Wiki maintenance
From Apache OpenOffice Wiki
Revision as of 19:45, 25 December 2012 by JanIversen (talk | contribs) (→MediaWiki version and configuration)
MediaWiki version and configuration
As of 25 December 2012, the Wiki is running on:
- MediaWiki 1.20.2
- MySQL 5.0.33
- pHp 5.2.0
You can access the MediaWiki API via:
Wiki Upgrade and Maintenance
- Basic steps taken to upgrade the Wiki
- apache2 configuration
- php.ini configuration
- index.html and favicon.ico
- How to set up the ShortURL functionality
- Stylesheet modifications to add in "prettytable" and "wikitable" classes
- Other stylesheet modifications are done in MediaWiki:Common.css
- Tweaked MediaWiki:Common.js to remove the All Languages link at the bottom of the "In other languages" navigation box. This only linked to Wikimedia and provides no additional value to the OOo Wiki
- Wiki footer modifications
- LocalSettings.php modifications
- Modifications to use Imagemagick for thumbnails
- Extensions
- The Wiki Skin
There are a few options for running WikiBots on the Wiki.
- JavaFramework WikiBot
- PyWikipedia Bot
- PyWikpediaBot is used to do most of the Wiki maintenance including moving, deleting, bulk editing and cleaning up double redirects.
Wiki Sysops
Wiki users with Sysop privileges
Wiki Extension Requests
- Add Flagged Version control: Flagged_Revisions
- Cannot be implented until either php is recompiled on Solaris 10U6 or we move to another OS on the host machine.
- Add HTTPS login: Extension:HttpsLogin
- Cannot be implemented on the current server config. Will look at again after updating the server OS in March 2009
- Add OpenID support: Extension:OpenID
- Add page rating support: Extension:JSKitRating
- Installed for testing on 16 December 2008. Requested by UX team.
- REMOVED: This extension causes errors in MediaWiki 1.13.3