll                      380.928      -       +       UNO service for Help Content Provider
ucpdav1.dll                        241.664      -       +       UNO service for WebDav/http Content Provider                  16.384      -       +       UNO service for Expand Content Provider
ucpfile1.dll                       188.416      +       +       UNO service for File Content Provider
ucpftp1.dll                        114.688      -       +       UNO service for ftp Content Provider
ucphier1.dll                       135.168      -       +       UNO service for Hierarchy Content Provider
ucppkg1.dll                        114.688      -       +       UNO service for Package Content Provider                   163.840      -       +       UNO service for Document Storage Content Provider
unicows.dll                        245.408     (-)      +       Only on Win9x
unoxml680mi.dll                    172.032      -       +       UNO services for DOM/XML/XPath                      65.536      +       +       UNO service for update checks
updchk680mi.dll                     24.576      -       +       UI for update service                     39.424      +       +       URI processing
urp_uno.dll                         90.112      -       +       URP bridges
utl680mi.dll                       290.816      +       -       Some C++ helpers for convenient use of different UNO services
uui680mi.dll                       110.592      -       +       UNO service for general InteractionHandler                  17.408      -       +       UNO URLResolver
uwinapi.dll                         98.304      +
vcl680mi.dll                     2.260.992      +       -       GUI class library                  278.528      -       +       VCL Canvas UNO service
vos3MSC.dll                         47.104      +       -       C++ class library, wrapper on top of sal                  23.552      -       +
wpft680mi.dll                      253.952      -               Word Perfect import filter
xcr680mi.dll                       294.912      +
xmergesync.dll                      86.016      -       +       XMerge
xmlfa680mi.dll                      33.792      -
xmlfd680mi.dll                      18.944      -
xmlsecurity.dll                    151.552      -       +       UNO service for signatures
xmx680mi.dll                        15.872      -       +       Embedding XML format into binary format (looks obsolete)
xo680mi.dll                      1.933.312      -       -       XML filters
xof680mi.dll                       217.088      -       -       XML filters
xpcom.dll                          380.928      -
xpcom_compat.dll                    81.920      -
xsec_fw.dll                         72.192      -
xsec_xmlsec.dll                     90.112      -
xsltdlg680mi.dll                   167.936      -
xsltfilter680mi.dll                 28.672      -
xstor.dll                          155.648      -       +       UNO service for storages
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