Bibliographic/Software and Standards Information

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Open Standards Information

Check this web site Open Standards for info on software for bibliographies and cataloging. The site provides a quick overview of the landscape of open-source bibliographic software; both where is has been, but more importantly, where it may yet go. It may be better than this page.

A good source on open standards in regards to XML, is and of course the home of the internet.


The Openoffice Bibliographic project is proposing to use Bibliographic citation and table generation via XSLT style-sheets using a new process called CiteProc. CiteProc style-sheets provide, for the first time, the opportunity for the creation and distribution of opensource bibliographic style definitions that are not specific to a particular word-processor or bibliographic package. Also see BiblioX for technical discusion of this approach. We now have working examples.


Bibliophile is an initiative to align the development of bibliographic databases for the web. It aims to promote standards, discussion among users on necessary features and a variety of specific solutions for different fields of research.

MODS - Metadata Object Description Schema

The Library of Congress' Network Development and MARC Standards Office, with interested experts, has developed a schema for a bibliographic element set that may be used for a variety of purposes, and particularly for library applications. As an XML schema, the "Metadata Object Description Schema" (MODS) is intended to be able to carry selected data from existing MARC 21 records as well as to enable the creation of original resource description records. It includes a subset of MARC fields and uses language-based tags rather than numeric ones, in some cases regrouping elements from the MARC 21 bibliographic format. MODS is expressed using the XML schema language of the World Wide Web Consortium.

Significance of Z39.50 and SRU/W to the OpenOffice Bibliographic Project

Z39.50 will be the basis of the OOo Bibliographic internet searching facility. There are several opensource software implementation of this protocol. One example is YAZ, the other is SRW - see below.

Z39.50 is an international standard for communication between computer systems primarily, library and information related systems. Z39.50 is becoming increasingly important to the future development and deployment of inter-linked library systems. Z39.50 and ZING - Z39.50

SRU/W - Search/ Retrieve for the Web

The difference between SRU and SRW is that SRU uses HTTP as the transport mechanism. This means that the query itself is transmitted as an URL and that XML is returned as if it were a web page (note: POST, an alternative for using the HTPP transport mechanism, is not allowed in SRU). SRW is SOAP based, meaning that both the query and the result are XML streams. The advantage of this is that a variety of transport mechanisms can be used, including for instance e-mail.

Note: this description pertains to version 1.0 of SRW. Version 1.1 will be released soon. See: Draft SRW Version 1.1 SRW is the "Search/Retrieve Web Service" protocol, which aims to integrate access to various networked resources, and to promote interoperability between distributed databases, by providing a common utilization framework. SRW is a web-service-based protocol whose underpinnings are formed by bringing together more than 20 years experience from the collective implementers of the Z39.50 Information Retrieval protocol with recent developments in the web technologies arena.

SRW features both SOAP and URL-based access mechanisms to provide for a wide variety of possible clients ranging from Microsoft's .Net initiative to simple Javascript and XSLT transformations. It leverages the CQL query language which provides a powerful yet intuitive means to formulate searches. The protocol mandates the use of open and industry-supported standards XML and XML Schema, and where appropriate, XPath and SOAP. SRW has been developed by an international team, minimizing cross-language pitfalls and other potential internationalization problems.

The SRW Initiative, building on Z39.50 along with web technologies, recognizes the importance of Z39.50 (as currently defined and deployed) for business communication, and focuses on getting information to the user. SRW provides semantics for searching databases containing metadata and objects, both text and non-text. Building on Z39.50 semantics enables the creation of gateways to existing Z39.50 systems while reducing the barriers to new information providers, to make their resources available via a standard search and retrieve service.

SRW defines a web service combining several Z39.50 features, most notably, the Search, Present, and Sort Services. Additional features/services may be added later or defined later as new web services. Also see

CQL - Common Query Language

CQL is the query language for SRW and SRU, and may be used by other protocols as well. CQL is designed to be human readable and writable, while maintaining the expressiveness of more complex languages. XCQL, An XML form of CQL, is also available for use with SRW. Zoom The ZOOM initiative presents an abstract object-oriented API to a subset of the services specified by the Z39.50 standard, also known as the international standard ISO 23950. If you are trying to build any kind of Z39.50 client or client-based service, ZOOM is an excellent place to start. he API is: Abstract because we don't want to limit its use to a single implementation language. Object-oriented because the services lend themselves naturally to this widespread idiom. For a subset of the full Z39.50 services because at this stage simplicity is more important than completeness. The ZOOM specifications, bindings for several languages, and many implementations, are available for free browsing and download. ZOOM is a key part of the wider ZING initiative (Z39.50 International: Next Generation). ZING aims to explore a variety of means for broadening the appeal of Information Retrieval tools, techniques and concepts beyond the traditional IR niche markets. ez3950 - Simple Implementation of Z39.50 over SOAP using XER XER provides a mechanism to allow us to provide Z39.50 support over an alternative "internet" protocol without any additional amendments to the current ASN.1 standard. This document outlines an implementors agreement of how to implement XER over SOAP. (SOAP is Simple Object Access Protocol)

ZeeRex - Z39.50 Explain, Explained and Re-engineered in XML

ZeeRex (rhymes with T. rex) is "Z39.50 Explain, Explained and Re-Engineered in XML". It is an XML schema used to describe the configuration and capabilities of Z39.50 and SRW servers. (Note 'Explain' is a function in Z39.50 by which a server identifies the services it provides.)

What's What?

Before ploughing into the gritty details, you should probably start with the nice, cuddly overview document which describes the problem we're trying to solve, outlines the solution, and shows how all the bits and pieces on this site fit together into a coherent service. ZeeRex records are XML documents using The ZeeRex DTD, which is maintained by Rob Sanderson, and is available as an SGML DTD, and XML DTD and an XML Schema. The section of the site also includes a DTD commentary, reference guide and FAQ. ZeeRex databases provide facilities for searching to locate interesting databases. This is done in part using The ZeeRex Attribute Set. We have a few Sample ZeeRex Records. Using ZeeRex with SRW is a short document indicating a path towards harmonisation of this Explain effort with the ZiNG initiative's new SRW protocol. Everything else goes in the rather uninspiringly named miscellaneous area, including Rob's presentation to the April 2002 ZIG meeting. A page of links to other relevant sites. Information about applications of ZeeRex..

Other Links to Bibliographic Information

Oxford University. Overview of Personal Bibliographic Software

The UK Online User Group Bibliographic Software

'Managing Your References Using Bibliographic Software Packages' by GLASGOW UNIVERSITY LIBRARY

A comprehensive study of bibliographic data requirements is 'Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records' (144 pages, 620Kbytes) by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions in PDF format. And a related report 'FRBR and Fundamental Cataloguing Rules'. Bibliographic Utilities information from Canadian Content > Reference: Libraries: Library_and_Information_Science: Technical_Services: Cataloguing: Bibliographic_Utilities: Descriptions of tools to find, create, edit, and manipulate bibliographic collections.



B3 is a free bibliography manager that provides a graphic interface to Bibtex. However, B3 uses its own format: an XML extension of the Bibtex format. B3 has GUI reading and writing XML files and exporting them as Bibtex files. It also includes a Journal Dictionary, a dictionary linking Journal names and their abbreviations. It allows copy/paste the bibliography into a word processor, in order to save boring and upsetting tasks. B3 stands for Bibliography Base for Biologists, since the author is a biologist and only knows about biology journals bibliography. Of course, many tools of B3 may be useful for other disciplines. B3 includes many more features, and tries provide a free alternative to currently used bibliography managers like EndNotes(C).B3 uses powerful and widely used standard new web languages to store, format and display bibliography data, namely: XML (eXtensible Markup Language) to manage databases, XSL (eXtensible Stylesheets Language) to process them, XHTML (eXtensible Hyper Text Markup Language) to display them in a web browser, As a result, B3 is a very portable application (it can run under Windows, Mac and Unix-like systems). It tends to be compatible with OpenOffice because it can export data to a bibliography database. It can easily be customized: Everyone who knows XSL can write a stylesheet and implement its own bibliography format. It supports Pubmed internet searches. For more info see


JabRef is a graphical frontend to manage BibTeX databases, the standard LaTeX bibliography reference format. JabRef is build to be platform independent (requires Java >= 1.4.2). It merges and extends the functionalities of BibKeeper (Morten O. Alver) and JBibtexManager (Nizar Batada). Features. Detailed edition of bibtex entries. Search a pattern in the whole bibliography. You can group entries by keywords or any other fields. Support importation of various formats -BibTex, Endnote (text), ISI Web of Science, Medline/Pubmed (xml), Scifinder format, OVID, INSPEC, Biblioscape, JStor and RIS. Support different export formats - HTML, Docbook, BibTeXML. You can add your own fields to any BibTeX entry type. Launch external applications: PDF/PS viewers, web browser, insert citations into LyX, Kile and WinEdt. Automatic Key generation.

Perl, Python


PBib is a small tool for browsing and processing bibliographic databases which is written in Perl (that's where the "P" in the name comes from :-). PBib works similar to the classical BibTeX, but can be extended for arbitrary bibliography databases (including BibTeX files and the database format), arbitrary bibliography styles (e.g. ACM, IEEE), and arbitrary document formats (including RTF and OpenOffice text documents).


I wrote PBib to have something like BibTex for MS Word [ Perl is avaiable in Linux as well] that can use a various sources for bibliographic references, not just BibTex files, but also database systems. Especially, I wanted to use the StarOffice bibliographic database. Now, PBib can be extended in a couple of dimensions: bibliographic styles such as ACM style or IEEE style. document format such as Plain text, (La)TeX, Word, RTF, OpenOffice bibliographic database format such as bibtex, refer, tib, but also database systems with different mappings to database fields.

A python script that reads RIS format files containing one or more references and inserts them into the default OpenOffice.orgBibliography/'biblio' database. The setup of this script is relatively straight-forward, and the current RIS tag to 'bilbio' column mapping has worked great for me for the few engineering electronic portals that I use (e.g., IEEEXplore, Inspec, MathSciNet).

Additionally, as I will briefly explain here, the mapping (in some cases relatively advanced) can be easily customized to fit your need (i.e., different reference sources and their slightly different interpretations of the RIS format). It can be found in our Documents and Files Page.

Michael Sowka, E-mail:

MS Windows

Scholars Aid

A commercial application that works with OpenOffice (on MS Windows). Note that is is also a free 'Lite' version "Scholar's Aid keeps bibliographical data and notes together, for the very good reason that scholars always need to keep their notes linked to the sources from which those notes were made. Indeed, in academic writing, scholars constantly support their argument by reference to the sources on which they have worked. Thus, in directly quoting from one of these sources, or in making reference to another's ideas, rigorous academic scholarship demands accurate and detailed citation of those original sources. Scholar's Aid automates this process in a manner that is entirely without precedent. Provided the original notes were written in the Notes module of Scholar's Aid, by selecting text and clicking the transfer button, the program transfers the selected text into the word-processed document and, at exactly the same time, inserts an appropriate citation into the document in a form (footnote, short footnote, endnote, short endnote and parenthetical reference) determined by the user. The program even includes the correct page number in the citation that it creates within the word-processed document. Scholar's Aid surely is the Reference Processor?".

Nota Bene

"Nota Bene: a word processor for scholars ... a bibliographic manager for those who are tired of typing/formatting their own citations and bibliographies ... a personal search engine for those who want to find anything they've ever written in seconds ... a database manager for those who have things to keep track of ... a Hebrew, Greek, Cyrillic, IPA word processor for those who want more than just fonts ... a set of tools for scholars who want to focus on their writing and research ... a work of art for scholars who appreciate the finer things in life ... a community of scholars. Nota Bene: a word processor for scholars a bibliographic manager for those who are tired of typing/formatting their own citations and bibliographies a personal search engine for those who want to find anything they've ever written in seconds a database manager for those who have things to keep track of a Hebrew, Greek, Cyrillic, IPA word processor for those who want more than just fonts a set of tools for scholars who want to focus on their writing and research a work of art for scholars who appreciate the finer things in life ... a community of scholars." [Nota Bene's bibliographic facility is called 'Ibidem']


"Manage your bibliographic material with consummate ease using Ibidem. Store bibliographic information in the simple database format, and Ibidem will generate your bibliographic references for you. The program will automatically format footnotes, endnotes, parenthetical short forms, and reference-number in-text citations, along with end-of-paper reference lists and bibliographies, according to hundreds of academic styles. Subsequent references are automatically abbreviated using shortened titles, ibid. or op. cit., as appropriate. You can change styles, and watch footnotes or endnotes appear or disappear as all citations in a document are automatically updated to the new format. Ibidem's seamlessly integrated, state-of-the-art control of bibliographic data will save you countless hours of drudgery, and your personal bibliographic databases will always be at your fingertips." "- instant access from within the word processor - notecard-like forms for easy entry of bibliographic information - drop-down lists for fast, consistent data entry - various viewing options, including short-list table view - fast and easy searching, sorting, and subset management - over 200 academic bibliographic styles included - works can be cited in open documents with a simple mouse click - color coding identifies Ibidem-generated citations in open documents - option to automatically exclude author or year from a citation - automatically shortens subsequent references to a cited work - dynamically-updated preview box - extensive search operators and features - subsets dynamically updated as records are added to database - numerous customizable options - compatible with BookWhere-2000 for efficient Internet searches and automated data entry." This product has the best example of integrated bibliographic and style support that I have seen - a good model for OpenOffice to emulate. A demo version is available. It is limited to 90 days use and no printing is possible - although you could export any work done on it.

Some screen shots of Ibidem also


A very popular and widely used Bibliographic package. Recommended by many Universities. Platform: Windows & Mac Description: Integrates three key bibliographical tasks within the one package: the searching of remote bibliographical databases on the Internet; the organisation of references in a database, and the creation of bibliographies. EndNote can be fully integrated with Word and other Windows word-processing software. Documents can be scanned and shorthand citations expanded and complete bibliographies created. EndNote libraries created on different platforms are compatible with each other. Screen pics. Home Page


ProCite is a Windows and Mac Bibliographic application similar is function to Endnotes and reference manager. See Reference Manager Reference Manager is a comprehensive Bibliographic package with Bibliographic database, internet searching, and cation and bibliographic table formating. It has a downloadable collection of over 700 citation styles. It saves bibliographic date in RIS format which is now a common data exchange format.


Biblioscape product family is designed to help researchers collecting and managing bibliographic data, notes, as well as generating citations and bibliography for publications. Research Information Manager Biblioscape is an information manager for researchers, scholarly writers, students, and librarians. People use it to organize literature references, research notes, automatically generate citations and bibliographies automatically, search and capture bibliographic data on the Internet, and post bibliographic databases live on the web. The flood of bibliographic resources on the Internet requires new solutions for bibliographic information management. Biblioscape offers such a solution -- whether you work alone, or as part of a group, or even in a large organization.

Bibliographic software for the Web

BiblioWeb is the first web enabled bibliographic software. All the basic functions of bibliographic software are delivered through web browser. A Web user can be assigned "Read" or "Write" privileges. Users with "Read" accounts can search, browse, display, and export bibliographic records. Users with "Write" accounts can add, edit, delete, import, even format document through web browser. BiblioWeb is the ideal solution for a research group to share a common bibliographic database on the Web. It also supports a threaded discussion forum. For a comprehensive feature list see There is a free 'lite' version called Biblioscape Express.


This product is a very good example of maintaining bibliographic data linked to textual information. "CiteIt! is revolutionary software that automates the tedious process of creating accurate and properly formatted legal citation. CiteIt! enables users to instantly import legal citations from online legal databases, such as Westlaw? and Lexis-Nexis?, with a click of a button. With CiteIt!, you never again have to type a legal citation into a document, spend time worrying about proper Bluebook or ALWD formatting, or write a citations down as you search on an online legal database." General CITEIT! features: Imports citations from on-line legal databases or any web page with a click of a button. Automatically places all citations imported or entered in proper citation form. Provides all of the possible cite forms for each citation for quick insertion into any document. Professional and Advanced Versions of CiteIt! can create a table of authorities in seconds. Powerful notes and keyword features allows you to easily store, organize and search your research information. CiteIt! integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect, so accurate citation is only a few mouse clicks away. Intuitive user interface means that anyone can start using CiteIt! in minutes.Two versions of CiteIt! are available- one which supports the 17th Edition of The Bluebook and another which supports the ALWD Citation Manual.


Bibliographic is designed for people who are writing your doctoral thesis? frequently writing scientific texts? reading a lot of literature? The free Basic version offers more than any other free reference manager. It should be more than enough for undergraduates Try it out as long as you like. The Pro-Version is starting at USD 40 and offers everything an academic might need. What is special about Bibliographix? High-end reference management for a low-end price A unique combination of reference management and idea outlining. Two items that belong together Save yourself the typing: Import data from online libraries You'll never want to miss it: one-click tables of references Bibliographic can insert intext citations into OpenOffice. Window, Linux, other


The bibutils program set interconverts between various bibliography formats using a common XML intermediate. For example, one can convert RIS-format files to Bibtex by doing two transformations: RIS->MODS->Bibtex. By using a common intermediate for N formats, only 2N programs are required and not N²-N. These programs operate on the command line and are styled after standard UNIX-like filters. bib2xml - convert bibtex to XML intermediate copac2xml - convert COPAC format references to XML intermediate end2xml - convert endnote to XML intermediate isi2xml - convert ISI web of science to XML intermediate med2xml - convert Pubmed XML references to XML intermediate modsclean - a MODS to MODS converter for testing puposes mostly ris2xml - convert RIS format to XML intermediate xml2bib - convert XML intermediate into bibtex xml2ris - convert XML intermediate into RIS format


Bibus is a bibliographic database. It has been designed with in mind. The "ultimate" goal is to have an opensource bibliographic software that will allow easy formatting (and reformatting) of the bibliographic index in Writer. Main Features Compatible with two database engines: MySQL <> and SQLite <>. Hierarchical organization of the references with user defined keys. Drag & drop to easily organize references.

Designed for multiuser: You can share the database between an "unlimited" number of users. Each user will have its own classification. Powerful and easy to use search engine. Live queries, that is searches that will update when the database change (this is simply a saved SQL query).

On-line PubMed access.

Import PubMed (Medline) and EndNote/Refer records. Connection to You can insert references in an open text document and format the bibliography directly in Bibus. Thanks to Python and wxWidgets, Bibus should work on most modern platform (GNU/linux with gtk; Windows; MacOS; etc...). Version 0.8 has been tested on GNU/linux and Windows2000. Note for Windows 98 users.

Foreign language support through Unicode and gettext. For the moment, Bibus is available in English and in French. For more info see

LaTeX / BibTeX

LaTeX/BibTeX is the de facto standard for publications in several fields of the "hard sciences" (physics, mathematics, computer science and engineering). BibTeX is citation formating and a text bibliographic database tool. Its database format for bibliographical references is used in or is able to be imported and exported by most other bibliographic tools. . There are Unix, Linux and Windows versions. It has many bibliographic style macros that format citations to many different style specifications. BibTeX styles definition files are small programs written in an un-named programing language [FORTH like]. This make them almost impossible to utilise in other applications. Bibtex is the bibliographic subsystem it provides the widely used BibTeX bibliographic database format which looks like this -

 title = "The Chicago Manual of Style",
 publisher = "University of Chicago Press"
 edition = "Thirteenth",
 year = 1982,
 pages = "400--401",
 key = "Chicago" } 
 author = "Donald E. Knuth",
 title= "The {{\TeX}book}",
 publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
 year = 1984 }

List of bibTeX document types and field definitions, with some hints on use list of bibTeX document types and field definitions, with some hints on use. List of bibtex supported citations styles List of bibtex supported citations styles. Document which explains how to hack the style macros Document which explains how to hack the style macros. Bibtex general description and user's information, see btxdoc.html and also bibtex-format.html. Reference Sheet for Natbib. "The natbib package is a reimplementation of the LATEX \cite command, to work with both author-year and numerical citations. It is compatible with the standard bibliographic style files, such as plain.bst, as well as with those for harvard, apalike, chicago, astron, authordate.". The document provides a useful list of the range of citations required for citation entry.



The Bookcase application is the first one I have come across that uses xslt to format Bibliographic reports / tables. This is interesting as this is the method that we have been proposing for OpenOffice Bibliographic application, but we have not had any examples until now. See "Bookcase is an KDE application for keeping track of your book collection, bibliographies, video collection, or music collection. Ultimately, I'd like it to be similar in capability to AVCataloger or Readerware, although it's still got a ways to go. Bookcase allows you to enter your collection in a catalogue database, saving many different properties like title, author, etc. Two different views of your collection are shown. On the left, your entries are grouped together by any field you like, allowing you to see how many are in each group. On the right, the values of the fields are shown, allowing you to customize your view to show whichever fields are most important to you. On the bottom is the field editor, where you can enter the data. Check out the screenshots. I started developing it when I couldn't find a personal database program for KDE which didn't using a SQL backend. The data is saved in XML format, which makes for easy parsing. Unless you modify the fields yourself, the data follows a simple, but documented DTD. It will run on any platform which KDE supports, most commonly Linux. Bookcase is licensed under the GNU General Public License, giving you the freedom to modify and distribute the source code." Capabilities Supports collections of books, bibliographic entries, videos, or music. Supports any number of user-defined fields, of eight different types: text, paragraph, list, checkbox, year, URL, and tables of one or two columns. Handles books with multiple authors, genres, keywords, etc. Automatically formats titles and names Supports collection searching and view filtering Sorts and groups collection by various properties Automatically validates ISBN Allows customizable output through XSLT Imports Bibtex, Bibtexml, and CSV Exports to Bibtex, Bibtexml, CSV, and HTML


BibTeX as XML markup. Markup scheme; - A bibliography DTD and schema for XML that expresses the content model in BibTeX -- the bibliographic system for use with LaTeX, which is widely adopted by the scientific community. BibTeXML is shipped with tools to uptranslate native TeX-syntax BibTeX bibliographies to XML, and translating this into any markup scheme. Hence one is able to profit from both the existing BibTeX system and bibliographies as well as the presentation and transformation facilities offered by XML. Our goal is to maintain a strict BibTeX schema and develop (and collect!) conversion tools that will help you tag your bibliographic data in XML and save typing time, or export it to HTML, DocBook or native BibTeX syntax.


BibML is an XML markup language designed to contain bibliographic information, particularly as content exported in Bibtex and Refer notations. BibML also contains content types from DocBook's <bibliography>, and as such may be considered an integration of the three sources. The web page contains a useful 'BibML Element Comparison Table' comparing the attributes of BibML, Bibtex, docbook and refer.


The intention of BibX -- begun by Taco Hoekwater to serve as the basis for his XML rewrite of the ConTeXt bib module -- is to be the XML equivalent to RIS and BibTeX, but to significantly improve on them. Download the current DTD. ISDN Search "A distributed search portal of common sources of ISBN numbers, with permanent caching of results. To provide a open-source free interface for ISBN retrieval using HTML, SQL or XML to be independent of any toolkits or software."


Z39.50 is the protocol used to query databases and library catalogues for bibliographic information. YAZ is a C / C++ programmer's toolkit supporting the development of Z39.50v3 / SRW clients and servers. Sample clients and servers are included with the distribution, and documentation can be browsed from this page. (Also available for MAC OS X). NEW: The latest version of YAZ supports SRW/SRU (over HTTP). The YAZ server operates as both a simple HTTP 1.1 server and Z39.50 target (on the same port). The current version of YAZ includes support for the industry standard ZOOM API for Z39.50. This API vastly simplifies the process of writing new clients using YAZ, and it reduces your dependency on any single toolkit. ZOOM can also operate as a SRW client. Read more about ZOOM in YAZ here. The software library compiles in Windows and Linux. There is also a demonstration client program - IRTCL (requires YAZ and Tcl/Tk libraries be installed) that can perform the reference searches. It does everything but save or export the results ! However it is good model of how to use the toolkit. Screen pic.


RefDB is a reference database and bibliography tool for SGML, XML, and LaTeX/BibTeX documents. It allows users to share databases over a network. It is lightweight and portable to basically all platforms with a decent C compiler. And it's released under the GNU General Public License. The citestylex DTD from RefDB defines bibliographic formatting styles, and v2 will be updated to support BibX when it is done RefDB is currently known to build and run out of the tarball on at least these platforms: Linux FreeBSD NetBSD Solaris (using gcc) OSX/Darwin Windows+Cygwin RefDB appears to be the only available tool to create HTML, PostScript, PDF, DVI, MIF, or RTF output from DocBook or TEI sources with fully formatted citations and bibliographies according to publisher's specifications (check out some examples). Additional document types can be easily added. Project Home Page .


Sixpack is a graphical and command-line bibliography database manager written in Perl/Tk. It interacts with the supplied package 'bp', (see below) which can import and export from a number of formats including bibtex, endnote, medline, procite, and many others. It can download references directly off the Web, and open articles using external viewers. It can also interface with Emacs/XEmacs and Lyx [LaTeX with a GUI interface] . It also has instructions on how to interact with openoffice / StarOffice using cvs files and database import functions [I have used this]. There are also some experimental filters to export sixpack data to the OpenOffice Bibliographic Database - using CSV format - see the Bibliographic Project Document and Files pages. Sadly it is not being well maintained. Screen pic. Home Page -


bp is a Perl library that is designed to: Let you quickly make tools to access bibliographies Let you quickly make tools to access bibliographies Let you access multiple bibliography formats transparently Let you convert between formats Let you convert between character sets Developer - My first goal when designing the package was only the first -- I had written a number of tools that accessed my BibTeX bibliographies, and I saw that I was reusing a lot of code. So I decided to make a generic package to access BibTeX bibliographies. About a year later I decided that it would be even better if the package could read multiple formats, and convert between them. The result is bp. Parts of the package are still missing (namely documentation, automatic format recognition, and a good set of utilities), but everything needed for a working system exists. Home Page -


gBib is a user-friendly Gnome BibTeX database browser and editor. It provides facilities for merging BibTeX files, managing key conflicts, and adding bibliographic citations in LyX. Home Page -


Pybliographer is a tool for managing bibliographic databases. The application is based written in Python and has a text-based and a GTK GUI interface It supports several bibliography formats and can be used for searching, editing, reformatting, etc.. Due to its nature, it can be extended to many uses (generating HTML pages according to bibliographic searches, etc). Pybliographer has a class library structure that could allow other applications to make use of it's facilities. It might be possible to provide a link from this program to insert citations into OpenOffice. There are only a few citation styles defined so far. Home Page - The Pybliographer developers are considering major enhancements to the application and have produced some planing documents which has very good discussion of bibliographic and user client program issues. They are well worth a look at -


Kaspaliste is a literature and knowledge database. It handles all kinds of books, articles, journals, web pages etc. But the database goes beyond simply storing bibliographical information. There is the possibility to create annotated links between pieces of information (like the content of a book chapter) and to group the links in categories. It is based on KDE and uses the Postgres relational database. It is a promising project but currently does not have import or export functions other than a Bibtex export. There are no links to other programs such as OpenOffice.

The Jurabib package

Extended BibTeX citation support for the humanities and legal texts. jurabib is a package for the LaTeX typesetting system and supports citations used in the humanities and by German law students. This package enables automated citation with BIBTEX for legal studies and the humanities. In addition, the package provides commands for specifying editors in a commentary in a convenient way. Simplified formatting of the citation as well as the bibliography entry is also provided. It is possible to display the (short) title of a work only if an authors is cited with multiple works. Giving a full citation in the text, conforming to the bibliography entry, is supported. Several options are provided which might be of special interest for those outside legal studies--for instance, displaying multiple full citations. In addition, the format of last names and first names of authors may be changed easily. Cross references to other footnotes are possible. Language dependent handling of bibliography entries is possible by the special language field. Home Page


Refbase is a web-based, platform-independent, multi-user interface for managing scientific literature & citations. Main features An overview of the main features is given below. The refbase package features:

  • a clean and standardized interface that attempts to be as web standards compliant as possible
  • a multitude of search options, including quick, simple, advanced as well as powerful SQL search options
  • various display options:
  • list view: offers customizable columns
  • details view: shows all fields of a particular record
  • cite view: displays record entries in a citation style chosen by the user
  • print view: eases printing or copying of records
  • (clicking any column header will sort by that column, clicking the same column header again will reverse that column's sort order)
  • search within results functionality which provides an easy way of refining your search query (alternatively, power users can refine any query result by directly editing the raw SQL query)
  • the ability to extract literature cited within a text and build an appropriate reference list
  • import capabilities for records provided by the Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (CSA) Internet Database Service
  • an Endnote style file and PHP script to ease the manual batch import of bibliographic records

Personal tools