Adding Nodes

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Apart from Leafs one can also define one's own Nodes. First we would like to define one simple Node along with a few Leafs:

  <node oor:name="Nodes">
    <node oor:name="org.openoffice.framework.desktop.test.deployment.options.nodes2.node 3" 
      <prop oor:name="Label">
        <value xml:lang="en-US">nodes2 node 3 en-US</value>
        <value xml:lang="de">nodes2 node 3 de</value>
      <prop oor:name="OptionsPage">
      <prop oor:name="AllModules">
      <node oor:name="Leaves">
        <node oor:name="org.openoffice.framework.desktop.test.deployment.options.nodes2.node 3.leaf 3"
          <!-- leaving out some properties for the sake of brevity --> 
        <node oor:name="org.openoffice.framework.desktop.test.deployment.options.nodes2.node 3.leaf 1"
          <!-- leaving out some properties for the sake of brevity --> 
        <node oor:name="org.openoffice.framework.desktop.test.deployment.options.nodes2.node 3.leaf 2"
          <!-- leaving out some properties for the sake of brevity --> 


Because a Node is represented in the tree view with a string, it needs to provide a localized name the same as Leafs do. To do this we add under the property Label several localized values.

The property OptionsPage has the same meaning as the same property in Leaf. There is, however, the restriction that the options page must not take user input. Instead is should contain some explanatory words about the node.

The property AllModules needs to be set to true when one wants that the Node appears in the options dialog from all applications. Now, let me explain shortly the meaning of Module, because it will be important for the definition of Nodes. The options dialog opened from the Tools - Options... menu entry refers always to a particular Module, which depends on the current application. All Nodes can be assigned to one or multiple Modules. That is, a Node may be defined to appear only in the options dialog of the Writer and Calc application. How this is done will be explained later. However, often one wishes to have the Node displayed in every options dialog. To save the effort of assigning a Node to all existing Module|s separately, one can do this just once by setting the property of AllModules to true. This is also useful in the case where new Modules are added later, because these new Modules would not know about those Nodes.


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