Talk:Lutz Hoeger

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UX member survey

Target audience

  • All members of UX@OOo project

Key findings

  • Qualitative survey to determine overall satisfaction of project members, and identify most critical gaps.


  • Quantitative usage / awareness questions ("How often / How many / Which of the following ...")
  • Qualitative questions ("How satisfied are you with...")
Answers should be binary ("satisfied", "dissatisfied", "does not apply") and if dissatisfied, the most significant dissatisfier should be named in free form)
Mmp: a 5-point scale seems to be more common
  • Demographic questions ("What is your experience with...")



Quantitative Section

  • Which of the following UX project "channels"/tools have you ever used / do you use?
IRC, web, wiki (read-only), wiki (read & write), mailing lists (read-only), mailing lists (read & write), IssueTracker, GullFOSS, other: please specify
  • Which channels / tools are missing in the UX project?
cork board, phone conference, second life pavilion, other: please specify

Qualitative Section

  • How much do you identify yourself with the project charter?
  • How much do you feel being a part of the UX@OOo community? (rewrite question)
  • How satisfied are you with options for participating in various activities within our project?
  • How satisfied are you with the completeness of the UX portal (= primarily our wiki)?
  • How satisfied are you with the information flow within our community / project?
  • How satisfied are you with the overall appearance / design / brand of the UX project?
  • How satisfied are you with transparency regarding roles and responsibilities in the UX project?
    • Do you know who to contact in case of any inquiry?
  • How satisfied are you with the balance between non-Sun-people and Sun-people in our community? (rewrite question)
  • How satisfied are you with the response rate? Is feedback on inquiries timely and sufficient?

Demographic Section

  • In which country are you located? (with a large combo with all countries in the world -- or simply a text field)
  • Occupation
Student, Self-employed, Employed
  • How long have you been working in open source projects? (check grammar)
Not at all, up to two years, more than two years (where is the magic boundary)
  • How long have you been practicing usability engineering? (grammar, wording)
Not at all, up to two years, more than two years (should this be similar to above?)
  • How do you describe your role in the User Experience project best?
check all that apply; screen designer, interaction designer, visual designer, information architect, user researcher, usability engineer, developer, interested user, ..., other: please specify
  • Are you a member of any of the following associations?
UPA, ACM SIGCHI, IxDA, UXnet, AIGA, GI, British HCI group, ..., other: please specify
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